
Path to become a God { Hiatus }

A handsome high school boy got hit by truck-kun and meet God get 5 wishes and Reincarnated into an anime world . . . . I will update whenever I'm free . . . . . I don't own any of the characters and some other stuff except the characters that I created . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st world That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime 2st High school dxd

DIVINE_LOLICON · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Time skip

After I finish tutoring Isaki for a while I decided to go home with my teleportation magic of course when I teleport back there is nobody is around to see me. I teleport to the front of my house when I open the door my lovely wife came to hug me saying

Yukina - Welcome home dar~~ling

Izumi - I'm back Yukina

I bent down to kiss her lips and we stay like that for a few seconds then after we got satisfied we went to the dining table and I said

Izumi - what would you like this time my dear Yukina

Yukina - Surprise me, darling

Izumi - Ok then I'll be finish cooking in 15 minutes

Yukina - Ok darling

After about 15 minutes of cooking, I finally made my favorite food when I was alive " Pancake with Syrup ". I then went over to the table to serve my Pancake. When Yukina saw the pancake she said

Yukina - Wow what is this it looks so tasty

Izumi - It calls pancake. Let dig in

When Yukina first took a bite out of it she made a face so cute that an angle would be jealous of her

After we finish eating we went to bed. And this keeps on repeating over and over then finally a year pass in this year a lot has happened first of all when Rias move in I couldn't really have any private moment or a lot of time to flirt with Yukina and my house became like a castle at least there were a lot of bedrooms and Yukina can still sleep with me, of course, Rias or the other " peoples " don't know that the reason why I said " people " with an s is that Yumiko, Koneko and Akeno also move in. I also found out that I have 8 pair of wings in my devil transformation and 8 pair of golden wings in the Arc angle transformation the highest amount of wings the devil and angle have is 6. And on my birthday which I turn 17, Yukina gave me clothes that look so good on me that when I walk past the girls some of them became a bit wet " some of them " only the prevented one and Rias and the other gave me a normal present like sunglasses or a set of board game like chess. I also got closer to Isaki, Akeno, Koneko, and Yumiko and they seem to have a crush on me but I only found that out after 7 months look like I'm kinda dense since Yukina already knows about it and she the one that told me. but this important event about to happen is today is the day of the plot. and of course, I wouldn't let Isaki be killed even though she won't die it still be painful so I already took care of the group of fallen angles they didn't even have a chance but I left some that would be needed for the plot in the future. On the day of the plot, Rias sent Yumiko to call me Isaki and Yukina to the ORC ( occult research club ) room

Izumi - ( look like it time I have to reveal that I'am a devil )

After we drive to the ORC room where all the member of the club are at Rias said

Rias - Do you believe in supernatural existence?

Isaki - Do you mean those Angle and Devil fairy tale stuff?

Rias - Well you might as well call it like that but well do you believe in them

Izumi - Of course, I do I know because me and Yukina is a Devil

All of them look at me and Isaki then said

Isaki - If you really are a devil then show us

Izumi - ( Look like she doesn't believe me how many wings does a normal devil have again I don't remember ahh fuck it I just unfold 12 pairs of wings )

I then start to unfold my 12 pair of wings with 2 pair still unfold

All of them have a worse shock than before but I said

Izumi - Do you hate me now Isaki that I'm a devil?

Isaki - Baka ( idiot ) Of course I won't I'll never hate you even if you are a devil

I smile happily after hearing her said that but then Rias ask me

Rias - Ho-hOw do you Have as many wings as the original Lucifer

I then answer with my bullshit Jutsu I haven't used this for a while so I might be rusty

Isaki - It because I'm the son of the original Lucifer but sadly I don't know who my mother is and I never got to meet my dad since he died the day before I was born and I don't remember my mother face or name at all

Rias - I need to report this to my brother Sirzechs Lucifer I hope you don't mind

Izumi - fell free to do so

Rias - Ok then if you two are a devil would you like to become one Isaki?

<A/N Voting for next harem member

Rias 1

Akeno 2

Isaki 3

Koneko 4

Yumiko 5

You can vote multiple characterize you want >