

In 1970 , a man name david moved to new york city from his

home town jamaica. The migration is wasn't easy for the young man

and he become terriblely homesick. He missed his home town and

company of his friends a lot. In other hand david is in search for a

pen-friend from his homeland. Then he found a women name grecy

from California, who was interested in establishing a correspondence

With him. Then slowly they both start knocking each other one letter

after he other. After 1 year later, they bothe fall in love with each other,

Without meeting each other. 4 years later from knowing each other

david and grecy meet for the 1 time and david propse grecy .

It was the day before their wedding. They both get marride and have 3

childerns and living a happy life with each other and thier childerns.

It is not compulsory that in love uh have to see each other and have to spend time with each other . It only needs understanding , trust and loyalty towards eachother

Ishrat_Payakcreators' thoughts