
Pebble Time

Thrown into a world that is not his, Mich is forced to kill monsters, level up, slay the demon king and save the princess as he’s hailed as a hero. Mich must fight against the odds for his friends. Except he isn’t and won’t be. Mich will be the item used to lessen the God’s and the Devil’s boredom, having grown tired of the mediocrity of their own existence. They give Mich a powerful skill to make things interesting and roll him into the world as they watch their new variable in a worldly game.

Felcox · Fantasy
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5 Chs

New World who dis?

As his soul fell towards his new home, to a new body and world. Mich had a lot to think about. Namely, he was finally starting to to reflect on the recent events and what they really meant.

Mich had died. He would never see his family again, he was now the comic relief and entertainment of two godly beings, he was being reincarnated into another world with a System and magic like some novel and he had no clue what'll happen to him.

'This really is messed up' he thought, Mich never liked the books about reincarnating or transmigrating into another world, he pitied the main characters who were snatched away from their lives, but he now felt that pity himself.

However, Mich was determined to make the most of his new life. He would try and live up to his parents expectations and find himself a nice girlfriend to settle down with, have children and live a fulfilling life in this strange new world. He'd have to learn a whole new world's worth of things but 'that's just part of the experience' he thought.

It was during these moments of reflecting that the 'System' that the two god's spoke of showed itself.

[Connecting to new soul...]

(Connection process begin...5%...7%...10%...)

Mich left it to do it's own thing, noticing the sensation of falling was finally beginning to let up. He briefly thought about how he was going to slow down before he stopped thinking about it and just had to hope those beings wouldn't drop him in a new world just to let him die. But they might and that worried him, they are gods, perhaps this is their kind of entertainment, tormenting dead souls. He hoped not but let out a whimper nonetheless as his anxiety made him not relax.

To his relief and sacrifice he finally reached his new world, falling in from space and dropping towards the round planet like a ton of bricks. Mich let himself look around while falling, falling silent at the beauty of the world, split up into four continents. What looked like a central continent with sands to the east and a great circular hole in the middle of the continent surrounded by forests. This Great Void seemed to such in the light and life around it, with trees dying and no close villages around. Dotted around the Central continent were large cities and villages.

About five mile to the west of the continent was a big, long Island that seemed to be covered exclusively in forests and jungles, with only a few areas that looked mountain palaces, exuding a different feeling and aura each.

Far into the east ocean sat a much smaller continent, seemingly the most environmentally diverse out of the four, with mountains and volcanoes in the centre of the continent and different biomes spread around the rest of it. To Mich it even looked like he could see giant creatures like lizards and such spread around the island continent, but he couldn't confirm anything yet, after all this was a new world.

To the west of the Central continent Mich saw a long, curved island continent that looked split halfway, with one half having only pale plains and the other having almost every other environment. The split in the island looked blackened as if it had been set on fire in the past. Mich tried to forget that idea, such destruction want something he wanted to think about at the moment.

The last continent sat at the bottom of the world like a tumor and was the only continent he saw that could compare to the size of the Central continent. This one however, unlike the Central continent, seemed to be covered in a perpetual shadow and only had mountains. There was no other areas Mich could see that was different except the coastline of the continent, which boasted the same giant lizards Mich saw earlier, almost acting like guards or wardens, surrounding the continent. He was beginning to think they were dragons and the mere thought excited him, he'd always loved dragons as a kid.

It was then that Mich noticed the moons above the planet. Two giant, almost perfectly similar moons except for the colouring, one a bright metallic silver that bathed the world in its glow and the other a resplendent golden coloured moon that shone upon each soul and life on the planet.

Mich eventually noticed which direction he was falling. He was gradually getting closer and closer, faster and faster towards the Eastern Sands of the Central continent, near one of the few mountainous areas around, covered in lush green like an oasis. 'Well damn,' he thought 'no soft landing for me then.' Mich made a sigh as he braced for impact when he was nearing the very tip of a small mountain, surround but trees and a few mud huts with wooden beams.


To Mich's surprise he didn't stop immediately, but instead he broke the top of the mountain and slowed down considerably because of it. Travelling much slower than before, Mich carried on for another mile before eventually crashing to the floor, leaving a scar in the earth, coming to a stop in a clearing in the oasis.

It was at this moment that the System finally finished connecting and establishing his status.

[Connection complete 100% -opening status]




-Name : Michael Tanner

-Race : Living Magic Stone(new)

-Level : 1

-Title : None

-Health : 100

-Mana : 500


-Strength : (0)

-Dexterity : (0)

-Defence : (200)

-Agility : (0)

-Vitality : (100)

-Spirit : (500)

-(Attribute Points : 0)


-Body Type : True Magic(new)


God's Touch:(new)

Rank: [B+]

-A skill bestowed by the God of Light Gabriel. Any spell or magic that uses Michael Tanner as a catalyst will always succeed no matter what.

-Can sometimes exceed the original power of the magic.

Devil's Touch:(new)

Rank: [B+]

-A skill bestowed by the Devil of the Abyss Minatoshi. When Michael Tanner is used as a magic catalyst, allows him to exert control over the spell effect or magic itself.

-Sometimes magic used with Michael will leave a trace, letting him gain a low-levelled version of the magic being cast.

True Magic Body:(new)

Rank: [-](no rank)

-As a result of having a double magic, or True magic, affinity, Michael Tanner is theoretically able to learn magic from all types with an above average aptitude and an increased sensitivity.

-However, this means that he might not be able to reach the same level of mastery as another with a different True affinity. Not impossible just more difficult as a result of being spread further.


Rank: [F-]

-Having been reincarnated onto Eao, the will of Eao has bestowed this skill to Michael, similar to other reincarnated beings.

-Allows the user to glean insight into something from it's status, wether it is an object, creature or magic. More effective at higher Ranks.



While lying in the small crater that was created from his fall, Mich read through the floating, transparent white [Status] screen in front of him, trying to understand what it was all of it meant. He'd read novels similar to this situation and played some games, but he wanted to make sure he didn't miss anything or get anything wrong. 'It is a new world after all, who knows what it's like' Mich thought, reaching the end of the screen after skimming it. 'I think I kinda understand it, the God and Devil, Gabe and Mina, gave me some skills as they dropped me in, them and someone called Eao, I think that's the planet' Mich thought, 'Well, anyway I suppose I should get going and try to get to that village I saw near the mountain. Not too far just a mile, I can make that!' He thought optimistically.

However, he soon noticed something he hadn't really thought about, what would happen if he wasn't reincarnated as a human? Surely there's be no problem, but, Mich wasn't reincarnated as any sentient race, he became a Living Magic Stone. 'Wtf!' he thought, also realising that he hadn't been saying anything the whole time, only thinking. He didn't have a mouth, legs or arms, a head, a heart, no brain. Nothing. Just a small stone. Mich was about 8.5cm in diameter and was very rough to the touch, almost jagged, and he was white like marble with a bright rainbow hue, reflecting the light a little.

'Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.....' Mich thought, invisible tears running down his non-existent face. 'I liked my body, it was mine!!' he mentally screamed. 'How the hell am I going to get to the village now?', at the same moment he thought that, a wolf appeared at the edge of the oasis clearing, eyeing the crater with curiosity.

New story no bully! Have any ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Felcoxcreators' thoughts