
Path to The Pinnacle (DROPPED)

Synopsis: A story of a man with a life full of sorrow and tragedy, who gets transmigrated into another world by way of death. With the sorrows and regrets he left behind on earth, this man swore to himself that he could pave a new path that no one had ever walked on, a path that would grant him anything that he wanted, without regard to anyone or anything else that tried to stand in his way, for if anything did, he vowed to destroy it. In this new world full of powerful magic that could put the world on its head, vast and expansive landscapes, and monstrous creatures that one could only imagine, Yin Yixian must trample on the heads of all others that dare to stop him on his way toward ultimate freedom! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Please read my next and best novel that I am currently working on, Evolution; The Boundless Demon. This is one of my older books but Evolution; The Boundless Demon is the prime project that I am currently working on.)

Adash_Dhakal_4279 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Rigorous Training; Return To Glorious From The Void

A small gasp could be heard from Evangelina as she quickly sat down and hmphed with her arms crossed. 'There's not any more reason for me to stay here.' Yin thought to himself as he started to walk out of the dining room.

"Yin! Where are you going!?" Uriel yelled. He was clearly worried about Yin. "Don't worry about me brother. Thank you for the food." Yin said, grabbing a medium sized basket of apples as he left.

"Wai-" Uriel was cut off.

"Sit down." A stern voice came from Hughes.

"Father, Yin will always be my kin." Uriel said as he sat down.

'I seriously did not think that it would end so easily. That old man Hughes didn't lash out like I thought he would either. Haaaaah... man this sucks. Being weak is truly a pity. I need to become strong already.' Yin thought to himself as he arrived back to his room.

On entering, Yin put the basket of apples on the bed next to him as he started to do push ups on the ground. 'For now... this is the only way to get stronger.' He thought to himself as he started to count in his head.

'One! Two! Th... ah!' He fell flat on his stomach. 'Damn, what a weak body. I guess this will take longer than I thought.' Yin thought to himself as he got back up. The pushups were painful. Every time he did one, it felt as if his bones were going to crack on the spot, but it was needed for Yin to become stronger, so he continued to do them without a thought.

After the push ups came various other forms of exercise that Yin knew of. Each one he completed rigorously with immense difficulty.

With nothing else to do, Yin decided to first develop his body. If he wanted to use strong magic cultivation techniques, his body would need to be able to handle it. For multiple months, he locked himself in his room, only coming out to grab food and use the bathroom.

He did not speak a word, nor do anything out of the usual. Everyone including the maids had starting to think that he had gone mad after waking up from his coma. "Hasn't he gone insane? Every time I go into his room to clean, all I see him do is working out!" A maids gossip could be heard.

"Its a pain to clean! The floor is completely drenched in sweat!" Another maid said.

"That kid... it is kind of scary to think he would have such dedication. I see him working out even in the middle of the night!"

The news of the so called waste of a noble waking up from his slumber and only locking himself in his room to exercise spread like wildfire throughout the surrounding city. The conclusion of everyone entirely was that; he had gone crazy.

After six months.

Yin stood in his room, looking at his half naked body drenched in sweat in the large mirror. 'This should do for now.' He thought to himself as he panted heavy breaths. His new body was very developed. His hands, legs, chest, back and abdomen were all muscular and lean, not budging out too much, just perfect.

He also noticed that his face his had brightened up. He no longer looked like a ghoul or skeleton, but quite a handsome young man. 'This much progress is quite unheard of. I expected to train for about a year, but it seems I needed only half of that time. The system must have helped in my development.' He thought to himself.

After, he got clothed, and finally left his room as his real self in the first time in several months, grabbing a bag full of unused elixirs and magic pills on the way. He had been saving up all of the elixirs and and magic pills to help boost his cultivation once he actually learned how to cultivate.

"Ah! Fresh air!" He said as he took a large whiff. 'Still, it isn't as fresh as the air of the outside world.' He thought to himself as he walked through the halls completely carefree.

In his six months of isolated training, he also tried to find some information about magic. What was it? How did it work? Could simply anyone use magic? All of his questions still remained however.

The teaching of how to use magic was strictly forbidden at home. Only top tier guilds and schools could teach it. Yin accessed that this was most likely due to the ones in power trying to keep the world in their control. If everyone could learn about magic, then there would easily be an uproar in the world that could even bring down the ones standing at the top of the food chain.

