
Peak Of Martial Dao

It is a journey of a boy from nothing to the peak of Martial Dao. But would this be easy or he would just leave it in between or will he really achieve his goal.

Shivansh_Attri · Fantasy
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3 Chs

New Life 1

As i was lying on the ground taking my last breath a voice came.

" Peng Yun you bastard how dare you talk back to me."

As i opened my eyes i found i was lying on the ground and i felt intense pain in my whole body. I didn't know what was going on.

" You bastard you still dare to stand in front of me."

[Hmm who's that and why are so many people watching where the hell am i and why is he shouting at me]

[Hmm what ami wearing and what happened to my body wasn't at the camp]

" Hey you Peng why aren't you answering me hnn you cocky bastard"said a boy with yellow hairs and a height approximately same as me.

[Wait a minute did just get re-incarnated in an another world]

[ Ahh my head is kind of dizzy. Who's memories are these looks like these are the memories of the previous host this body. Hmm let's see]

[Ohhh,...So i am in a world where everyone has an energy called qi and they use it to cultivate to become strong and my name is Peng Yun i am a disciple in High Heaven Sect and this person in front of me is a nephew of an elder of this sect (Ye Ning) and he is just at Blood and Bone refining realm order 2 just an order above me and it looks like he has a grudge against me for some reason and even in this life i am at the bottom hnnnn.]

" Why is he not answering to Ye Ning does he really want to die this time"

" Looks like this good for nothing has forgot his memories after that beating"

" Shut up!! All of you and you peng don't you know who i am hunnn.

why aren't you answering me" said Ye Ning

" Hmph who doesn't know you hunn you cocky bastard you are just a spoiled child who thinks everything is inferior to you "

Everyone standing there was shocked by Peng's responce.

With is face completely red Ning Shouted at the top of his lungs.

" You bastard how dare you humiliate me infront of every one. I am gonna kill you today "

[ Wait i have to get out this situation first he is just one order above so there might not be much difference in our strength i just have to knock him down and run out of here first ]

As i was thinking this Ning came at me with his gists clenched as he was just about to punch me i dodged and used every single ounce of force in my body to kick him in his liver. As i kicked him at a critical place he body went backwards as he fell at that moment i ran from that place as fast i could.




[ If i remember correctly this where i live a small hut of straws and bamboo. People with small family or orphans have no respect in this place they are just like pets who you feed and beat and use. But i don't have time for that first i should go inside and close it from inside before Ning comes here]

[ I need to find a way to get out of this situation first by now that Ning must have told his uncle about everything as i am an outer disciple and i kicked an inner disciple there will be huge commotion about it. But i must find a way get out of this situation god has given me another chance so in this life instead of being a slave to others i will dominate others]

As i was thinking all of this voice came out of his hut it was of a female.

As i opened the door there was girl with black hair and black dress with her face covered she came to deliever something and then she disapeared in just a second.

" Hmm what is this a letter. "

As i opened the letter i found it was something i was waiting for a summon from the five great elders for my hearing.




" So it's time to go hun. Let's see what kind of punishment those corrupted old bastards have for me."

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