
Peerless Collector

Peerless Collector Reincarnated in modern world.

Random_Stuff1 · Urban
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6 Chs


It is finally Sunday. I went to the auction house with the old man that checked the quality of the Green Emperor Jade.

"Sir your item is already listed in the auction. It will be the last item to be auctioned. We already have a booth for you to watch the auction. You can also participate in the auction."

"Thank you."

Before going to the auction, I researched online how much the jade was worth. The quality is indeed worth at least 500 000 dollars. But the spiritual qi it possesses will make it more expensive. I wonder how much can I profit from it.

I reached the one-petal rank in 5 days and I am absorbing the remaining jade that I have. I still have a lot of it to consume. Consuming the spiritual qi is slower than usual. My body is not the same as when I was a master. I need to be patient.

The auctioneer went up to the stage and greeted us.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I will be the auctioneer for today. And without further ado, the auction will start."

"The first item is an antique bowl that is believed to be 300 years old. The price will start at 50 000 dollars. An increment of 10 000 dollars is the minimum."


The auction run pretty well. The items that they sell cannot compare to my collections. It is still interesting that some items has spiritual qi on them. And judging from the people that buying it are cultivators.

"Now, the moment that all you have been waiting for. The Green Emperor Jade that has an abundance of spiritual qi. The bid will start with 1 000 000 dollars.

The audience was surprised by the qi that the jade emits.

"What a rare item. That is priceless."


The price increased into 10 000 000 million dollars and kept rising. Only the 3 person are bidding.

"Wow. They must be very rich not flinching when bidding millions of dollars."

"15 million dollars!" (I must get this thing to gift to my father.) **Girl

Every was shocked. And they thought he will get it but someone bid higher.

"20 million!"

"50 million!"

Every one looked at the guy who shouted it.

**Talking to self.

"Hmm. I am willing to spend 100 million to get this jade. My master is in the peak of 5 petal rank. This will make him break through. We will dominate the underworld with this."

"70 million!"

"100 million!"

"Sold for 100 million dollars."

An old man is the one who won the jade. Everyone clapped and the auction ended.

At the lobby. The manager gave me my profit.

"Thank you for conducting business with us. Here is the card with the profit that you gained sir. We already deducted the 5% according to the agreement."

"Thank you."

Now I have 95 000 000 dollars. I still need to pay back the 10 000 dollars that I got from the old man.

I found him talking to the owner of the auction house. He saw me looking at him.

"Oh sir. Have you received your money?"

"Yes I have. I want to give back the money that I owe you."

"That wont be necessary sir. The auction house already gave me my commission sir."

"Oh is that so? Thanks"

"I almost forgot. These is Ms. Yang. The owner of this auction house."

"Hi. I am Xiao."

"Oh you are very young. May I ask how did you acquire the jade? I can give you a nice price for the information."

"Oh. That is a secret of mine. I hope Ms. Yang will respect my wish not to say anything about it."

"I respect your wishes. Here take this card. It will give you access to any Yang establishment. We hope to have business with you again Sir."


I left the auction house and plan to go to the mall to buy expensive clothes and accessories. I also plan to buy a house, maybe a mansion. I also need a car. Now that I am rich, I can buy the thing that this modern people like to have. I can start collecting again.

While walking to the side of the road to get a taxi, two man approached me.

"Who are you guys? What do you want?" (They are definitely 3-petal rank cultivator.)

"Sorry for startling you young man. Our boss just need to talk to you. I hope you accept."

**Talking to self.

(They must've used their martial skill to eavesdrop a while ago. I am careless. I can't even decline them. I just reached the one petal rank. I can't ran away from them.)

"Okay I accept."

We went into a 5-star hotel. This hotel is the largest and most prestige hotel in the city. We went to the top floor.

As we reached the top. There is not even a door. The elevator opened and a beautiful room appeared in front of me. Standing in the center was the beautiful girl in the auction.

"Oh. You are here. Welcome. I am Luna Ming. You must've saw me in the auction. I am the owner of this hotel. I just want to ask you about something. Sorry if my guys sorta threatened you to coming here."

"It is okay. I also know what you are going to ask me."

"That is better. So?"

"I can't tell you where I got the jade. I am sorry."

"Is that so. Well I don't really know about cultivation. I don't really know how valuable the jade is. I am really surprised that someone bought it for 100 million."

"You have a body guard that is a cultivator. You should have asked them. They know its value."

"Oh really? I don't even know that they are cultivators. My dad just hired them to be my bodyguard."

"Then I will tell you. Spiritual qi is needed for cultivators to get stronger. The more the better. And because the earth has thin spiritual qi, it is very rare to get a jade just like mine which has a tremendous amount of spiritual qi. 100 million is the right amount for it.'

"I should have brought my father to the auction."

Judging from her attitude. She is a nice person. She didn't even force me to say where I got the Jade. Should I help her? She is beautiful and I kinda like her.

"Ahem. If you want, I can sell you one."

"Really? You still have another?"

"Yes. I will sell it to you on one condition"

"Oh. You are a naughty one, aren't you."

"Whaa? No..nnnoo.noo. That is not what I mean. I meant that you must keep this a secret. I want to keep a low profile. If people know about this, I am afraid I can't protect myself."

"Oh. That is very easy. I am a trustworthy person. But can I at least tell my father?"

"It is okay. Here."

I gave her two jade similar to the one in the auction.

"Oh. Thank you. How much is it? Is 200 million enough?"

"Actually I need a favor."

"What is it?"

"I want to buy a mansion and a car. Preferably somewhere near the city. Can you help me with it? I will pay any excess amount."

"That is simple. I can give it to you. Give me 3 days to sort all of it."

"Thank you."

I left the hotel and went back to auntie's restaurant.

"Hi auntie. How is the restaurant?"

"Oh you are back? It is holding up. The regular customers came back to us. There is only one problem."

"Problem? What is it?"

"The customers are requesting new dishes. I still need to research about it. I don't know what dishes i will add. Can you help me?"

"Of course I will help you auntie. Let us have a meeting with uncle."

"Okay let's do that."

At the dinner table after the restaurant closed.

"So auntie, I suggest to redo all of our menus. We will remove the dishes that few customers want. We will still make the number of dishes less so that they can chose easily. We will also have special dish that is available only once a month or week. We will also give free dishes. Also we will be having a delivery services. I will also endorse our shop to networking sites to get more customers. We will also hire employees."

"That is a lot of work. Before all of that. We need to decide which dishes we will add."

"I already have an idea auntie. I will give you the recipe tomorrow. I promise you that it will be delicious. For now let us rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day. Leave everything to me."

I have thousands of recipe in me. Some of it can't be cooked here in the mortal world because of its ingredients. But some of it is definitely delicious and doable with this world's ingredients. I can't wait to taste those dishes again.