
Path of the Sword

The paths of the greatest swordsman/swordswomen, I'll master them all and reach the sword of void, endless and infinite.

jewby_jube · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Perhaps, this was fate. An unreached conclusion, a dream cut short. My head tilted as a sword passed my face while my hand blocked the incoming attack with my wakizashi. My head simply blanked as I continued to train facing the oncoming mini army.

My movements were like flowing water as I countered with both katana and wakizashi. A sword that has versatility and flows like water with perfect offence and defence. Throats were slit as I continued to move minimally. Letting them come to me was more energy efficient.

I still remember it as If it was just yesterday, that screen.

[Choose your first path]

[Zero] [Infinite] [Endless]

[This screen will only appear once you have reached the pinnacle of the chosen path]

That screen had saved his dream after it had ended abruptly. It was no proper golden finger, it simply gave me the means to achieve one of the three for now. I would eventually achieve all three. All it did was give me the books and a set of katana and wakizashi and a small inventory.

Though sooner or later, I had realised one thing. The novels that people think are bullshit. They don't portray the difficulty of progress. Everyone is all of a sudden, a genius. I brushed my hair, it's white colour had been splashed with blood. I should get my clothes washed after.

I flipped my wakizashi before stabbing behind me. "You should really train your footwork. Too much noise."

The small army had been decimated. "Still no progress yet." How long had it been? And I hadn't grown even older since that day. I don't even know what world I'm in. All I had was the Niten Ichiryu and the name Musashi to take on. I was in fact, not Musashi, but that was all that was left for me to take. My previous life had been wiped out all except memories of the place and things that I had used or seen before.

I can't even remember my own name nor my parents. Everything about "me" has been wiped clean. I would have to work more on my physical parameters and Niten Ichiryu. All I had was a normal sturdy body that I could push to the limits.

In terms of the stat screen I was around mostly D ranked.

[Strength] [D]

[Agility] [D]

[Endurance] [D]

[Luck] [B]

[Mana/Energy] [E]

It was hell to train my stats until this. However, I was thankful for this body that could handle the abuse and get stronger. The average human body was not possible for this, meaning it had to at least be a world that was probably from an anime, which one? No idea.

I reached my small hut and sat down before lying down on the bed, to meditate. Most would think you would have to sit up in lotus, lying on the bed works fine. Empty all thoughts.

Once the mind reaches nothing I'll have achieved it. Shave and shave existence until there is nothing, zero. Yet shave and shave "something" will still exist. One is nothing, hence one is invincible.

Clear all thoughts, the slow cold disappeared as I halted all thoughts towards that area. What is it?

I got up as the other thoughts came wondering in, the mind was no clear, the mind was not tranquil therefore not zero. I could not shave it all away.

It was then that the screen finally made a change. A change all too familiar in fanfics and novels.

[Chat Group Function has been added along with dimensional travel.]

[Username: Udon Lover]

"Eh? You monitor me?" I stared at the prepared lunch which was also Udon.

[There is no Admin, free speech and no benefits.]

"Seems fair, no cheats then means no cheats now. Not that I want any, the hard way is the best way. Though still a bit unfair."

[One-Eyed Ghoul has joined]

"Oh, that's how this is going to go? Oh well."

I continued to stare at the screen as I ate my udon.

[Red Devil has joined] "Who?" I soon noticed my chopsticks not catching anything. "More udon is needed." I got up before ladling another bowl of soup and another batch of noodles. Did I have a mainly udon diet? Yes. Did I keep a balanced diet with meats and vegetables in the udon? Yes.

[Sea Urchin Head has joined the chat group]

[Unlucky Coward has joined the chat group]

The udon continue to disappear as the chat group soon generated. Only five members including him so far.

Red Devil: "What the hell is with this nickname? And what prank is this?"

Sea Urchin Head: "A cursed technique? What is this?"

Unlucky Coward: "Are you all demons? Is this a technique?"

One Eyed Ghoul: "This is strange."

Udon Lover: "This is a dimensional chat group, meaning exactly what it means. We are from different worlds!"

The good thing was it was text to speech.

Udon Lover: "Anyways I'll be visiting some of you guys soon"

Red Devil: "Hang on! Isn't this infringing on the second true magic?"

Udon Lover: "Not my problem, whoever decided to give us this thing? Thank you."

With that I put my bowl in the small bucket of water along with the chopsticks as I thought for a bit. "Alright let's jump right in for experience." I hyped myself up, I would look for my first fight with non-humans. More specifically ghouls.

Udon Lover: "Ok, I'm coming over One-Eyed Ghoul, bring me to some good places to eat will you?"

One Eyed Ghoul: "Wait wait!"

With that my existence paled as I fell through what seemed to be the earth. A bunch of whizzing colours flew past my eyes as I fell hard onto what seemed to be wooden floor.

"Ah crap. I didn't think about the landing did I?" The pain in my head started subsiding as I looked up.

"Oh you must be One eyed ghoul!" I got up and shook his hands only to realise that this was a ghoul meeting. "I came at the wrong time didn't I?"

"Udon Lover?" He scratched his head "I thought I was hallucinating about it." I shook my head, "You aren't going to try eat me are you?" The orange haired one seemed sceptical as he stared at my katana and wakizashi. "I don't know where you came from. But ghouls can't be harmed by normal objects."

"Eh normal objects? I just have to cut hard enough right? Isn't that what a swordsman does? To search and cut down challenges. I cut what I want and what I don't want to cut, will not be cut."

The old man seemed to be the caretaker. "If any of them attacks me, I'm free to retaliate right?"

He nodded. "You seem to have beef with me, so what's this about?" The orange haired lunged at me "Not witnesses." Before the other ghouls could stop him, I had long anticipated. An elbow to throat before drawing my katana and slicing through. The air rippled as the blade cut deeply into his arm as his other arm aimed for my head.

My wakizashi had been drawn as the blade caught his hand as the remaining reach with my katana cut through the limb.

"That wasn't very nice, but Musashi. Nice to meet you. Just Musashi."

"What about you One Eyed?"

He introduced himself "Ken Kaneki."

I smiled "Alright, now I'm hungry so the next one who attacks will have a death wish." The others were shocked, guessing they barely kept up. "So where does one cash in ghouls for money?" The others flinched and got ready.

"Where do I find the dangerous ones?"

"13th Ward has been closed off but you can maybe ask others."

"Great, see ya later Kaneki."

The rest whispered behind me "Is he actually going to head into the a ghoul filled ward?" "He's crazy"

Now that I think about it. It. wasn't very smart of me to come straight to the CCG headquarters.

I slurped on the bowl of udon with katsu on the side.

"So If I do this you'll agree to the conditions I made?"

The man in front of me simply sighed "Yes on the off 1% chance you pull this off. We'll support you and your eating habits along with dorms."

"I'm sold!"

"Time to clear out the dangerous ghouls."

I stare at the hit list.