
peace and war

one can not exist without the other the kingdom of peace need the kingdom of war and the kingdom of war needs the kingdom of peace

dhakawalker180 · Fantasy
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61 Chs

chapter xvl

The Queen of war Seldanna Roren and her knights head off into the woods to discover the new threat and destroy them, meanwhile, the king of war Theodas Roren continue on the rally, and the queen of peace with a peace offering set off to meet the queen of war, Darshee and her scouting army return back to them, " they have finally waken my queen of war, the Peekas and they are in full season, said. Darshee, " let' s teach them a lesson for attacking my war Riders fresh to boot, Kania fire wheel, Keenor, and Rania double tap, on my word. they got in position when the queen of peace ride up to them, " I thought she doesn't attack these are nota challenge? said, Sillavana, " I have nothing to say to you, move out, they start the attack killing each every Peekas and burning their homes down, " that should teach them, but we will not see the last of them, said. Seldanna. " I sorry for whoever got hurt I bring a peace offering, and hoping that we could mend our friendship. said, Sillavana, Seldanna take her helmet, as her long blonde hair swing loose, she looked at her, " what does the queen of peace want from the queen of war other for her bond she there's none, come home with your peace offering when the bond is broken the friendship ended. Mount up, back to the rally, said. Seldanna, they got on their horses, " whose hurt maybe I can help Seldanna, why yo tell me that you had a family?" one you and your people thought that my kingdom was filled with a single female, they are all married to Scotchwood knights, I am married to the war king of Scotchwood, they have sons, I have son and daughter, son-in-law and grandson,, and one my married life is none of your business, you out of your Rims queen of peace, since you out head south about two miles you be in Zenos there leads a protection kingdom, speak with the queen of protection, I am not going to repeat myself, stay away from my family peace, or you will make war your primal enemy, they ride passed her and out of the woods, so she heads south to speak with the queen of protection, they made it at the Rally points, " we are here, we wait for her to catch up, said. Theodas, " ma, " my son and daughter she is found, said. Theodas, as she came riding up to them. " mom! you all okay!? " a course son, we as skilled as you, Lusha you might want to globe your husband in talk with, let's try to keep it last okay. " my queen of war what if I want to end with him and be with someone else, asked. Lusha, Theodmer clear his throat and said, " can I talk with you two for a minute please mother and father? they got off the horses and way talking, Sana looked at her, " yes, you caught his eye, Lusha, I been wanting him to find someone from away, " I can't believe it he likes her, she already spooks for son, said. Theodas, " or in love, and we long away from the kingdom of peace, Lusha come here please. she walked over to them, " you are what he needs and he what you need as a war partner of life, but to make that happen, you will have to end your peaceful marriage with your husband, that is totally up to the two of you, said. Seldanna, " from that first day you came, I thought I would never find someone, you are different, you insight my war heart, I know my parents will marry us, because that what the war king and the queen does, but I do not know if this queen of peace will let you renounce your marriage vows to him, as chief as war knight I will not back down from what I want, said. Theodmer, " i want to be with you Theodmer, is that okay my queen of war and my king of war? asked. Lusha, " a course my dear, you what he wants and he is what you want, male of protection who left to be a war knight, now a female of peace that left to be a war knight, said. Theodas, " I take them since you took Sana and Tarron, so he can end his with his current elven mate, we catch up. said, Seldanna. he pulled her to him, " I know how it feeling, it entirely be a long wait and I am not waiting any longer, they kissed each other passionately, " mad Elven loving can not wait, said. THeodas, " I know my love, sorry to keep you waiting. They got on their horses she toss him her helmet, " the queen of war needs to let her hair loose anyway, we see you at the war camps, he got on his horse and they ride through the rally gates, as they took a short cut to get to the kingdom of peace, which took them right to the castle, as they ride up to the walls so did Sillavana, " Seldanna ? " we should talk this is about them, the war chief and Knight in training, Lusha go get your husband, He looked at her, " calm down, son to tell him she wants to renounce her vows to him, said, Seldanna. " please my queen of peace this is my calling now, and he who I love now, " like she said go get Gantar Lusha, shall we go in, they gor\t down from their horses they walked inside of the castle, " she wasn't their she on a protection rally, you know this is dark times Seldanna, said. Sillavana, "I only here to represent my son and Lusha that' s it, said. Seldanna, " what is taking so long ma!? said, Theodmer, " the future king of war needs to bounce patients, said. Seldanna, " not you too, I do not want it, nothing is not going to happen to you or father mother, maybe i, " no Theodmer stay here, she on her way with him, and we not going to be around any longer you and your sister is the bloodlines to our kingdoms, said, Seldanna, they walked in the castle and she just told him she want to end it with him,