
Chapter 131: Research (2)

"A minor breakthrough for everyone!? He's joking, right?"

A breakthrough in their paths was an offer that these fairies -who spent each waking second cultivating- found both; an irresistible nectar and untouchable taboo. No one dared promise that they can instantly improve the strength and foundation of a practitioner, except for the Heavens.

And yet, here was Wuzhi, making that same offer.

Seeing that the mood had reached the required intensity, the young scholar flashed a confident smile and continued, "I understand that my words sound too far-fetched and arrogant. However, have you considered putting aside your bias and taking my promise at face value?"

"What if my words aren't a lie? What if I am speaking the truth?"

"It would be very easy for you to disprove my promise and it would cost you nothing to do so. All you have to do is to stay for a day and assist me. Then, it would become exceedingly clear whether or not I'm lying."

"Well, that's the end of my offer. I now give you the choice to stay or leave. Please be a little quick about your decision, though. Time is extremely pressing."

Wuzhi then shut up and waited. Aunt Mingxi and Collette had already been informed of his offer and therefore weren't too surprised to hear his ridiculous promise once again. That said, even they weren't sure where his confidence was coming from.

Aunt Mingxi was the one who was most worried because her nephew had staked his reputation in his promise. Should he fail to accomplish any less than what he had promised, it would mean the end of his political career and might even result in a social death. And even though she knew of the terrible consequences this result might birth, she did not intervene nor stop him.

Why? It was simple; her nephew had asked her to trust and have faith in him.

On Collette's end, it was even simpler; she held complete belief in her boyfriend(self-proclaimed)/future husband(delusional).

Time passed and eventually, not a single attendant left the hall. They had all chosen to stay and assist the young scholar in his research. And their reason for doing so was simple…

They were simply too damn curious!

Besides, it cost them nothing to stay and help, except for some time. Should the youth be talking the truth, then they would have everything to gain! After all, his promise was equivalent to receiving an 'enlightenment!' Just which sane person would say no to such an offer!?

Seeing the events play out exactly as he had foreseen, Wuzhi felt more than a little pleased.

"Well then, seeing as how nobody has left, I officially announce that research has begun; starting now!!"


With the issue of staff settled, Wuzhi took over as Research Director and went about assigning duties to everyone.

"Artificers, Sigilers, and Engineers step forward! You shall be in charge of building the array and the device detailed in the document! Begin immediately. We have no time to waste."

"Who's in charge of the Inventory and Treasury of the sect? Oh, it's you? Perfect! I need all the items detailed in this list and at least a thousand units of each item; the more the better. What? We don't have some items? Well then, you've got your work cut out for you, don't you?"

"Combatants! I need you to go out into the ice fields and hunt these creatures. Remember to not damage their hearts and brains!"

"Herbalists! Get me this list of herbs and precious fauna as soon as possible! Their quality and age must be exactly as I've requested; not more and not less!!"

"Pill-makers and alchemists! Receive the herbs from the herbalists and get to refine them according to the instructions that I've given you. Follow those exact steps! I will not accept materials that were refined using some other method! Don't try to be smart because I WILL know."

"Blacksmiths and Engravers! Construct additional…!"

"Rune Makers…!"

"Formation Designers…!"

"Diviners and Scryers! Divine possibilities and collate the odds of each route and tangent. We shall avoid those experiments that have a probabilistic chance of less than thirty percent!"

"[Providence Path] experts! You are required to bless everyone and increase our luck! What!? We don't have any [Providence Path] practitioners!? What sort of third-rate, backwater place is this!? Pathetic!"

"[Sacrifice Pat--! Never mind, that's illegal. I can't use it in front of all these people. Forget I ever said anything."

"Whoever is running the kitchen; know this: THE COFFEE MUST FLOW!!"

"If your speciality or department wasn't mentioned by me, you are on errand duty for now. Go around and help wherever help is required. When the 'Derivation Array' is built, you will be called back to sit within the formation and assist with the computation."

"That is all! Disperse and go to your stations! Chop-chop, people! I'm on a timer here and let me tell you; it is NOT looking good!"

