
Chapter 1

—Most fics are about the main character getting reincarnated into another world with some perks to help them breeze the world, it could be overpowered powers, or their knowledge of said world.

However, in this case, he has no powers, actually, he does, but his combat capabilities are at the lowest because his powers aren't combat oriented.

His intelligence, at best is above average, nothing too superhuman. He's just a human afterall.

And what's the best option for a weak human like him in a dog-eat-dog world?

To fucking make others do the work for him! 

Becoming strong? People's praises will make me a hero!

Become immortal? Let's ask Miss Luminous Valentine to make turn me into a vampire instead.

Ruling the world? Huh? That's too much of a hassle, I'm not interested.

Fighting for supremacy? Bah! Depends on the situation though.

Becoming omniscient? I guess that's a possible path.

Hardcore Tensura fans, chills, this is not the typical Tensura fic, so you all should chill in the comments.

This is a joke-fic or wish-fulfillment fic I suddenly wanted to write since most mc's go down the dominator/op/following Rimuru's route.

He's going down the Shinrabanshōman*ahem, Omniscient path.

He would have some melee abilities, but most of his kit will be leaning towards him being Nigh-Omniscient.

This mc doesn't seek the path of strength, he seeks the path of true elation, true he needs strength to survive, but what if he could solve all that problem without having to actively seek for strength?

I would make mistakes, a lot, but go easy on me.

—Chapter 1

"Hmm, so, this is magic, huh? That said, this still took a month…"

Murmured the raven-haired youth, his voice barely above a whisper, as he shut the book laid before him as his gaze fixed on the mesmerizing swirl of flames dancing along his fingertip.

Alone in the expansive halls of the medieval library with towering shelves filled with countless books.

Seated behind the librarian's desk. a symbol of his custodianship over this expansive medieval library.

"Still very far away," he conceded with a sigh, "I suppose it suffices for the time being."

The boy mused; his brows furrowed as he sighed in thought. 'It's already been a month since I arrived here.'

—It all started a month ago.

Inside a building, looking like an interrogation room used in mediaeval eras. A table in front of two, seated across from each other at a sturdy table.

"So, that's pretty much everything that happened up till you saved me."

With a wry smile, the raven-haired boy addressed the beautiful calm young woman in front of him. Short black hair and violet eyes with bangs over her right eye, tucking the left side behind her ear.

Her expression remained composed, her eyes exuding an aura of icy calculation as they scrutinized the boy across from her.

"So, you're an Otherworlder, huh?" The woman asked, her gaze still lingering on the boy.

The boy on the other hand, though he didn't understand what she meant by that, but he nodded his head regardless. "Hmm. I see…"

The beautiful calm young woman calmly analyzed the youth in front of her before speaking up again.

"By the way… Did you hear any voice in your head or the sorts when you got transported here?"

Momentarily lost in thought, the boy gazed at her before shaking his head in confusion. "I didn't," he admitted.

Upon hearing his response, a soft sigh escaped the woman's lips, muttering something along the lines of. "No wonder…"

Observing the subtle shift in the woman's expression, the boy also sighed, he could somewhat understand her line of thought, 'she looks somewhat disappointed…' This he understood.

"Nevertheless, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Igarashi-san," the woman acknowledged with a slight nod, adjusting her hair with a gentle sweep of her hand.

"Now that you're here, you'll need to fend for yourself, I can provide you a place for a short time, everything else will depend on you."

"…" Igarashi stared at her a moment before giving her a grateful smile, "Though lacking in physical prowess, I can contribute in matters requiring intellect."

"I see… if that's the case, then there's no problem, I can help with that much, I'll give you a recommendation to the library, you may work there for the time being to provide for yourself."

"I appreciate."

—It was thanks to her recommendation he was able to get a job as a librarian in the Holy Empire Ruberios Grand Library.

Since then, he had pretty much been working his ass off. At the very least, thanks to this job, he can earn just enough to sustain himself and study more about this world and its system.

'Hinata-san, was it? Speaking of which, I haven't seen her in a long time, guess she must be busy.'

Igarashi thought as he dismissed the small fireballs swirling in his hands, using magic in the library was actually prohibited, however, the library was currently empty, he couldn't resist the temptation to indulge momentarily.

"It's a shame that hardly anyone frequents this place," he muttered to himself. "But as long as I'm earning my keep, it's not my concern."

With a resigned sigh, Igarashi laid his head on his desk.

However, even with that, it was pretty frustrating.

Apart from his struggles with learning magic, which he found himself woefully inadequate at, there was little to occupy his time.

No entertainment of the sorts to keep him company.

"Tsk, how infuriating," he grumbled to himself.

"That's one of the problems I'm currently facing." The lack of necessary advancement, while not inherently detrimental, especially since there were magical items that could act in place of technology.

For instance, the lighting that shines above the library is a product of magic rather than electricity he's familiar with.

Conventional materials like printer doesn't exist here as far as he knows.

He would have tried recreating them but… He was no genius when it comes to that subject.

Even his aptitude for magic was around average or above at best. It could be said as though he is living life on a high difficulty setting.

"Especially living in a world with demon lords roaming around and Dragons are symbols of calamity," he chuckled wryly, his tone tinged with resignation. "Haha. I'm screwed, aren't I?"

Plus, it's someone like him with zero combat capability…

…Of course, that didn't mean he had neglected trying to physically enhance himself like doing hundred push-ups, sure he could do that, but what's the point of trying to do an exercise he has barely bothered about before?

That wasn't his style!

"Give me a break, I just want to live a long life and enjoy myself," he groaned in frustration, banging his head against the librarian's desk in exasperation. "…"

"What a minute, it's actually possible!" Igarashi after some moments of thoughts, suddenly came to realization, as he exclaimed. "If I can't do it, I'll make others do it for me."

That was the most efficient way.

"No manga to entertain me? Then I'll write the stories and commission skilled artists to bring them to life through illustrations!"

"And maybe even doujins too, muhahaha, some people bout to be scared by the sacred tags."

A sinister smile crossed his features as he continued, "No recreational activities? I'll open up a company that does that gg easy."

However, easier said than done, as these plans of his might take months… scratch that, it might not even take long. "I can start from making simple card games, uno, pokers."

"Then, moving on to classics like chess, checkers, monopoly, and various board games should be a breeze."

Perhaps, maybe it was because of how easy these ideas popped up into his head, he grabbed an empty sheet of paper from the librarian's desk and hastily began jotting down his ideas.

However, in the midst of that—


[Unique Skill: Librarian has been acquired.]

"Eh?" Igarashi blinked in surprise, taken aback by the voice.

Next chapter