
Season 3 - 4

I stared in disbelief as I watch her sleeping peacefully beside me. What is going on? I'm pretty sure I was with Meraki last night. So why...

Why is Peach beside me?

I turned my back against her as I try to recall what happened last night but no matter how much I think, I really can't remember what I did that we ended up like this. All I know is, Mera, kissed me and asked me to go with her. And I blacked out. I surely did something stupid for this to happen.

I heard my phone but Im hesitating to get it as it is at a bedside table beside Peach. I'll have to hover on top of her just to get it and I don't want to wake her up. I just can't face her. I thought of just leaving the place and leaving my phone but I decided against it.

I sat down staring at the phone and staring at Peach. She's sleeping so peacefully.

How long has it been since we last saw each other? The last time we got this close?

My eyes traveled down and I gulped as I stare at her body in front of me. I am pretty sure she's naked under that sheet (because I am too), and I can clear those love bites scattered on her chest and neck. Did I do that? Or did her girlfriend do that as well?

My phone rang again and I have no choice but to answer it. I can hear Peach's light snore so closely in my ears.

Calm down, Siren. Don't wake her up.


"You gotta make up for leaving me alone with that person, Siren."

I grunted silently. "Let's meet and tell me everything that-"

My sentence hang in the air when all of a sudden, Peach's cold arms enveloped my waist. I almost screamed when she dragged me down the bed, leaving my poor phone on the floor.

"What is-"

"You're already with me and yet you think of meeting with someone else, hmmm?" Peach's cold yet lazy tone sent shivers down my spine.

"Let me - I don't know what happened last night but -"

"You regret it?"

I didn't answer. I don't even know what happened for me to feel regret. Rather, I regret not knowing what happened that night.

I sighed. Have I gone crazy?

"You know, I don't mind..." She whispered while leaving a trail of kisses on my neck.

"M-mind what?"

"Doing this with you." She climbed on top of me, her cold eyes staring at me. I feel like staring at a different person. She never looked at me this way. Not this cold and indifferent at least. She seemed like a stranger and I seemed like an ordinary person in her eyes. I felt a pang of pain in my chest. This is my fault anyway. I made her act this way.

"I'm sure, you don't mind too, right, Siren?" She added and moved closer, our faces inches apart. "After all, this is what you're good at..." Her face moved closer to my right ear, her breath slightly tickling me.

"Playing with people. Right, Siren?"

I pushed her away before I could think of anything else to say. I grabbed my phone on the floor and dialed Mera again, telling her where should we meet all the while staring into Peach's eyes. Never did I imagine that Peach would treat me this way and I've never felt so low with the way she is staring back at me.

Is that what I am to her now? Someone who sleeps with random people? Someone who toys with people's emotions? Is that how low I am to her now?

I already imagined our meeting to be worse but I never thought it could be this worse. My body feels heavy as I put on my clothes one by one. My throat hurts from stopping myself from crying. Crying is the last thing I ever wanted her to see.

I didn't even bother looking at her as I leave the room. And as soon as I closed the door behind me, tears come flowing down my face.

It sucks. So this is how she felt the entire time in high school.

Ah, Damn it all. I hate this feeling. I wish I could just erase this, and erase Peach's memory off my mind. If only it was that easy.

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