
Path of Wrought Steel and Gold

*currently on hold* Also please note that I've changed the lore of RWBY, some more than others, mainly so the world makes a bit more sense.

GrandSplix777 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

(Gil's Golden Walks Pt.1)

Gil was walking around his treasury simply looking around absentmindedly and admiring all the things within. He had walked so much that he arrived at shelves all with pedestals housing EA's; Gil noticed that instead of glass as the casing it was Enkidu's. Gil wondered how the chains not only moved around the swords without touching them but also left enough space to see within and observe the swords.

Suddenly Gil felt movement behind him, quickly turning around he saw a small floating dark gold robot, with a dark blue ring around it, seemingly towing a ginormous bookcase filled with books; all of the same size but each book had its own individual colour or colours, even ones Gil couldn't recognise.

(AN: this is what it looks like, just add the ring and change the colours)

"You there stop!" Gil shouted towards the strange robot

The small robot stopped dead in its tracks as it looked over at Gil before making its way towards him without the bookcase, before stopping before him and bowing.

"Yes lord Gilgamesh, how may I be of service?" The robot said as continued to look at him.

"What are you and where are you bringing those books?" Gil asked with a bit of curiosity,

Gil didn't even care about the formalities as he just wanted to know what it was and why it was here. He did however feel a sort of connection with the small bot; one of the things he could feel was a strong sense of loyalty towards him.

"My designation is TRNS-097654 and I'm a transport unit carrying these books towards sector SPL-452-MGC, I apologise for the inconvenience my lord but CNSR units are currently re-building the transport roots to make them more efficient and this is the quickest way aside from the aforementioned roots." The now named TRaNSportation unit said to Gil in a matter of fact way.

"How many TRNS units are there?" Gil asked, actually interested in how many there were.

"There are currently ninety-four billion, six hundred eighty-eight thousand, seven hundred and twenty-five units, oops my apologies my lord, ninety-four billion, six hundred eighty-eight thousand, seven hundred and sixty-two units my lord." TRNS-097654 said.

Gil was silent for a bit, he didn't know how to react to the info he was given, so instead, he looked at the bookcase and willed one of the books to come to him and without a second delay, faster than he could blink it appeared in front of him, many would think that the book teleported to him but Gil new better, the book accelerated faster than light itself to Gil's position. While Gil was impressed by its speed what interested him more than the contents of the book was how no sound was heard during its movement, not even a sonic boom was seen or even happened, it was like things such as physics didn't and force didn't exist within the treasury, or perhaps they did but they only affect certain things within the treasury.

Gil didn't know what to think as he himself didn't even know that these units existed before a few minutes ago. So without delay, he opened up the book to find pages upon pages of alchemy greater than anything he had ever seen, ways to shape reality to one's desires and how to bend space-time to the point you can appear and do multiple things at the same time, all with very little cost and only a little bit of effort from the user to acquire the materials and follow the instructions. Gil knew that he had to test the validity of the book's words, and if they were true what should he do with his newfound power?

"Let's say that I wanted to give this book to someone, if I was in a completely different reality to them could I still have it return to the treasury?" Gil asked to the robot.

"Yes my lord, if you want we could force the book to return if you don't want it to be used a certain way." TRNS-097654 responded.

"So like a library?" Gil hesitantly asked.

"Yes my lord...do you wish to make part of the treasury a library?" TRNS-097654 wearilly asked, unsure whether he wanted to or not.

When Gil heard this suggestion he immediately became angry but calmed down after a bit. Even though it's a big part of who he is, Gil has started to try and get better control of his ego and temper.

"No, I don't like the feeling of other people having access to my treasury, even if it's in the form of a library." Gil calmly said to the small bot.

"Very well sir, I will let every other unit that you do not want to turn part of the treasury into a library and let people take one of your treasures." TRNS-097654 said relieved that his master wasn't angry at him.

Since Gil had no longer use for the small robot he let the small robot continue with its task and returned to the real world.