
Path to the Peak

A path that none found but exists. Many lost in search of a path while those who persists may find it. Follow Long Hao in seeking the Path to the Peak in cultivation. This novel is about a boy named Long Hao searching the true path in cultivation filled with dangers while confronts enemies and found friends.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Great War of Greed

Many search in vain while others lost in the way. Those that got distracted may not found the path while those that found the path either get to the peak of greatness or fall to the end of madness.



"Die you bastards!"

"Kill them all!"


Sounds of swords and sabers clashing while people died. Arrows filled the land and bodies of the dead. Those who are weak trampled while those who persist and strong survived. Wars between clans and sects happened, righteous or evil faction does not indistinguishable in the war. They fought and killed each other. People called this The Great War of Greed. The war happens because of a single reason and that is a treasure book filled with a great cultivation that rumored grants immortality and martial arts that can resurrect dead people. Many heard about the great book that has long lost in time but resurfaced in a old temple. Greed took to their hearts as everyone want to take the book. People fought with each other to take the book for their own.

"Must we fight for this stupid book?!" says the old man with long hair and beard.

"HAHAHAHA! You think I don't know you also wanted the book for yourself Long Jing!" laughed the bald man with wrinkles on his face.

"Wang Zhang, we have been friends for so long but you still have the greed for the book?! FOR WHAT?! Have you not got enough of the power that you have?!" shout Long Jing. "The book needs to be destroyed so such greed disappear! Do you not see the consequences?! Look everywhere! People killed each other! Father and sons, siblings, friends, we killed each other only to get a book that we don't even know it exists or even have any value. MUST WE FIGHT?!" Long Jing furiously shout.

Wang Zhang looks towards his surrounding. He see his son died below his feet. He see his students and fellow clansman fight with each other and kill other people. He see some evil faction clans fight with each other while the righteous clans do so as well. Mountains of bodies filled the area, blood started to seep in the land and floor of the temple. Swords and arrows scattered, some on the dead while some broken on the floor. He look toward his left where the altar of the temple shines with the black book floating.

He contemplates for a while and look up to his friend Long Jing. His smiled and says "Sometimes sacrifices must be made to reach the peak, only those whose strong enough should survive while the weak remains weak."

Wang Zhang eyes turn determined and says "Long Jing, if you want to destroy the book you must get through me. That book is the only way for use to break through our cultivation. Friend, we have known each other for one thousand years. You know me and I know you. You know that we don't have much time left. We have reach a bottleneck that none of us can breakthrough. This is our last chance".

Long Jing shake his head and says "You have been blinded by greed and idiocy. Even if you got the book it does not mean that you can breakthrough that easily. Some things must be left alone and untouched so that only the destined one get to have it."

"Even if you got the book, even if you breakthrough you will lost everything that you love and care my friend. Does your dead son not remind you of this? Do you forgot about your late wife?" says Long Jing sadly.

"DO NOT SAY ABOUT MY WIFE LONG JING!!!" shout Wang Zhang. "She died because I AM WEAK! This book will make me reach the peak of cultivation and and grant me the power of resurrection!" Wang Zhang said with his reddened eyes.

"It seems we do not known each other enough my friend. I thought my words could influence you but it seems your greed is boundless. I must destroy the book for the sake of humanity. As long as that book exists it will create chaos and war among people" Long Jing says with determination.

Long Jing dashed to Wang Zhang with his sword in his hand and stab towards the body. Wang Zhang deflect the sword with his saber and continues to swing towards the neck. Both of them continued to fight with their own martial arts while ignoring the damage the temple took. The temple crumble from the roof to the ground. Other people evade the falling roof and continues to kill each other. The massacre continues despite the fact that the temple will be destroyed. The weaker cultivators outside of the temple look toward the temple and eagerly rushed to enter while killing each other.


Wang Zhang saber managed to cut Long Jing left arm. Jing Long evade the continuous saber qi towards his heart and get away from Wang Zhang. Blood profusely flow from the wound. Long Jing stops the blood leaking from the wound with his cultivation and drink an elixir to stop the blood flow.

"Just surrender or run away Long Jing, You are injured, you might get to attached your hand back if you are fast enough. Don't stop me form getting the book." says Wang Zhang.

Long Jing looks at him and said "If you wish so my friend." He fly towards his left hand and take it with him. "I hope we will still be friends and I hope that you will forgive me for what I will do." says Long Jing while disappear.

"Hmm?" Wang Zhang arched his eyebrow in question. He shrug his shoulders and fly towards the book. When he almost got to the book suddenly the book disappear.

"WHAT!? WHERE IS THE BOOK?!" shout Wang Zhang furiously. He looks everywhere to find the book. He fly around the altar in search of the book when he realize that at the corner of his eyes is someone holding the book. He look toward the person and shout "JING LONG!! GIVE ME THE BOOK NOW!!!". He dashed towards Long Jing with his saber to stab him.

Long Jing smiled and says "I'm sorry". He burn the book with his internal fire and the book disappear along with the fire while being stab by Wang Zhang.

"NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!" Wang Zhang shouted and then catch Long Jing. "WHY MUST YOU BURN THE BOOK?!! WHY?!! AND WHY DIDN'T YOU EVADE MY SABER??!!!"

"Wang.... sometimes you must appreciate... Ugghh! and cherish what is in front of you. Bleurgh! I did this so you could think and realize it yourself." says Jing Long while coughing out blood.

Wang Zhang cried and said "I'm sorry".

"It's okay friend. I must go now. Please stop this madness so that the world will return to peace again". Long Jing says his last word and disappear from Wang Zhang hold.

Wang Zhang watch as the white dust disappear along with the wind that carried his friend. Those of higher cultivation died without a body so that it will be return to the world as it should.

The Great War of Greed soon stopped and peace return to the world. The great book has been destroyed but many others seems to said that the book might be lost or only disappear to appear another time.