

Meet Billy Bubba Bill, a heavyweight champion in our world, but he died while stealing a banana. See how Billy gets reincarnated, see how he learns to adapt to the shinobi world, and who knows, you might like it. I posted this story on other sites NO HAREM Alternative universe! 104 K words as of chapter 17

Highlord1337 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

The Muddy Dark Waters Pt 2

Pt 2

Last time on Billy! They were chilling in the sewers, and they were provided with a minimal amount of food like two sandwiches split between them for five days.

Anyways I hope you enjoy today's chapter!

As always

"" Talking Smack

'' Thinking of talking smack.

() He is showing you how he is talking smack!


For the rest of the day, they sat on one of the pipes and played shogi, using bits and pieces of litter they found floating in the sewer.

On the next day, they heard a shinobi enter with a small bag of food and some water. He approached them and nodded. "Here you go, boys, oh, and Inajin-Sama told me to deliver this message." He brought a small piece of paper and began reading it. "Hello, boys! I hope you are having fun! Now I would like to apologize because it seems that the food you got was a day old! How foolish of me, anyway. It has been stepped on one time… by me! But don't worry; it won't happen again… hopefully."

Billy sighed. "Man, that guy is weird." Then he looked at his duffle bag, and he had a cunning plan.

Billy looked at the Shinobi and tried to turn his puppy eyes up. "Shinobi-san." the Shinobi looked at Billy with confusion.

Billy smiled inwardly, then he panicked. 'Fuck I don't have puppy eyes!' he looked at the floor and pretended to whimper. "Can you give us a minute? I need to talk to my friend, please!"

"Huh? Yeah, sure, kid, but make it quick." And he moved away.

Billy turned to Nawaki. "Dude, we have to trick him into giving us more food, this is clearly one meal, and I bet that freak would like to taunt us more tomorrow." Billy looked at his duffle bag and whispered. "We could trade my kunai cleaning kits for something."

Nawaki looked at the Shinobi. "Fine, but I will talk to him; I know how to deal with them."

Billy called out to the Shinobi. "We are done. Shinobi-san, but you know my friend wishes to talk to you."

The Shinobi walked back and looked at Nawaki. "Shinobi-san, I know you are busy, and all, but Yamanaka-Sama told us that this is a small test that we have to convince you to bring us more food with trade."

The Shinobi looked skeptical about this offer. "Eh, why not? I am doing a D-rank at the moment, so what have you to offer?"

Nawaki smiled and started bartering, and at the end of the deal, Nawaki traded ten kunai cleaning kits 5000, for forty liters of water and a large box of ramen.

Billy gave Nawaki a thumbs-up when the Shinobi walked away. "Great job Nawaki; now we have water and some food."

But then Nawaki sighed. "I know, Billy, but how can we manage forty liters of water and a box of ramen?"

Billy moved towards his bag and pulled up two scrolls. "Well, we can use my pre-drawn fuinjutsu, or I can draw one for you right now."

Nawaki stood still, and his eyes widened. "You… know how to draw fuinjutsu… Dumb Billy knows how to use the most complicated, most insane shinobi art out there?"

Billy grew frustrated. "What is that supposed to mean?! I have brains, you know… Just because I work on my body does not make me an idiot!"

Nawaki smiled and laughed. "Come on, Billy… I was just kidding! So, we will use your fuins and store the food, then we can wait…" he looked around the area. "In this dump."

Billy nodded. "So, want to do something?" Nawaki turned to him.

"Yeah, why not, and you know we don't know much about each other… how about we talk while play shogi." Nawaki pointed at their temporary home.

Billy shrugged and walked to their pipe. "All right, But I will use the stone pieces this time."

"What, but those are mine!" Nawaki ran towards the board.

"Yeah but, the small rags look too… brownish! It's your turn!"

And for the rest of the second day, they played shogi and talked about their lives.


On the third day, Billy and Nawaki took on wrestling. "My name is the murder eagle! And you slept with my wife Lava person thingy!"

Nawaki, with his shirt over his head, started making some fancy moves. "Well, it is not my fault she is a slut… and I will have you know that you killed my bro fifteen times! I will show you tonight, and I will take the champion's belt from you!"

