
Path to the Peak

A path that none found but exists. Many lost in search of a path while those who persists may find it. Follow Long Hao in seeking the Path to the Peak in cultivation. This novel is about a boy named Long Hao searching the true path in cultivation filled with dangers while confronts enemies and found friends.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Chapter 14

Long Hao traversed through the dense forest, where ancient trees intertwined, their branches forming an intricate canopy above. He followed a path worn by nature, one that seemed to beckon him deeper into the heart of the woods. As he continued, the lush greenery gave way to moss-covered stones and half-crumbled pillars, revealing an enigmatic entrance concealed within the foliage.

Curiosity stirred within Long Hao as he approached the overgrown entrance. Vines draped over the stone archway, obscuring any inscription or emblem that might have revealed the origin of these ruins. A sense of foreboding hung in the air, yet Long Hao's martial artist's instinct urged him to explore.

Entering cautiously, Long Hao found himself in a corridor adorned with faded murals depicting battles and ceremonies of a forgotten era. Crumbled debris and cobwebs lined the passageway, suggesting centuries of abandonment. As he ventured deeper, Long Hao's trained eyes scanned for any signs of hidden traps or mechanisms.

He detected subtle pressure plates and avoided them with calculated steps, his movements akin to a carefully choreographed dance. A sense of respect for the ancient architects and their cunning traps filled his heart as he navigated through the perilous passageway.

In the heart of the ruins, Long Hao encountered a room filled with intricate engravings on the walls and floor, portraying a forgotten language or script. A puzzle lay before him, a testament to the intellect of the civilization that had once thrived here.

Long Hao studied the engravings, deciphering the symbols with keen focus and a profound understanding of patterns. With a series of methodical movements, he rearranged the symbols, unlocking the puzzle that guarded the way forward. As he solved the puzzle, the ground trembled, revealing a hidden staircase that descended into darkness.

Descending cautiously, Long Hao found himself in a chamber bathed in an ethereal light emitted by a mystical crystal at the center. The chamber seemed untouched by time, and the air hummed with an otherworldly energy.

Before Long Hao stood the Guardian Serpent, a colossal creature with shimmering jade scales that reflected the radiance of the crystal. The serpent, awakened from its slumber, coiled and hissed, sensing an intruder in its domain.

Long Hao, prepared for the confrontation, engaged the Guardian Serpent in a battle of skill and finesse. The serpent, despite its immense size, moved with astonishing agility, its strikes guided by a malevolent intelligence. Long Hao knew that the serpent level of cultivation is above him in Qi Mortal Rank when he managed to dodged its strike and saw the aftermath of the strike on the ground.

Their battle echoed through the chamber, each strike from Tie Long meeting the serpent's impenetrable scales. Long Hao's movements were precise, a symphony of calculated strikes and evasive maneuvers.

Dodging the serpent's venomous attacks, Long Hao used his mastery of martial arts to anticipate its moves and exploit its vulnerabilities. The dance of battle continued, the air crackling with tension as Long Hao and the serpent tested each other's limits.

After a prolonged battle, Long Hao's determination and strategic fighting techniques prevailed. With a final decisive strike, Tie Long pierced through the serpent's defenses, vanquishing the formidable guardian.

As the serpent fell, the chamber echoed with a resounding silence. Long Hao, catching his breath, approached the mystical crystal that radiated an otherworldly luminescence. The crystal, pulsating with energy, held within it a trove of ancient knowledge and untold secrets.

Amidst the crystals' glow, Long Hao found a sealed ancient scroll and an ornate chest adorned with intricate designs. The scroll, written in a script he had deciphered earlier, contained profound martial arts techniques and philosophical insights. The chest held a rare artifact—a pendant crafted from a celestial stone, believed to bestow blessings of protection and guidance upon its bearer.

Long Hao carefully stored the scroll and the pendant, feeling a sense of reverence for the wisdom and power they held. The encounter with the Guardian Serpent and the trials within the ruins presented unique challenges, allowing Long Hao to ascend through the ranks.

Long Hao managed to ascend from the peak level of Body Master to the beginning of the Qi Mortal Rank, marking a substantial leap in his martial arts journey. His understanding and execution of martial techniques became more refined and potent.

Through the profound martial arts knowledge acquired from deciphering the ancient scrolls within the ruins with the serpent crystal energy, Long Hao significantly progressed across several ranks within the Qi Mortal Rank, advancing further in understanding and controlling Qi. He made considerable strides in almost reaching the Qi Warrior Rank, enhancing his control and manipulation of Qi energy.

He decided to stay at the ruins for a week to replenished his qi, rest while training the cubs for them to be his pet beasts.


After his intense encounter with the Guardian Serpent and the discovery of the hidden chamber within the ruins, Long Hao decided to remain in the serene ambience of the ancient place. 

Using the vast knowledge he had acquired from the scrolls and his martial arts expertise, Long Hao devoted himself to restoration. He channeled his Qi to heal his body and replenish his energy, allowing him to recover from the exhausting battle with the Guardian Serpent.

During his respite, Long Hao turned his attention to the cubs he had encountered earlier. Recognizing their potential, he began training them, imparting his martial arts wisdom to the young beasts. 

With patience and guidance, Long Hao diligently taught them, instilling discipline, and nurturing their innate instincts. The cubs responded eagerly, absorbing the teachings as they grew stronger under Long Hao's tutelage.

He devoted time each day to refining their movements, enhancing their coordination, and strengthening their natural abilities. Long Hao's bond with the cubs grew deeper as they began to recognize him as their mentor and protector.

As the week passed, Long Hao observed a remarkable transformation in the cubs. Their once clumsy actions were now replaced by fluid and purposeful movements. They displayed a level of skill and understanding that astonished even Long Hao, a testament to their intelligence and his teaching methods.

In parallel, Long Hao continued to meditate, allowing his Qi to harmonize with the ancient energies present in the ruins. This communion with the surroundings not only revitalized his body but also deepened his understanding of Qi manipulation, granting him newfound insights into the mysteries of martial arts.

During his stay, Long Hao also explored the hidden recesses of the ruins, uncovering ancient relics and knowledge that further enriched his understanding of martial arts. He uncovered old manuscripts detailing forgotten techniques and refining his mastery over his martial skills.

At the end of the week, Long Hao felt rejuvenated, his Qi restored, and his connection with the ruins strengthened. The cubs, now skilled and disciplined, had become his loyal companions, their bond forged through shared training and experiences.

Long Hao prepared to leave the ruins, carrying the newfound knowledge, relics, and the companionship of the cubs. As he bid farewell to the ancient place that had provided sanctuary and enlightenment, he embarked on the next phase of his journey, ready to face the challenges and discoveries that awaited him beyond the ruins' confines.