

Anyone here right now ever been in a situation where you're forbidden from doing what you love?

Damien Wade was a born talented singer and composer. But he was never the serious school type right from inception, he would scribble down lyrics at the back of almost every of his books in school.

At times Damien would mutter things to himself and write it down when a math class was going on He was weird but handsome.

His teachers would complain most of the time to his mom who would later scold him

"I want you to study and be an higher up."half crying half scolding his mum would always say.

Damien's family was incomplete, he never knew his father but he heard the neighbors saying he ran away after meeting a hot chick. His mum was all he had.

His High school life was average, he had extremely good looks but was never clean or maybe it's because his clothes was always extremely worn out, you know the saying clothes make the man and even then Damien beauty was not a thing that could be concealed by clothes. He was very poor and also not that smart academically as most of the times he was busy singing but he was still average at his studies .

During his life as an high schooler he had few friends at school but his best friend was Aiden who was from a prestigious family and most times he would wonder why this buddy was so interested in him but they were quite close.

His family was of Mexican origin and the dream of his mother had always been for him to apply for the SATs and study at a prestigious university in USA on scholarship.

While his own dream was to write the SATs enter USA as a student and start his musical career, he shared the dream with his mum except he was going to sing not study