Billy started imitating the audience and booed Nawaki; then, they heard the shinobi talk. "Man, the sewers are bad for kids… I leave for one day, and you guys became idiots…."

Billy was in his flying eagle pose, and he was making the karate kid move; Nawaki was doing the praying mantis style. They both turned their heads and looked at the shinobi.

Billy quickly returned to normal and started clearing his throat while dusting himself. Nawaki started looking at the ground and kicking something pretending that nothing had happened.

The shinobi sighed. "Look, it's not my problem… just give me the kunai kits, and we are cool" Billy nodded and brought a fuin scroll, then he laid it on a dry pipe.

The shinobi opened his own scroll, and the exchange was finished; Billy handed him his kits. The shinobi walked away, muttering to himself.

Nawaki sighed. "Well, that was embarrassing; I can't believe you convinced me to do a theater-fighting drama."

Billy bristled. "This is an art form… people will love it someday, mark my words" Billy climbed the pipe and started preparing the ramen noodles; he got one of the oil candles he had made and he boiled some water in a small can he had.

He turned his head to Nawaki. "So, this is the third day; when do you think the others will come here?"

Nawaki started thinking. "Well, let's see, we had about five hundred in our class, and let's assume that they were in the dark, like me."

Billy added some of the ramen powder to the can. "But what about the Hyuga clan? Should they not have passed quickly like us?"

"Well, they are not allowed to use their eyes in the first year, or the second I am not sure." He started scratching his head. "Back to the point… I would say two hundred something will pass, maybe more."

Billy nodded, then he poured the flavored water into the cup of ramen. "Ramen is about done."

Nawaki walked to Billy. "So hard to believe you are a mask maker's apprentice."

Billy gave him a cup. "Why is that?"

"Well… you don't look the type who sits on a table and carve a mask all day long."

Billy nodded, and he opened his zipper to eat. "Well, we do not make simple masks; we make shinobi masks, royal ball masks, and custom masks for injured shinobi… we deal with quality over quantity."

Nawaki looked at Billy's mouth. "can I ask you a question?" Billy nodded while he was slurping the noodles. "Why do you wear a mask?"

Billy stopped, and he placed his ramen down, then he sat still for a moment. "Are you sure you want to see what is behind the mask, Nawaki? It isn't pretty." Nawaki leaned forward, and with hesitation, at first, he nodded.

Billy sighed in defeat, 'Welp, someone was bound to ask about it anyway, might as well remove the Band-Aid quickly' Billy gently removed his mask, then he looked at Nawaki in the eyes.

Nawaki flinched and looked away in shame. "I am sorry about asking." He answered softly.

Billy laughed and slipped the mask back; then he clicked the fuin to tighten the mask. "You know… the world outside is a scary place."

Billy stood up and got out of the pipe; he looked up at the shining lights. "Nawaki, I have an advice if you would like to hear it."

Nawaki looked at Billy's back. "I am willing."

He sighed and turned around to look at Nawaki. "If you survived out there… I mean the war." Billy gathered his thoughts. "People are going to use you." He took a deep breath. "And people will wish to destroy you."

Billy reached for his mask. "Because you are a Senju, and you are a threat to them." He breathed to calm his nerves. And walked towards Nawaki; now they were really close. He bent down to be at eye level with Nawaki. "So, look at my face, and you can see what the world out there is really like. Then tell me if you genuinely think you can survive?" Billy removed his mask, but this time Nawaki did not flinch; his eyes never left Billy's face.

Nawaki slowly reached with both of his hands to Billy's face; then, in an instant, he smashed his skull to Billy's skull. Billy did not move. "This is my answer, Billy; I will fight every step. I will destroy any competition. And when the ravens sing their song of death, I will be the only one standing!"

Billy smiled, and he reattached his mask, and with the hiss of the mask, Billy laughed. "Good. Good, let the dark side consume you!"

Nawaki deadpanned. "What? Man, Billy, that was awesome and all, but you ruined it with the joke… and why do I feel like you are referencing something here?"

Billy shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, you started it with the poetry shit again… And it was just there… and I am referencing something, a story, if you will. Want to hear it? We got nothing to do." Billy returned to the pipe, and he picked up his ramen.

