

The Aucacia Empire had always been a put together kingdom. The commoners relied on their king just like the king relied on his people, there was no rumor the king didn't know about and there was nothing the commoners weren't informed of. It was the perfect give and take relationship a kingdom should always have. But perfect things tend to have greedy eyes watching them. A perfect environment has no worries about sudden attacks. The same peace of mind that gave the kingdom a blanket of comfort was only the only thing that was imperfect and the only thing that should have never gotten out of the castle walls. But evil has its way of breaking down barriers. A perfect environment is a fragile one. The gentle air shrouded in glass, ready to be shattered with the wrong move. One that the greedy hands were ready to take and one that young prince, Dominic, would have the displeasure of witnessing. Now with the passing of the king of the Aucacia kingdom, cracks start to form in the fragile walls protecting the crown and the people ruled by it. With the days of his enthronement around the corner, the growls of hunger from the greedy eyes grown louder. How long can the kingdom stay put together? Who will tip over the shaky foundations of the kingdom? Who will be the PeaceMaker? cover art: Day.n

totalnoob · LGBT+
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256 Chs


Litian flopped to the ground, her sword falling out of her hand and into the muddy ground as she trembled in exhaustion. Dominic stood beside her panting for air, his legs numb.

What was that? Feline asked herself as she stumbled backward in awe, it was like for a second, everything stopped.. And that move… She looked at Dominic. She had thought she was going to die for those moments, her legs still trembled as she remembered the scene. The large shadow of a sword high above your head, with the one-second interval of when the sword's wielder stared straight into your eyes and the pure hate and focus could be soon in their eyes. Then milliseconds later as you tremble in his presence, his target is locked and his grip on the sword tightens and you can only close your eyes as you accept your fate.

'Yet, in those moments, someone could actually move, and…' Feline looked at Dominic's legs and Litian who shivered on the ground, 'at that speed too' She looked down at her quivering hands and gripped the hilt of her unsheathed sword on her waist.

'What was I doing on this battlefield… I don't deserve to be here' She thought to herself as she lowered her gaze to the ground, ashamed to be in front of Litian and Dominic. 'I couldn't even fight when given the chance to and will most likely be a hindrance to ot-'

"Are you ok?" Dominic asked, as he stood up straight and lent his hand to Litian, helping her stand up.

"Yea…" Litian replied slowly, wiping some blood off her forehead, "you?"

"Yup!" Dominic nodded a reply, "at least I didn't die right?" He chuckled patting Litian's helmet. He turned and looked at Feline who stood quietly away from them, her head lowered deeply so little strands of her hair covered her eyes. He knew that face since he had many times during practices, but he also knew that thoughts like that don't belong on the battlefield.

"Feline!" Dominic called out, snapping Feline out of her thoughts.

"Yes my prince," Feline bowed.

"Are these the people who are going to be helping with the war?" Dominic asked, nodding in direction of the new army, "rate them on readiness."

"Ah!" Feline gasped, remembering she had something prepared before coming on the field. She pulled a paper out of a little pocket in her armor and handed it to Dominic.

"This is…?" Dominic asked as he opened the folded sheet of paper.

"It's a list of all the soldiers and I put them into groups, most experienced, least experienced..etc," Feline stared at Dominic nervously as he read over the list.

Dominic gave a little grin as his assumption was proven correct. He looked down at Feline and handed the paper back to her, "you can forget leading this army."

"What?" Feline asked, her heart dropping to the ground. It was inevitable though, she was useless and she knew it.

"You can't lead an army and we all know it," Dominic walked towards the new troop and looked at them, "ATTENTION!!"

"YES SIR!" The army yelled in reply.

"FROM NOW ON, FELINE WILL BE RELIEVED FROM HER DUTIES AS COMMANDER!" Dominic yelled, waiting a moment for the announcers to pass the message down the large group, then continued when it was done, " GENERAL LITIAN WILL BE YOUR NEW COMMANDER!!"

The message was sent down the group and followed by gasps, but no dared to interrupt.

Feline's shoulder drooped, she knew this would happen but it still hurt to hear. Where was she going to stay now? Was she going to become one of the spares that will be put back at the camp? Scrap… it wasn't the first time she had heard it, but this time it was different, she was the scrap.

"Instead," Dominic grinned turning to Feline, "SHE WILL BE THE NEW STRATEGIST WHO WILL ASSIST GENERAL LITIAN!!"

Feline's head perked up, "Strategist?" 'I'm not being kicked out?' Feline thought to herself.

The message passed down the lines and even more gasps followed.

Dominic turned to Feline with a smile, "you aren't fit for being a captain, but I never said I was going to sack your entirety," Dominic tapped her helmet playfully, "everyone is needed on the battlefield and for more purposes than just fighting."

Tears welled up in Feline's eyes and her lips formed a thin line as she held back the urge to cry.

"So get rid of that look on your face," Dominic placed his thumb under her chin and lifted her head to see her face clearly, "because you're not going to be needing it on this battlefield."