
Peek Evolution

In a world where the destruction of everything seems imminent, a savior was born. Literally Eostion was created specifically for this purpose. He has only one mission, to save the universe. That's why he was born and that's what he lives for. Everything else doesn't matter. But is that all to him? Is his life only for his mission? Or is there something more, only time will tell. --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone Before you start reading I have to say a few things. This is my first work, so I'm not experienced at this. Like at all. The story is basically about the mc getting stronger so the main thing is that there is a lot of repetition in the words, the novel, and the fights themselves. After all, repetition is the mother of learning. I will try to make the story interesting but always keep in mind that am no professional. I promise to do my best but I don't think there will be no plot holes. I will make sure there will be no harem so for harem seekers, this is not for you. Although many girls may be interested only one will win. Or none who knows. The art cover is not mine so if the owner wants it taken down please notify me. That is all, thanks, and have a pleasurable reading.

Kes36 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Lucky or unlucky?

[Next morning]

The sun was shining and the light rays fell on Eostion's body. You might be wondering how is that possible when he is underground. Well, the answer is pretty simple. He wasn't underground, that's right Eostion had spent his night in a tree. Exposed to the dangers of the night.

If a more powerful beast had found him while he was sleeping Eostion wouldn't be alive to appreciate this beautiful day.

But that was a pretty big if. Why? Well, that is because Eostion had used his camouflage ability to resemble the tree he was resting upon. While also hiding among the leaves it was, to say the least, very difficult.

"Status" - thought Eostion

<Name: Eostion>

<Form: Slow Chameleon >

<Level: 6>

<Rank: 1>

<Power: 168>

<Skills: Absorb, Copy, Fusion>

<Soul inventory: [...]>

<Bloodlines: No name, Slow chameleon>

<Form abilities : [...]>

"What where did all my abilities go, do you have any idea how much I worked for those, and what the hell are those dots," thought Eostion angry and a bit worried. After all, he had to risk his life for some of those abilities, if all of them disappeared that meant that ill the pain he won't through was for nothing. What's even worse is that he would have to start again from zero.

"This can't be real, I have to test this"

So he tried them all from the first ability he got down to the last.

"Oh, thank god, I can still use them all"

said eostion relieved.

"But if I can use them why doesn't the system window show them" he wondered.

"Wait don't tell me, please don't tell me it's broken, agh why did this happen?

Ahhhh , f**k it it's not like it was essential anyway."

"I still don't know what the dots are though, so let's check that out"


As he did that for the first dots. All the copied abilities showed up.

"Oooh, so they were just concealed. Hahaha, I got I little worried there," said Eostio shamelessly.

"But why did they change? Could it be because they were too many abilities that they couldn't fit together? Hehehe, I guess I am pretty strong with all my abilities" thought Eostion while scratching his little nose.

"But not strong enough, not even close" he declared in his mind with a serious voice.

"I will get there though, bit by bit and my road to that starts right now." thought Eostion before he activated his 'Speed Enhancement' and took off to find more prey.


After half an hour after he took off e found a squirrel. The innocent squirrel was running quite fast, unfortunately, it was running towards Eostion. The busy squirrel after encountering Eostion unfortunately lost his head to a 'Water bullet'. How tragic.

"Haha, luuckyyy. Only half an hour and I already found someone, today's going to be a good day." thought Eostion excited

After absorbing the dead body, he left and started to hunt again. However, around 40 meters away he spotted another creature. This time it was a mole. Weirdly, the mole was also on the run. But that wouldn't stop him from killing it though. All it took to finish the poor beast were two charged water bullets, one to open the ground and the other one to kill it.

"Aight let's absorb it" As he got ready to adsorbed another beast was running towards him, a wind-gliding squirrel to be precise.

A water bullet and the squirrel was dead.

"Alright, something's up. I have to search the entire day to find one or two beasts to hunt, but today somehow I killed three in a half-hour. Something is wrong. Aaannnd I'mmm going to check it out :)." so Eostion happily left to investigate what was happening. That of course after absorbing the bodies.

Eostion followed the path that the squirrel came from and on his way, he killed another six beasts. Mostly squirrels, two moles, and one green rat.

After 15 minutes or so of running Eostion finally understood why everyone was running.

A battle between beasts was taking place not far away. One beast resembled a wolf but it had red fur while the other one was more round. It looked like a big teddy bear if the teddy bear had huge teeth and claws and its skin was made with pieces of earth.

"Damn, both of them look strong as f**k," thought Eostion

It seems that all the weak beasts in the vicinity had run away because they didn't want to get caught up in the fight.

"You know I could probably kill one of them since they are injured from the fight. It's hard to notice but the red one is bleeding a lot, especially in his stomach. And the earth one is about to crumble."

"Although I'm pretty confident in my deduction it's better to see what the system says."

Focusing on the red one the system window showed up.

<Adult Turtitus>

<Name: None>

<Spicies: Turtitus >

<Level: 10>

<Rank: 1>

<Power: 335>

<Abilities: Fire mana manipulation Lv 1, Fireball, Fire burst, Fire claw, Fire cloak>

"Oh shit 335, that dude isn't strong he's strong strong. And those abilities ain't sounding very peaceful either"


<Fireball: Creates a spinning sphere of fire that explodes on impact>

"Fire burst"

<Fire burst: Creates a burst of fire underneath the paws that pushes the user>

"Fire claw"

<Fire claw Creates an arc of fire that slashes toward the target>

"Fire cloak"

<Fire cloak: Creates a field of extreme heat to protect the user. Negates 30% of the damage caused by a fire attack>

"Yeah, definitely not friendly"

"What about the other one, is he as crazy as this one?

<Infant Hexeapsi >

<Name: None>

<Spicies: Hexeapsi >

<Level: 9>

<Rank: 1>

<Power: 330>

<Abilities: Earth mana manipulation Lv 1, Earth control, Spike throw, Earth shield, Earth armor, >

<Note: This is a very rare creature that can reach the third rank>

"WhAt, The, F**K. The fu***r is just an infant but is already at the limit of level 9. How is that even fair." said the dude who can literally absorb others' powers.

While Eostions's internal grief was happening the fight was still ongoing.

The Turtitus was continuously attacking with his fireballs but very few of them actually hit the Hexeapsi, its ability to create shields was very difficult to get around too. And his natural hard body and skin made him a very fearsome beast. But the turtitus was no joke either, although the hexeapsi had great defense a few fireballs did hit him. The damage was not as strong as it would have been if the other animal was made out of flesh and blood but it caused damage nonetheless.

By utilizing the speed from the fire burst he managed to get a few good shots but not enough for them to kill the overgrown savage teddy bear.

But things became even worst for the turtitus when the hexeapsi started to attack. The hexeapsi swung his huge hand at the turtitus.

For a moment the red wolflike got confused. The distance between them was too big for a swing like that to hit him but in a second he saw something. The claws of the bear came off and were coming towards him at an unbelievable speed. The bear had never used this move in their whole fight before. He used 'Fire burst' and got out of the way but because he staggered at the beginning the claws made contact with his skin and made a shallow cut in his skin.

Could this perhaps be his last stance? That's what was going through the head of the turtitus at that moment.

Unfortunately for the turtitus that's not what was going on. The hexeapsi had started to fight for real now as he had evaluated the wolf to be of threat to him.

It was at this moment that the fight started for real.