There was only one exception to this rule however. People could learn about magic in an Ignosi. An Ignosi was similar to a library on earth, except you couldn't take any books from there to read back at home. Of course, the price to enter an Ignosi was quite high.

Nobles however had free passes due to them being large contributors to the community. Yin decided that it was the perfect place to learn about magic. Of course, actual cultivation techniques were still only held in academies and guilds, but knowledge about magic itself could easily be obtained in an Ignosi.

Yin knew exactly where the closest Ignosi was, and also had a noble badge that he could use to get in one. He made his way down a wide and round flight of stairs to the main living quarters where the main entrance and exit was located.

As he walked out of the estate, almost all of the maids that saw him were shocked. His eyes no longer resembled that of the dead. They were full of eagerness and life. Bright and glorious. It was almost as if he had completely changed himself in those six months.

"Is that the sleeping beauty? He actually came down stairs!" A maid whispered.

"And look at his body! He's like a completely different person!" Another whispered.

Yin finally had made his way out of the house, and into the outside world! "Ahh! Now that's refreshing!" He said as he took an even bigger whiff of air.

The estate was guarded with a large wooden wall with dragon engravings. The guards didn't seem to mind as Yin simply passed by the front gate. Right on the outside of the gates was the city!

A lively and busting place that looked like an old shopping district. Multiple shops selling various things were lined up against the wide roads made of big gray-stone bricks. The streets were littered with thousands of people as they talked and smiled, creating a feeling of warmth in the atmosphere.

'This... is completely different from earth.' Yin thought to himself as he walked through the streets. He saw a multitude of things, buffed horses with a large diamond encrusted into their skulls and large lizard like creatures dragging different types of carriages, people with animal body parts such as ears and tails, and even some people with long pointy ears, pale jade-white skin and bright blue eyes.

In the small shops were sold different types of fruits that resembled fruits from earth, weapons, armor, elixirs, pills, and a versatile amount of other things. It was just as Yin had imagined it to be. Overwhelmingly amazing.

He couldn't help but simply stare at it all, like a small child staring at a tropical fantasy of utopia. 'Maybe this world is different from earth. Maybe its forgiving.' He thought to himself for a split second before finally arriving to the Ignosi.

'I have arrived.' He thought to himself.

In front of the white tiled stars that led to the entrance of the Ignosi building was a crowd of people. After slithering his way through the crowd, Yin finally made it to the front where the stairs were located.

"Get out you street trash! This place is only meant for nobles and royals! Not peasants like you!" A loud and rough voice could be heard yelling from the top of the stairs. A 40 year old man who looked to be guarding the entrance kicked down a small kid who was about the age of eight and had green hair down the stairs, dropping all of the money he had saved up in his pouch.

'What is going on?' Yin thought as he observed the situation.

"Please sir! I have saved up all of this money! It is exactly 10 gold! The perfect amount for one entrance ticket!" The young kid yelled as he tried to gather the scattered coins from the floor.

"Pleas-" The kid was interrupted as his hand was crushed under the feet of the guard. "Get up, and get out! Peasant trash don't deserve to learn about the uses of magic!" The guard yelled as the young kid exclaimed in pain.

"Ahhhh! Okay sir! I'll leave! Please just lift your foot!" He yelled in pain. The guard lifted his foot as the young kid tried to pick up his coins before leaving. "What are you doing!?" The guard suddenly yelled as he kicked the kid on the stomach, sending him into the ground a couple meters away.

"This is the fine for your crimes! Now get lost you plebeian!" The guard said loudly. Yin saw the eyes of the poor kid change. His tears stopped flowing as he stood up and walked away. A glimmer of humanity had left the kids eyes as they became void of emotions.

'That kid... his dream was just crushed.' Yin thought to himself. A dream was what gave humans purpose and perseverance. Once ones dreams had been crushed, they would start to lose their humanity.

A loud sigh could be heard from Yin. 'It seems I was wrong. This world is still just as corrupt and unforgiving as earth.' He thought to himself as he walked up the stairs.

The story will soon start to culminate in glory! Authors Note: Do keep in mind that our mc is not in the right state of mind! He is smart, but he is not fully sane! There is a reason why I am sayingt this!


What will happen now!? What will learning about magic do to Yin, how will it effect him!? What conflicts will he discover!? Who will stand in his Path to The Pinnacle!?

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