


Diana's P.O.V

I walked down the staircase to find Ethan standing there with River in the living room. So, I decided to join them.

/"What's going on,/" I asked, picking up a book off of the sofa so I could sit on it?

/"River will be staying with us and if anyone asks, we will say she is a friend. I will explain to you later Diana,/" he said, giving me, a stern look and I simply nodded.

He was off lately, he no longer kissed me and rarely ever acknowledged me.

/"How are you doing River,/" I asked, and she put a strand of her dirty blonde hair behind her ear before looking up at me?

/"I'm doing fine,/" she smiled, warmly.

/"Good to know,/" I said standing up,/" let me show you to your room./"

/"Ok since you two are getting along perfectly I am going to work./" Ethan smiled at River.

Which got me thinking the worst but I let my mind not wander.

He would never do that.