
Welcome to the Trenches of Coalfell (2)

Walking around Lorraine was looking for the sentries that guarded the entrance way to the underground as she passed people that slowly stopped to look at her as she was soon was face to face with a man in a blood red suit with a black masquerade mask on “Wow wow wow what a surprise!” He said while clapping his hands together “And what exactly brings you out here lightning reaper?!” He asked as Lorraine groaned annoyingly.

“Still poking your nose into things as usual I see, it’s too bad that it’s trait you picked up on too late unlike “the one who hears all” maybe it would’ve really put you in a better political position to make your family proud.” Lorraine said while slowly turning to see the two girls a few feet behind her among the crowd “Go and look for Zero.” Lorraine mouthed to them as they gave quick nods before walking off before the crowd got bigger.