
Pearls on a broken tassel

In a place ruled by men would a women persist with her dreams and her love ... Read more to find out

Pema_Yangchen_0328 · History
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on the dirty streets in Cui zhao city the capital of Wengyu the largest country on the continent a little girl hugged her knees close to her chest as her head full of silver hair all turned brown and dusty was buried between her knees hiding her equally dirty face smudged with dirt and mud her stomach rumbled as the smell of freshly baked bread drifted by her nose lifting her head up she stared with her dull lifeless phoenix eyes at the bread stall where the fat aunty who always chases her away had begun setting up her stall. The aunty who usually never smiled was crumpling up her face like a chrysanthemum

facing a small young lady with big doe like eyes which reflected the morning light one of her small soft hands held onto the bread while another was sticking out with a gold coin inorder to place it into the Aunty's palm. Chang'e stared at the girl as she moved along with which her soft jet black hair tangeled up playfully with the tassel by her waist.She approached chang'e and squatted beside her to pass her the bread chang'e stared at the little lady who nudged her into accepting the bread staring at her big doe eyes she reached for the bread and with her hoarse voice thanked her .The girl nodded and smiled her smile carving two deep dimples onto her cheeks but suddenly the picture stared to shatter bit by bit as Chang'e now known as Luofeng woke up on her bed shouting in anxiety a name which couldn't be clearly heard her silvery hair sticking onto her face due to the sweat. Chang'e held her heart as tears poured taking deep breaths she tried to control them but to no avail....