

The door of the movable prison creaked opened which woke Mia from her deep sleep.

"Get up idiots" was what Mia heard from a guard which resulted into a fight between her and the guard, but she got beaten. Dave and Erika joined the fight but they ended up getting bruised up as well

A girl in her early twenty came out of the building dressed in a sexy manner which can get a man crazy and also erotic. The lipstick on her lips made her classic,her long hair which swayed at intervals due to the action of the wind was well kept ,her long white gown shone under the lamp like an angel that had descended from heaven and her skin was as bright as the sun. Her skin got brighter as she moved closer towards them. Her beauty was so great that even a blind man would fall in love. Mere words can not describe her beauty as the guards stood in amazement to examine her. As they stood, various thoughts ran through their dirty minds.

"Can we have a night with you". A guard asked with a smirk on his face.

"No, I deal with ministers not poor people like you,I mean poor".She said as she laid great emphasis on the word poor.

The guards were ashamed as if the ground should just split open and swallow them. Despite Mia's anguish, she had no other option that to laugh.

"You still have the gut to laugh after what you are going to go through in this brothel". A guard shouted at her. Then she realized that they have arrived at their destination,the brothel. Her laughter changed into tears.

"What is going on in there and why are drums sounding" . One of the guards asked.

"Ooooh, we are hosting our monthly night of the full moon celebration" The girl answered casting a surprised look on the guard that asked her that question because everyone in the town knows about the celebration and now she wonders where the men came from .

" We are recruits, so don't mind us". The guard replied as if he had read her thoughts.

" let me fetch you jars of wine". She said as she made her way into the brothel.

She came back with jars of wine. "This is worth ten times more than your salaries". She mocked them but the guards paid no attention to her.

"Who is drumming". A guard asked

" It's our mistress, Miss Wolfry". The girl answered.

" So skillful". he said as he ignored the idiots who had almost beaten each other up because of the jars of wine

"Let us leave". The guard said to his colleagues.

" Take them in". The girl said pointing at Mia, Dave and Erika.

"Yes" . The gatekeepers answered her as they made attempt to take them inside. Dave and Erika succumbed but Mia screamed as they tried to carry her. The more they made attempts, the more her noise increased.

After a while,Miss Wolfry came out and saw the scene

"Why don't you go in my love"she asked Mia in a tender voice.

"I can't go in to be a sex object being used by disgusting old men, I,a whole daughter of Minister of Finance would now be a whore". Mia answered her question.

Miss Wolfry let out a giggle and said "Many girls here are daughters of prominent men ,you see this girl'' . She said pointing to that girl.

"She was the only daughter of the Minister of Transportation, her father got killed by the same man,I also was a daughter of a prominent Minister but my father got killed by Aiden''. She said as she tried to fight back the tears rolling down from her cheeks.

"I don't care about your fictional story, all I know is that I'm not going in". Mia said with a frown on her face.

"Very well, we will do it the the hard way" . Miss Wolfry said with a smile on her face.

The hard way was to strip any girl that refused to enter the brothel and tie her to the tree.

"Strip her half naked and tie her to the tree". Miss Wolfry ordered the men with her.

"Don't you dare touch me" Mia screamed but the men did not listen.

As she got stripped , Tears flowed down her cheeks as her trial increased greatly.

"Get the rope and tie her to a tree".

Miss Wolfry said to one of the men as she casted a pitiful look on Mia.

The man arrived with a rope made of thorn and tied her firmly to the tree

" Take them in". Miss Wolfry ordered the men as she pointed to Dave and Erika as she walked into the building.

The men dragged them inside after their mistress leaving Mia to her fate.

Mia was in tears as she was left alone tied to a tree , half naked and hopeless to her fate which is either to live or die. She began to cry as she remembered how her father was killed and now she's in the cold night.

"I rather die than to enter that brothel". She said as she gnashed her teeth because of the cold atmosphere.