
Path to the Peak

A path that none found but exists. Many lost in search of a path while those who persists may find it. Follow Long Hao in seeking the Path to the Peak in cultivation. This novel is about a boy named Long Hao searching the true path in cultivation filled with dangers while confronts enemies and found friends.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Path

Time flew by~

3 years later.

Long Hao watched the other village kids playing with each other from the window inside his house. As he grow, his family thought that he will be talking and playing with other kids but apparently Long Hao still untalkative and prefer to stay inside.

This makes his parents worried that that he will be an outcast by the time he grown up. Although Long Zhao thought that maybe it is the quirk of being a special kid. Yan Hua always worried about Long Hao as he grew because she is afraid that he will be alone if something happens to them as he prefers to play with himself or staring outside.

Rumours even started to circulate around the villager that Long Hao might be stupid or crazy. Thou Long Zhao silenced them all saying that whoever talk bad about Long Hao will be beaten by himself. The villagers got scared so the rumours quiet down.

Even thou Long Hao stays quiet all the time but the family knew that Long Hao likes to help. His grandparents always asked Long Hao to help massage them and he did not refuse a single time. This makes them love him too much that even Long Chen shakes his head when his son got pampered by his grandparents. They even teach Long Hao how to read and write and by surprised the kid learns fast.

Long Hao likes to help his mother especially when it is time to cook. Realizing that Long Hao had an interest about something, the family urged Long Hao to learn about cooking. The kid is a fast learner and always remember what has been taught once. Sometimes he even cook a simple dish that makes the family surprised by how delicious it is.

Day by day passed and a year flew by~

As Long Hao birthday coming up. Long Chen and Long Zhao decided that it is time for Long Hao to learn about his family cultivation and martial arts. Long Chen saved up some money to buy many types of weapons for Long Hao to choose.

The day Long Hao birthday came up, the family celebrated his birthday by making sumptuous meal. After they finished the meal, the family bring Long Hao to their underground training grounds to teach him their family martial arts.

"Long Hao, today we will impart to you our family cultivation arts. This will help you understand how our bodies and mind strengthen by the worlds energy or qi." said Long Chen.

Long Chen sat down in front of Long Hao and said "I will give you this book for you to read and learn but you need to watch me. Learn and remember the mantra that I will say and how I circulate the qi. In the book also stated which meridian for you to start with. Which vessels and channels to start with and how to circulate them." Long Chen then continues to meditate and chant the mantra so that Long Hao can learn. He also showed him the way to circulate the energy or qi.

Long Hao stares at his father until Long Chen finished the meditation. Then, Long Hao opened the book to read it. No one said anything as to see how Long Hao will learn the arts. As five minutes passed by, Long Hao started to close his eyes and meditate according to his understandings. His family watched him as they worried that he might be going berserk if something wrong happen.

Long Hao started to chant the mantra as he tried circulate the qi starting with the vessels. He feel the qi surround him as he quietly mumbled the mantra. He keeps on focusing to lead the qi from outside to inside his body. As there are eight vessels to circulate his qi, he continues to circulate the qi from Ren Mai to Du Mai to Chong Mai to Dai Mai to Yin Wei Mai to Yang Wei Mai to Yin Qiao Mai to Yang Qiao Mai and lastly back to Ren Mai to keeps on circulating the qi. As he feels the qi circulate the vessels, he also feels that his body started to feels heavy and hot. He feel that his body feeling full but at the same time empty. He keeps on circulating the qi until he heard something broken and reconnected back. He looks toward his inside and see a small ball filled with light. He thought to himself "Is this my dantian?".

He opens his eyes and heard his family said "Congratulations Long Hao!"


After that, Long Hao keep training with his dad or grandfather everyday. Just like how he was exposed to cultivation arts, they also teach him about martial arts. Long Hao also received a book of his family martial arts. Their family martial arts is a bare handed arts that include the use of their body as a weapon and using the nature qi such as fire, water, wind, earth and lightning to add more power. While almost all the martial arts headed towards the use of weapons, their family martial arts strengthen their body and surpass the limit of a human body. That martial art also strengthen their organs, thickens their blood, toughen their bones.

But still they also have some martial arts about weapons such as sword, bow, spear, staff and axe that compliments each other that even if Long Hao changed his weapon to fight it will be as easy as walking or moving around. Their family believe that it is better to learn and know everything than only expert in one thing although it is harder to master all than focusing on one path. This might make Long Hao weak or fickle minded when mastering many types of martial arts.

If other people see their family books of their cultivation and martial arts, people will clearly see that everything suits each other and just like the books exist at the same time. Weirdly fits even though different types of arts that will make others wonder where did this arts derived from.