
Path of the Traveler

Even the powerful tire of unending duties and responsibilities! It falls upon a young mage to show a bored god the wonders of her world. Tour or die!

Papayagoh · Fantasy
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9 Chs

May Eye?

As Tomakin hovered alongside the mortal, he observed the countryside as they passed farms, villages, and fellow travelers on their way to distant destinations. Rather idyllic for any mortal and certainly far too boring for any deity, but as he continued to watch, the spirits started to appear.

Like thousands of little lights, glowing spirit creatures of all shapes and sizes flew forth from their hiding places or the household they protected. They stared at him in awe as he passed, thousands of whispers flowing together in harmony. Some flew to join him while many others merely bowed in respect and returned to their homes. A rather brave spirit flew close by his ear and whispered, "O Great One, Keeper of the Balance. We humbly welcome you to this world. Ask anything and we will make it so."

Tomakin motioned for the spirit to come closer, and it quickly flew to his side. There was something off about this world, and he could sense more than one shadowy figure fleeing his sight. The help the local entities could provide would be most helpful as they would be far more attuned to this world than he.

He turned to the little spirit and said, "Gather all of the entities in the glade in the deepest part of the upcoming forest. Tell them that a God of Balance requires attendants." It bobbed up and down then quickly zipped off through the countryside, gathering more and more spirits about it until there seemed to be a glowing, swirling comet shooting across the land.

Turning back to the mortal, Tomakin noticed suddenly that she hadn't even reacted to any of the spirits. Her eyes seemed incapable of the same sight he possessed. That would have to be rectified as quickly as possible.

He grabbed her shoulder and turned her towards him. Ignoring her protests, Tomakin reached under the dragon skull and plucked out an eye. With his other hand, he tried to take one of her eyes, but she quickly leaped backwards. She said, " What the hell?! Why did you just pluck out your bloody eye?" Horror, revulsion, and apprehension were stamped across her face as she continued to back further and further away from him. She said, "Unless you tell me what you intend to do with that thing, I'm not moving any further."

Tomakin asked, "Can you see into other planes of existence?" The mortal looked at him strangely then slowly said, "Of course not. Only people with certain eyes can do that. I have blue eyes so I can only see mana" So that was how it worked. The inhabitants of this world must determine what plane of existence or type of creature they could see by the pigmentation of their eyes. Blue must be mana, the lifeblood of the planet and source of magic. Red would be the color for the realm of demons and black magic. Orange for the sight of those who could see spirits. Amethyst for the warriors who could wield their life force. There were more but he would rather discover as he went.

He didn't have the patience to explain so he just grabbed her by the shoulder, plucked out one of her eyes as painlessly as possible, and placed his own emerald eye in the empty socket. He asked, "May I replace one of your eyes? If you can't see everything then this trip would be awfully boring." But this was lost on her as the mortal was now staring blankly at the world, now awash in layers upon layers of colors and skeins of energy.

His own eye had already regrown so there was no longer any reason to continue standing here. Tomakin flew on but when the mortal didn't follow, he flew back. Her mind must be still adjusting otherwise it would have exploded out of her ears. Might as well wait a little while.