
Paying Life Debts (BL)

Autumn woke up in a weird place because her surroundings were all in white. Right then a cute childish word spoke up. "Good day, host! Nice to meet you! I'm system number 911 at your service." ... "Host, did you know that your accident has killed 9 people on spot and make dying with you?" .... "Now you have to pay your debt to them for ruining their lives. As you have made 9 people dying, you will be sent to 9 different worlds too make it up for them and live their lives to maximum happiness and peaceful life that they could ever wish for. If they have any regrets or any wishes, you must complete it without failure." However, she never thought that she had to live as a man in every world. At first, she had a difficult to adapt but afterward, she found that lived as a man is easier than a woman because she did not need to worry about that every month. Plus she could look at every handsome man as she pleased without worry that they would misunderstand her like when she was a woman. Author's Note: The image is not mine. I'm an amateur write so please don't mind me. This story is inspired by Quickly wear the face of the devil, King's game, Who touched my tail, Lovers always on the counterattack, It's not easy wanting to be supporting male lead and etc. This is a BL story as our female protagonist will be the male protagonist in the whole story plot. So do not confuse when you read the first chapter that describes as 'she'. From the arc 1 onward, the protagonist will be male and describe as 'he', no longer 'she'.

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42 Chs

Announcement (Temporary Delay the Update of Arc 2, Extra Arc 1 as an Apology)

(A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating for a long time. I was busy with my school and I felt slightly depressed so things went wrong at some point. I didn't have the energy to write and due to not having any thoughts on the current pace. Therefore, the days just went by like that. My current mood is like a roller coaster. To be honest, during these past few weeks, I didn't have any energy to do anything even study my course. I'm not sure that I have a mental disorder or slightly depression or not. I haven't consult anyone about my current self. Therefore, the story stayed still for quite a long time. And now my final exam is coming strongly toward me and I smell the failure along its side too. I'm hopeless right now. I'm very thankful to the one who adds my book to their collection. Actually, these actions motivate me. For the second thought, I might consider dedicating myself to writing novels. But I'm not sure it will work out for me. If I might have a stable earning in long run for this, I might take the opportunity. However, the current situation of me is not good. Too much workload, I might blame myself for choosing to study accounting and finance even though my brain has a limited capacity. Sigh! Well if you read this note till the end, you're so awesome, my readers! Here some extra for you!)

Extra Arc 1

First Person's View Point

Hello Everybody! My name is Hana Verlin Radford, you can just call me Hana! I'm 12 years old. You might have notice something when you have heard my last name. I guess you realize now. I'm the daughter of my father, Fredrick Audrey Radford, and my dad, Ivan Coleman.

(A/N: Forgive me If I wrote the name incorrectly. XD)

I have two older brothers, Chris and Eric. They both are older than me 6 years and 4 years respectively. I'm the youngest of the family. Oh right! The fact that we, brothers and sisters, have two dads isn't a secret. Everybody knows about it. Some people and the classmates I knew always gossip about it. They don't dare to talk about it in front of me because they are afraid of my dads.

To be honest, I don't think having two dads is ashamed or anything. Instead, I feel very lucky to them as my dads and my family. I was abandoned by my biological parents when I was 8 years old. I actually remembered that moment when they left me at the orphanage. I didn't know I was abandoned. I didn't do anything wrong, but they left me. I remembered I cried so hard at that time begging them not to leave me there. But they didn't care.

Right now, those memories were just a memory to me. Now I have a warm family, my dads and my brothers are here with me all the time. I don't have time to be sad to just a memory. I can say that I have fulfilled my life desire. Every day, I see my dads as lovey-dovey as always. The first time I see them, I feel shy, but now my nerve has numb from seeing those actions.

Today is another beautiful day, but I feel kind of tired. I lifted my blanket and prepared to get off the bed when I suddenly see something so terrified me.


I felt dumbfounded at the situation that I'm in right now. With no idea what is happening, I hurry to go to my dad's bedroom. I knocked on the door loudly while shouting their name.

"Dad! Help me! Dad! Open the door and help me!"

I continue shouting for a while when the door is finally opened from inside. There stood a man in his pajamas with bed hair, looking at me. That is my dad, Ivan.

"What happened?"

I prepare to answer him and he suddenly looks down which soon stops his eyes from going any lower. After that, he stands there surprised, then he looks like he finally collects himself again and proceeds to pull me into his bedroom.

"When this happens?"

"This morning when I woke up, I saw it like this. Dad! Is something happening to me? Did I get some sort of disease? Please tell me!"

I'm shaking his arm while asking him.

"No, no, no, Darling. This isn't a disease. This is something that a girl around your age has. We called it 'Period'. Every woman has this period cycle once a month. From what I see it seems like you're starting to become an adult. Go to your room and take a shower but don't wear any pants yet. I will you what to do."

I nod at my dad and hurry to go back to my room and follow my dad's instructions.

Ivan's POV

OMG! My daughter has her first period coming. I need to prepare it. Ah! Right! I'm not a woman, so I don't have those.

"Dear! Dear! Wake up!"

The person on the bed move a little but then choose to stay still again.

"Wake up or I will not talk to you."

With that, the person on the bed finally sit up and without saying anything lean to kiss my lips.

"Good morning!"

"Stop! I have something important for you to do."


"Hurry up and change clothes and go to the supermarket nearby and buy some pads."

"What's that?"

"For your daughter. Hurry up!"

I pull him out of the bed and hurry to go to find something to help my daughter in case she has experienced the pain from it like my former self. Ah! I should have expected it when I adopt a girl. But I totally forget about it. How careless!

Fredrick's POV

As I'm told to go to the supermarket to buy a pad or something, I hurry to go out because otherwise, I will face the wrath of my beloved. To be honest, I have no ideas what is that thing.

As I arrived at the mall, I ask the staff there about it. They smiled at me and said to me that my wife or girlfriend is the luckiest person, having a husband or boyfriend like me, buying that for her. Luckily, I wore a mask and a cap otherwise I show them a silly expression of mine.

I go to the sector that the staff pointed. There I see various brands or boxes or something that I just realized that what kind of pad that Ivan refer to. For some reason, I don't dare to touch it. From what I see there is a lot of types. So I don't know what should I get for my daughter. I decided to call Ivan. He told me to turn on the video call.

"Show me shelf by shelf. I will decide it afterward. Oh! Take it for me to get a closer look too."

Uh! This request is kinda awkward. Whatever!

I take it from the shelf and show him one by one until there is no more.

"Take the pink one on the top shelf and the blue one on the bottom shelf. Oh! Take that green one of the 2nd self from the top too."

After I paid for it, I finally feel that I'm free from this torture. This experience is kinda weird. I hope that there will be no next time.

2 months later

"Father! When you come back home, can you go to the supermarket along the way and buy me that from the last time. Thank you!"

Fine! Only this time. There will be no next time.

3 months later

"Dear, buy some pads for our daughter when you come back. Don't forget."

Alright!! From now on, this is my job!