
Peerless Cultivator In Another World

In the world of cultivation of immortality, there is a person known as the 'Evil Genius'. He is an expert in many fields. Because of this, he is respected and feared by all. This is not only because he has unparalleled strength but also because he masters many unique knowledge. However, this man accidentally transmigrated into another world, and his former body no longer what it used to be. His body now had turned into a kid. And now, let's accompany him towards his journey in this unfamiliar world as he discovers of shocking things, makes companions, unravels the secrets of his transmigration, and reach the peak of his life once again. --------- Note: Even though he's entitled as "Evil Genius," he is not evil, but a neutral mc. He will only do things that benefit him. You will further understand his personality as you read the story. --------- Note: Cover is not mine.

ZenoShin · Fantasy
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37 Chs

What A Weak World

Ling Fan encountered a shopkeeper and inquired, "Do you accept venomous snakes here?

"The price varies depending on the snake's species." The fat shopkeeper, with a smile, replied, "We do accept Five-Step Snakes. Each snake costs seven silver coins."

"What about the Five-Step Snake King?" Ling Fan asked.

"For the Snake King, it's seventy silver coins per snake."

"Do you accept as many as I bring?" Ling Fan further inquired.

"Yes, we accept as many as you bring!" The fat shopkeeper felt fortunate to have such a poorly dressed child in front of him. Because he was simply the lucky star given to him by God.

"I'll bring one next time," Ling Fan said and left the shop. As he walked out, the fat shopkeeper warmly exclaimed, "You're welcome to come again!"

Once outside, Ling Fan aimlessly strolled down the streets. It seemed that the shops here had a habit of staying open all day, as most of them were still operating.

After browsing through several shops, Ling Fan bought two sets of clothes and some miscellaneous daily items. Surprisingly, it only cost him two silver coins, and he even received more than three hundred copper coins as change. It was beyond Ling Fan's expectations that his limited amount of money could buy so many things.

Finding a secluded spot, Ling Fan changed into his newly purchased clothes. He discarded his previous outfit without a second thought. As the saying goes, clothes will complete a man, and indeed, after putting on the new clothes (though they were not valuable, just ordinary clothes), Ling Fan transformed from a shabby child into an charming little boy.

Through this shopping experience, Ling Fan gained some understanding of the currency in this world. Besides silver and copper coins, there were also gold coins and diamond coins. The conversion rate between them was 1,000 coins, where 1 diamond coin equaled to 1,000 gold coins, and 1 gold coin equaled to 1,000 silver coins, and so on.

Apart from learning about the currency, Ling Fan also discovered that there were no cultivators or even martial artists in this world. The only professions he found were magicians, swordsmen, and similar occupations.

Driven by curiosity about these new things, Ling Fan visited a place called the "Magic Guild." He heard that it was a place for assessing the levels of magicians. Those who passed the examination would receive a special certificate and badge issued by the "Magic Guild." Ling Fan was eager to find out what exactly a magician was.

Originally, outsiders were not allowed to witness the magician undergoing assessments. However, the "Magic Guild" had recently undergone significant reforms, and the new policy allowed observers for assessments below the advanced magician level, but they had to pay a certain fee. The fee for observing the assessment of an apprentice magician was thirty silver coins, and for official mage level, it was three gold coins.

The rank of magicians, from low to high, was as follows: Apprentice Magician, Official Magician, Advanced Magician, Magister, Great Magister, Holy Magister, and Divine Magician.

Today, Ling Fan was fortunate to arrive at the "Magic Guild" when there were several people undergoing the assessment for apprentice magician level.

To ordinary people, thirty silver coins was not a small amount, and Ling Fan knew that the money could indeed buy many things. However, following the principle of "knowledge is priceless, but there is a price for everything," Ling Fan decided to pay the fee and see what a magician was all about.

However, after witnessing it, Ling Fan felt a bit regretful. He felt that he had wasted his thirty silver coins. He had expected magicians to be more impressive, but all they did was cast a few small fireballs, water balls, or produce some minor lightning. It was quite disappointing!

For Ling Fan, who had even mastered the Samadhi True Fire, those small fireballs were not worthy of his attention, and having experienced Heavenly Thunder, he looked down on those small lightning spells. In this regard, he felt that he had wasted his money.

Disappointed with the magicians, Ling Fan's interest was piqued when he heard them mention another type of magician called the "Necromancer." They spoke of the necromancers as mysterious and seemingly powerful.

After inquiring further, Ling Fan learned that these so-called necromancers were not respected and there was no dedicated Guild for them. He only heard about a "Necromancer Exchange Gathering" held by individuals about a kilometer west of the city.

After leaving the "Magic Guild," Ling Fan headed straight for the location of the "Necromancer Exchange Gathering." He had a feeling that this trip wouldn't disappoint him.

Arriving at the location of the "Necromancer Exchange Gathering," Ling Fan could hardly believe his eyes. The rundown wooden house in front of him was supposedly the legendary "Necromancer Exchange Gathering." At first glance, it was no better than where he lived!

Ling Fan couldn't comprehend how the "Necromancer Exchange Gathering" could differ so much from the "Magic Guild." Quite surprising!

Despite his thoughts, Ling Fan pushed the door open without hesitation. Once inside, he realized that there was more to it than meets the eye. Apart from a staircase leading underground, there was nothing else in the room.

It seemed that the "Necromancer Exchange Gathering" was located underground. Innovative! I like it!

Descending the stairs, the noisy voices grew clearer. When Ling Fan finally reached the first underground floor, he discovered that there were indeed many people there.

The main hall alone had dozens of individuals, and there were many small doors around the hall. Ling Fan wondered if there were just as many people inside those doors.

Curiously observing the so-called necromancers, Ling Fan noticed a common feature among them—they all concealed their bodies in large black robes, leaving only their eyes visible. Even their noses and mouths were tightly covered.

The necromancers gathered in groups, discussing spells, reminiscing things, and engaging in various trade transactions. It was quite lively!

Just as Ling Fan was about to approach some of the necromancers to strike up a conversation, he noticed a small figure huddled in a dim corner, drawing his attention.

Ling Fan walked over to the figure and could now see more clearly. This figure was about his height, curled up and trembling as if experiencing intense pain.

"What's wrong with her?" Ling Fan curiously asked a nearby necromancer.

The necromancer, who was questioned, carefully glanced at Ling Fan. Perhaps deeming Ling Fan as someone unrelated to necromancy, the necromancer didn't bother to engage and simply coldly uttered the words "Dark Backlash" before walking away.

"Dark Backlash?" What's that? Ling Fan's mind was filled with countless question marks.

Seeing that the necromancers here were indifferent to his queries, Ling Fan didn't want to waste his time and squatting down, he lightly patted the huddled figure.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ling Fan kindly asked. No response came, and the figure only continued to tremble without any other movement.

Through that gentle pat, Ling Fan sensed a strange and faint power transmitted through his fingers. He felt an unidentifiable force. This further aroused Ling Fan's curiosity.