After fifteen minutes of continuous shouting, all arrangements were finally made. Wuzhi coughed with hoarseness, feeling a dull pain in his throat. After lightly massaging it with his hands, he turned around in his wheelchair and dryly asked, "Now then, shall we begin?"

Aunt Mingxi and Collette both looked at him as if they were staring at some alien creature.


Chu Mingxi felt curiosity and awe as she watched her nephew deftly move around her lab and familiarly operate its various implements. His nonchalance as he tapped, typed, and pulled various levers gave her the impression that he had been doing this for many years before.

"How are you so familiar with these machines, Wuzhi?" she suddenly asked; unable to restrain her curiosity.

The young scholar suddenly froze akin to a child who was caught red-handed by his mother for having his hand inside the cookie jar. Chu Mingxi saw his eyes 'visibly' search for an excuse before hearing him say, "I… have worked in a similar lab before."

Her logic told her that he had to be lying. The lab they were currently in was her personal one, outfitted with the latest machines and everything a practitioner of her level would ever require. Not only were some of the machines incredibly rare and exorbitantly priced, a few of them even required special authorization from the Heavenly Spirit Tower before they would even be installed in the lab.

And yet, her nephew was telling her that he had worked in a similar lab before. What else could this be if not a lie?

Curiously, however, her feeling's told her the opposite; that Wuzhi was, in fact, telling the truth. This led her to ask other questions; such as, who was it that granted Wuzhi access to such facilities?

"Wuzhi, tell me the truth, who is your backer?" She did not even bother confirming whether he had one or not since the answer to that question was obvious.

She watched as her nephew kept his silence. Time slipped by and eventually, Chu Mingxi could not help but urge him. "Wuzhi, I ask this question of you not out of any ill intentions. I simply want to know so that I can personally thank whoever it was that assisted you with such measures." She was genuine in this statement.

Wuzhi kept his silence for a few more minutes before exhaling a sigh and shaking his head. He then looked his aunt directly into her eyes and said, "I must apologize, Aunt Mingxi, but I cannot tell you who that person was. That person asked me to promise them to not reveal their identity to anyone."

Chu Mingxi had to admit. Her nephew was as sharp as ever. Even in his denial, he was careful to word it in such a way that not the slightest bit of clue was exposed. He even used gender-neutral pronouns to refer to that person.

"Besides, they did not help me out of their kind-hearted nature. They offered me those facilities in exchange for something."

Hearing that, Chu Mingxi's heart immediately squeezed. She started fearing the worst. Just what could they ask him for? Or to be specific, just what did young Wuzhi have to give to this mysterious person?

"You didn't agree to trade your soul or anything did you!? Wuzhi! You MUST answer this question for me!"

There were instances wherein the souls of living people were used as barter. One of the reasons why the [Sacrifice Path] was banned by the Heavenly Spirit Tower was because it involved this forbidden currency.

Hearing her question, Wuzhi chuckled with annoyance and replied, "Aunt Mingxi, I am not stupid."

He shook his head and explained, "That person wanted me to play a game with them someday."

"They wanted you to play a game with them?" repeated Chu Mingxi, baffled.

Wuzhi nodded his head. "Yep."

"That's it?"

"That is all."

"Did they tell you what sort of game it would be?"

"Nope. But they did tell me that the game would be a lot of fun; that I would also find it very interesting to play."

Chu Mingxi blankly nodded her head, not knowing what to do with his answer. However, after a few minutes of pondering, she decided to forget this matter for now and deal with it when it happens later. She returned to being a silent observer and Wuzhi continued his research.

What Chu Mingxi, and the people of the current period, did not know was that this 'game' that Wuzhi had promised to play with his teacher would eventually come to decide the fates of billions of souls in the future.

Such would be the cost of the Devil's tuition.

IMPORTANT!!! Due to unforeseeable circumstances, I will be on break for some time. I'm extremely sorry for this sudden news and hope that you will understand.

ProphetOfEvilcreators' thoughts