
peace was never a choice

Life is always unfair Some people are born in warm homes And loving families While others are born in the harshest conditions ..... But then it will be their turn to determine their fate. Either they live the same way or start the life they want This is Gianti's life story and his second chance at life

LIGMA69 · Action
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first step in a peaceful life

It's been a week since Ishiro woke up in the hospital and he realized a lot of things, first the uncle's name is Todo Hashida.

From the way he spoke and behaved, Ichiro realized that his uncle despised him very much, and Ichiro predicted the reason for this, but he did not say anything, as he pretend that he was amnesiac after all

Secondly, he has recovered his smartphone, when he first opened it he encountered the password, but fortunately it responds to the fingerprint.

Ichiro used the last week to learn about the owner of the body as much as possible

As the saying goes, if you want to know someone more than his parents, spend a day on his phone

Third, he knew the cause of the nurse's shock when he saw that Ichiro was waking up for the first time.

According to what he knew from the nurses and the doctor is that Ichiro's heart had stopped for about an hour and then returned to beating again, he was expected to die brain, but miraculously unless he survived that, and the doctor expected Ichiro to enter a relatively long coma, but another miracle happened and he woke up.

Now Ichiro has been able to move a little and walk around the hospital room and go to the bathroom himself, he was bothered by the catheter a lot

The first time he saw his face in the mirror he had to confess, he was a good-looking child, he could not be described as handsome but still very good compared to his previous life.

He had an oval face with black hair like coal and hazel brown eyes, he had a good body as well, he was a member of the football club, which gave him a sports structure despite his young age, although his body is not even close to his original body, but he thought it would do the job

What worried him the most was the legend that the Asians had a small penis, but he breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that his manhood size was very good.

Today was the day he was discharged from the hospital, he changed his clothes to the clothes his uncle had brought him and prepared to leave

'I know this Todo treats me kindly only in front of people, if my prediction is correct Cosette's life will soon begin sigh!~' Ichero thought as he left his room on crutches.

Ishru greeted the nurses on his way out and headed to the exit, where his uncle was waiting for him, "Hurry up and don't slow me down"

'Sigh! ... If this body had been a little healthier, i would have dealt with you. You can have fun like this for a week or so ~ When my leg recovers I will play with you all i want ~' Think inside and ride with him in the car

According to information collected by Ishiro from his phone, he learned that Todo was working for his father in his company and was jealous of his brother (Ishiro's father).

Although he was the eldest brother he had to work for his younger brother and it seems that Todo had no children, he was always jealous of his younger brother, who was successful and envied him in everything from his success to his wife.

Ishiro sighed as he thought about it and raised his eyes to the driver's seat that Todo was sitting on and sighed again

"Listen, my family's circumstances aren't very good because I paid all the costs of your parents' funeral and your hospital fees, so you don't expect any luxury in my house."

'What a joke~ According to the information I gathered I have comprehensive insurance and you didn't pay even a single cent ~

As for the funeral I don't know anything about it, but I'm sure you avoided paying expenses out of pocket, sigh! Just a week and I'll take care of you. '

Ishiro replied with a smile as he kept his thoughts to himself, "Okay, Uncle Todo, I'm not the demanding type anyway~"

Todo didn't care, snorted away and continued driving.

The journey lasted for about half an hour until they reached their destination.

Todo first got down and Ichiro quietly followed him home as he inspected the area.

He had to admit Todo lived in a very good area , the house had a modern Western design with a spacious front yard

'Sigh! Even my father, the owner of the company Todo works for, lives in a simpler house than this..... I think what this means is clear: 'Ichiro has been sighing a lot lately... Well this is expected after everything he knew about the owner of the original body on the phone .... And this is a story for another time.

After entering the house, they were greeted by a spacious well-equipped lobby.

"Hey dear~ Are you back?" A woman's voice came from the front, it sounded unexpectedly friendly

"I am back! Is lunch ready?" shouted Todo as he removed his coat and headed to the sound source, at that moment a woman came out of the front and spoke with a smile, "you're a bit late~ Hmm?" She was a woman in her thirties with brown hair and green eyes

Ichiro had to admit her beauty.... But his face was shocked but he quickly controlled his expression, 'What the hell?! .... How can this camel face Todo succeed in marrying a woman like her?! According to what is mentioned on the phone, her name is Shika ... I think?!' Eishro suppressed his thoughts quickly and replied with a friendly smile

Cheka paused in place for a little while and looked at Ishiro, changing her expression a little, and before saying something, Todo said, "If you're free, can you take him to the empty room?"

"Uh? Ah! ... For... Well.." she seemed a little nervous, this didn't go beyond Ishiro's eyes. 'there is something strange about her..... '

"Okay ..... follow me" Shika spoke and headed forward and Ichiro followed her with a smile, they passed the kitchen as they walked and Ichiro noticed the table full of plates, he didn't pay attention and just followed Shika

After some time they arrived at the last room in the hallway "This is your room now, don't mess with anything here..." Cheka spoke and left quickly.

"She didn't wait until I replied to her.... Sigh! "Ichiro didn't pay attention to her and went into his room, but he was shocked at the moment he entered!!

It was just a storage warehouse !!

"..... seriously?! sigh! What did I do in my life to deserve such treatment?!" After saying those words, memories of his previous life returned to him, from assassinations to kidnappings and torture. He quickly regretted his words, "...Well, I did a lot…..but still! ! "

Ichiro entered the warehouse and searched for a suitable spot to sit in. He went to a far corner, put his bag and sat down next to it.

This bag was with him at the time of the accident, from what Ichiro knows about the accident is that he was going on a camping trip with his parents. This trip has been a tradition that Ichiro and his family have since he was ten.

Ichiro took out his phone and started checking the calendar. The owner of this previous body was really involved as he arranged the events in the calendar and used the notes app. It was a really great help for him.

After half an hour he got tired of waiting, he was actually waiting for his uncle or his wife to call him to eat or something 'Don't tell me....'

Ichiro had a suspicion that they wouldn't feed him but he didn't think they were that bad.

Ichiro came out of the storage and headed to the kitchen, and todo was sitting there messing with his phone.

Ishido sighed and said in an innocent voice,"Um...hi...aunty..…is there any food?"

"Ha?! What are you talking about, boy? Didn't I tell you in the car earlier?!" He threw the phone on the table and shouted.

Ichiro replied calmly, "I said I wouldn't ask for luxuries......and I don't think food is a luxury?" .

Todo smiled sarcastically, "Look at that idiot~ sigh! It doesn't matter, there is no food left, get out !."

"Todo..." Shika spoke while washing the dishes without even turning around.

Todo sighed and searched his pocket for a bit and took out a coin, after looking at it, he threw it at Ichiro, who caught it easily. "Take this and leave me in peace," said Todo.

Ichiro left and headed to the exit angrily muttering, "Peace was never a choice...."

hi guys i hope you are enjoying this so far

i just wanna say thank you for reading this

I just wanted to announce that i will start publishing two chapters a week starting next week

I hope u still be here riding my novel

have a good day

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