

"Peach... D-do you like her too?"

Peach didn't answer and just stared at her and for Lea, that's already an answer. But, instead of clarity, all she got is more questions.

The wind blew a little less violently, adding to the already chilling atmosphere between them. Who would have thought that a ray of sunshine that is Peach can show such a cold and stern expression?

"So, I'm already apologizing for offering you help earlier. I got ahead of myself and that was very wrong of me." Her cold tone continued and Lea just wanted to run away and forget this ever happened.


"What is it?"

"I thought you liked Siren..." It was almost a whisper as she is not entirely sure herself.


She slowly looked up and sees Peach's face looking as confused as hers.

"Are we on the same page, Lea?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"You are talking about Siren, right?"

Another silence hit them as a flood of realization hits them.

"I was actually talking about Yujin..."

Peach's laugh echoed throughout the empty staircase, her face letting out a slight blush. She can't help but grin too and be embarrassed by it, as she should've been more specific earlier.

"I'm sorry, I should have been more clear to you."

"No... No... It was me. I really have a habit of getting ahead of myself. I'm sorry for that."

Then it was quiet again.

"So, what do you really want to talk to me about?"

She flinches at the sudden question but still lets out a word. "We're planning on going to the amusement park tomorrow..."


"Actually, Yujin likes Siren."

"Yeah, I know that already."

"You did?"

Peach nods as her stare turn cold again. "I caught her confessing to Siren."

'It's amazing how her expression totally changes whenever we talk about Siren.'

"So, Lea, what do you want me to do? Since you've got this far already, might as well help you, right?"



Present day, Saturday

Lea can't hide her guilt as she watches Siren's annoyed face. They came here to have fun and yet it is already ruined for her.

'I' m sorry, Siren... I'm so selfish. I'll make it up to you next time, I promise.'

"It's so crowded. Where are we going now?" Siren won't hide her annoyance from her tone as she looks around.

Yujin slightly tugs on Siren's shirt sleeves. "How about there, Siren?" She suggested pointing to a souvenir shop.

"Already? We just came here! How about trying a ride? Come on, let's ride the roller coaster!" Hana's loud and energetic voice somehow masks the awkward atmosphere around them.

"I... I wanted to try those headbands... Like in the movies..." Yujin's face went beet red as she hang her head low. Siren grabs her by the wrist and slowly drags her toward the souvenir shop.

"Hey! Wait for us! Stop making us your third wheel!"

Lea and Peach look at each other knowingly. Although she's unsure if their plans will work, she's still hoping that she could get something from this. And she's pretty sure Peach thinks the same way.

"How about this, Siren? This will look cute on you." Peach puts on a rabbit's ear headband on her.

"W-what... I don't like it. It's too childish." She removes the headband rudely and gives it back to her.

"Why? Do you not like it? It's really cute, though."

"Tsk. Are you a kid?"

"Siren! Try this one!" Yujin hands her a mickey mouse headband while smiling widely.

"Oh. Okay." She hesitantly puts it on. "How is it?"

"C-cute..." She answered, blushing.

"It's the same as yours. Shall we get it then?"

Yujin's face gets even more red at the thought of them having a couple headbands together.

"Then, I'll have this too." Peach also grabs a mickey mouse headband and puts it on. "How do I look, Yujin?"

"You look pretty..."

"Shall we get it?" Peach smiles sweetly and glances at Siren who is already frowning. Yujin nods and they head to the cashier to pay for it.

"Mickey mouse? What are you, five?" Hana mockingly asks pointing at their headbands.

"Says the girl who wears a teddy bear headband."

"Hey! It's cute!" She sticks out her tongue at Hana, making her pout. Siren giggled slightly as she saw her stomping her way to the cashier.

"So, where are we going next? Yujin?"

"Roller coaster?"

"Are you sure? I don't think you'll reach the height requirements though."


Siren laughs loudly pinching her cheeks. "I'm just kidding. It's because you're so small they might be mistaken for you for a kid."

Lea coughs to gather their attention. "I think we should try the safest rides for a while. We should save the best for the last, right?"

"You guys want to try bumper cars?" Peach suggested to which they all agreed.

But the bumper car line got unexpectedly long that they lost the excitement to push through with it.

"There are many people. Shall we look for - " Siren turns around to see a stranger behind her. She quickly apologizes and leaves the line while looking for them.

"Where did they go?" She stops in front of the bumper car place negotiating if she should come back inside or not. "But they might be still in there... Why is the line so disorganized, anyway? Don't they have staff over there? How annoying. Now, we all lost each other."

She fishes her phone in her jeans pocket and tries to dial either Lea or Hana but to no avail. With that, she slowly walks while constantly looking around trying to look for someone familiar.

'If this goes on, I'll go home.'

After minutes of walking and she finally sees someone familiar ahead of her. With her mickey mouse headband, long hair, and pink t-shirt, she's sure that this person is someone she knows.

Even if she's someone she doesn't like.

"Hey. Where are the others?"

The girl gets surprised and turns around to face her. And when she did, she flashes a smile so bright, it will put the sun to shame.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

eudaimoniacreators' thoughts