
Season 2 - Page Twenty two

Trivia: Siren has a mole on her tongue


Season Finale Part 3


Sports tournament

The day of our last festival has come. Now that I'm looking around, I sure feel sad and nostalgic. In just a few months, We'll be leaving this place. And honestly, there's a part of me that doesn't want that.

Can I just be a high school student forever?

"Siren, aren't you going to practice? Or are you going for a stroll?" Cindy asks, disrupting my thoughts. It's a good thing we don't have to do something anymore unlike last year. I don't want a repeat of that.

"I'll just stroll around first."

She nodded and tapped me on my shoulder. "Don't feel pressured. Just do your best, Win, or lose."

I smiled at her. "Thank you."

I looked around the classroom and I don't see anyone of them. I wonder where they went? Yujin is with her friend from another class. What about Hana and Lea? Did they really leave me alone?

I went outside hoping to see a familiar face but as time goes by, I'm starting to lose hope. There are a lot of people today, with the majority of them outsiders. Will I ever find one of them before the tournament starts?

I felt a pang of relief when I saw Lea calmly eating hotdogs at a stand but then it was replaced by doubt. Will she talk to me? Seeing how she went alone, then maybe I got my answer. Besides, I don't even know what I'll say to her. Do I say sorry? Apologize because she's right?

"You're taking Photography?"

I blinked twice when I saw her in front of me, holding a newly cooked hotdog and juice, offering it to me.


"Hana told me. Here, It's still hot." I accept it with hesitation. "Let's go."

I followed her like a lost kid. We ended up at our hang-out. She sat on the stair and stared at me.

"Aren't you going to eat that?"

"Lea..." I looked at her, tears forming in my eyes. "I'm sorry. Y-you're right, I..."

"You finally realized it?"

I nodded. "A while back."

She sighed. "I don't think I'm the right person you should be apologizing to right now."

"No. I have to apologize to you. I-"

Lea stood up and hugged me. And in that instant, my tears started flowing like a waterfall.

"Just be glad that it's just a crush that I'm feeling for her and that I don't see this as a big deal."


"I'm not tolerating what you did, but, it must've been hard, huh?" I nodded, unable to speak anymore. Lea sighed while patting my back. "What can I say, you brought this upon yourself."

"I know. I don't they'll ever forgive me..."

"Just be honest with yourself, Siren, please."

Once again, I could only nod.

I want to make things right but I'm scared. I don't want to lose both of them. But I know I can't be selfish. I have to let go of them. I deserve this pain since I was the one who caused this mess. If only I was honest with myself then this wouldn't happen.

- - -

"Congratulations, everyone! You did well!"

Miss Astrid congratulated us with a smile. The Sports tournament has already ended and safe to say that we got most of the medals but it still feels like my mind was still at it.

No matter how much I think about it, nothing reasonable comes out. It's as if my brain shut down and can't think properly. I ran away as fast as I could after that but for how long will I run away?

I didn't bother finishing the event as I run to one of the buildings without looking at what it is and entered the first open room I could find. I made sure to lock the door and that was the only time I could exhale loudly as if to release all the stress that is building up inside me.

This is also the only time I notice that I'm still gripping the small paper in my right hand. I opened it and sigh.

On the paper it says;

Grab the person you like and finish the race together.

I grabbed Peach.

Yeah, we won the race together.

When I saw the paper the first time, It was as if all the people in the area disappeared and she was the only one who remained.

And to think that Yujin was there as well.

But I wanted to be honest with myself so I did that.

I don't know how to fix this mess. I don't know how I'll apologize to everyone. They will be mad at me, that I'm sure. I think getting mad is an understatement.

Hell. And there is no way to undo the damage I've done.

I've hurt two people -- No, three. If I'd only let Lea be with Yujin if only I didn't think so rashly and said yes to her when she asked me out. If only I used my brain and not my pride.

I smiled bitterly.

Karma must be eager to meet me.

I flinched in surprise when I heard a loud bang behind me. I looked around and only noticed that I am at the old infirmary. Is it Hana?

"I know you're in there. Open up." Peach's cold and stern voice echoed at the other side of the door. I stood frozen. How did she find me here?

"Siren. Stop making it hard for both of us. Please." Her last word sounded desperate that I found myself opening the door. But before I could do or say anything, she swiftly closed the door and kissed me.

Her mouth, compared to last time, is much warmer, and sweet. So sweet, it's addicting. I felt her hand circling my waist and pulling me closer while deepening the kiss.

My brain's already in a mush, I can't think straight. It didn't help that Peach started using her tongue to open my mouth a little wider. I honestly don't know who moaned between us, it's probably me but who cares?

Peach ended the kiss but she didn't let go of me. Panting, she let our foreheads touch. I can feel her warm breath brushing lightly on my cheeks.

"Just admit it, Siren, You like me too."

To be continued

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eudaimoniacreators' thoughts