
Peaky Blinders : The Black Diamonds

Before World War I, four men from the Shelby family went, but after the war only three returned. What if the fourth one didn't die? -Follow Lucas Shelby's story of taking over the world of crime.

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7 Chs

Ch6 : Russian roulette?

Okay guys, I know, I know.

I told you that chapters would be uploaded weekly, but man, I can't. I want to finish this story. Anyway, enjoy this chapter. Also, today I finished my studies and work, so I will write a few chapters. Next chapter I will put up my Patreon account. I will upload advanced chapters on it, and the subscription will be 1 or 2 dollars at most. I know that I may not deserve or should open it now, but I'm really wasting my time writing and wasting a lot of effort. So if you can support, don't be stingy.


In the middle of a street in Birmingham. There are two groups of men facing each other.

One group of them is the Peaky Blinders and the other is Kimber's Men. There were some problems between Billy and Tommy about betting and the like, although they were allied for a period of time, but their interaction did not succeed because of their ambitions.

Tommy and Billy stepped in front of their men and started talking. Billy raised his gun in Tommy's face and was about to shoot him.

"Hmm, it's really quiet." Lucas appeared out of nowhere with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Who are you?" Billy raised the gun on Lucas instead of Thomas.

"Lucas what are you doing here? Come here now." Arthur shouted to Lucas.

"I don't advise you to do that," Lucas smiled and nodded to Arthur, then looked at Billy with a smile. "Put down your gun now, Billy, don't you dare shoot," Tommy shouted at Billy.

"Ooooh, black diamonds are here and now." Out of nowhere, everyone heard a young man's scream. A few seconds later, about 50 men appeared in three-piece black suits that concealed them in the dark during the night. What distinguishes these suits is that they have a black diamond-shaped button.

Billy Kimber and his men turned pale as shocked expressions appeared on Tommy and the Peaky Blinders' faces. They didn't expect their brother to have these men.

"Who the hell are you? I didn't even bother you. I don't even really know you," Billy shouted in horror at Lucas.

"I know, but you bothered my brother and tried to kill him." Lucas smiled as he patted Andrew standing next to him on the head.

"Brother? So you are the missing Lucas Shelby."

"who was missing."

"Anyway, I'll go now. It's over. I don't want any problems." Billy turned and started walking with his men, but suddenly about 10 of Lucas's men stood in front of him with their weapons in his face. "What does this mean, Lucas?"

"Did I let you out?"

"What do you mean? I told you I don't want any problems with you, and my problems with Peaky Blinders are over now." Billy frowned

Billy's plan was that he would enter into a conflict with the Peaky Blinders and finish off Thomas. Just like that, but who would expect this variable? He heard news about his return but why should he care? He's done.

"Hmm, since I'm an understanding person and not a cruel person, let's play a game." Lucas smiled and stood in front of Billy. "Do you know Russian Roulette?"

Lucas did not give Billy a chance to respond and continued. "Okay, it doesn't matter. I'll explain. You see this gun? 32 Cal." Lucas pulled out a silver pistol.

"I'll put one bullet in it. You and I will play, each one at a time. We'll put the gun to our heads and shoot 'boom' if it's the bullet's turn. If it dies, no one cares. If it's not the bullet's turn, then we'll keep going. Until one of us dies."

"Every Russian before I killed him I used to play this game with him and luckily I didn't die haha. This was really cool."

"What the hell do you mean Lucas. I won't let you gamble on your death." Thomas shouted at Lucas.

"Calm down Tommy, it's just a game."

"A game? Is wasting your life and gambling it like this and depending on your luck living or dying calling it a game? Are you okay Lucas?" John shouted at Lucas.

"Just shut up for the hell of it John, no one is interfering now. Andrew don't let anyone get close." Lucas shouted, looking at his brothers.

"Sure, Andrew is on duty." Andrew shouted excitedly and stood in front of the Peaky Blinders with a few men from the Black Diamonds.

"So, Billy, let's get back to our topic." Lucas smiled like a devil at Billy.

Billy frowned and couldn't even speak and didn't interrupt Lucas. "Let's play. If you die, it's over. If I die, you and your men will leave. No one will interrupt you."

"Who's going to start? You or me?"

The place was silent. No one spoke, not because they couldn't, but because no one dared. When Lucas noticed that Billy did not answer him, his aura changed. His men recognized his aura and everyone trembled, every time they saw their leader so angry. It's going to be a really scary day.

"Billy fucking Kimber, don't test my patience okay? So, my turn or yours." Lucas approached Billy, staring into his eyes.

Billy trembled, he didn't know what to do. He agrees and gambles with his life like the crazy person in front of him? Or does he just run away? The last option is impossible. 50 of his men surround the place while the Peaky Blinders stand in front of him. He wouldn't be able to escape even if he sacrificed all his men.

"You start, Lucas."

"Oh, ha-ha-ha, that's the spirit, man. I thought you were going to piss yourself by now and start screaming or run away and die, but I really didn't expect you to have a few balls. Let's get started, buddy." Lucas laughed madly as he looked at Billy. Billy was unaffected by Lucas's words and stared at him silently.

"Boss, the bullet is here. Take it." Andrew threw a bullet at Lucas from afar.

"Thank you, Andrew."

Lucas put the gun to his head. The place was silent, everyone staring at Lucas in horror. His family wants to save him from this stupidity that is happening to him. They try to move, but Lucas's men prevent them. They also want to stop their leader, but he gave them his orders. They cannot simply refuse it.


Read my new novel: Survive the apocalypse with my shadows

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