Nawaki nodded. "Well, I think we have time. So, might as well, so is this story from a book, or did you create it?"

Billy stood still. 'Should I? What about George Lucas… You know I am related to him… ten thousand generations back… so I am the only heir of anything from earth… and I really doubt that they will object so… yoink mine now!'

Billy gave Nawaki a thumbs up. "Yup, all my creations… you know I was a farmer before, so I had to do something in my free time… and the rest is history."

"Now, how do I start the story… A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away," Billy spent five hours retelling 'A New Hope,' and he will not start with episode one because fuck episode one.

"And then Chewbacca roared towards the crowd." Billy smiled at the look on Nawaki's face. "And that ends the first chapter."

Nawaki jumped in excitement. "Oh my God, that was sooooooo cool! He had a flaming sword that could cut anything and the magical Jedi. I liked Darth Vader so much!"

Billy smiled. 'I do not regret stealing it.' He laughed. "You think this is the only story, Nawaki? I have more in my brain," then he added internally. 'And John's brain, you magnificent nerd!'

Billy was about to explain more of 'His stories,' but he heard something moving in the other pipe. "Wait, someone is coming!"


Shikaku kept on staring at the moving tunnel he was in. 'Man, the puzzle up there was so boring. I had to wait three days until everyone passed… well, I hope they passed; I don't want to explain stuff to them… too troublesome.'

He yawned and started clapping his lips; then he smelt something foul. 'Oh, it's the sewers… how original.'

When he saw the tunnel getting brighter, he channeled some chakra to his legs and feet; then, he slowed himself. 'I can see the end of the tunnel now.'

At the end of the tunnel, two small legs stopped at the perfect position, where they dangled from the tunnel; Shikaku sighed when he heard no one was talking. 'I completed the puzzle too quickly… well, on the bright side, no one is here to bother me.'

He heard steps slugging through the water. "Who do you think passed?" said a rough voice.

"I think it's going to be either one of the Naras, or maybe a Yamanaka." Another voice replayed, but this one sounded more cultured. 'This one is from a clan, and the other one is clearly that big kid with the mask.'

He saw a masked face leaning on top of him. "Hmm… Yup, it's a Nara… and a lazy one at that."

Shikaku waited for Billy's head to move, then he straightened himself up. "So, you guys passed too?"

Nawaki nodded. "Yup, we passed three days ago… Man, this place is boring."

Billy nodded. "What took you guys so long?"

Shikaku stretched his body and scratched his head. "I stayed up there for three days; I thought that half or more would already be done… I guess it is only you two, right?"

Billy gave him a thumbs up. "So, want to do something? I mean, that crazy guy told us that the second test will start in two days."

Shikaku exhaled, and he jumped out of the pipe; he could feel the murky waters invading his sandals. "I have nothing to do, so what do guys do for fun?"

Billy cracked his fingers. "You like shogi? We made a makeshift one back there… I always wanted to play with a Nara."

Shikaku nodded and followed the two boys. "So, did they give you food or water down here?

Nawaki laughed. "As if… if you count two sandwiches split between us for five days as food."

He smiled. "Well, I am glad that I slowed myself." When they reached their pipe, Billy sat down.

"I will play first… I CHOOSE STONES!" Billy began arranging the stones in shape.

For hours they played. "Damn you, Shikaku! This is 28 to 16."

He sighed. "Well, it is not my fault you always try new and unorthodox tactics."

Nawaki pushed Billy out of the way. "My turn, Billy, you lost… make us ramen."

Billy glared at Nawaki. "I didn't lose to you, shithead!"

Nawaki smiled. "Don't worry; I will win this match, then I am going to beat you on the next one… so make it in advance."

Billy started grumbling, "You are fucking lucky I love cooking."

Shikaku chuckled and made his first move. "So, you guys have been friends for a long time now?"

Billy started pouring water. "I would say three days now… man, time sure does fly."

"Oh, then you guys must have many friends out there. I mean, you seem to be too close… in what three days?"

"Fuck no… Farming most of my short life… then working in a store."

"could not find the right people… you understand, Shikaku."

Shikaku nodded at Nawaki; he saw him move his knight. 'Well, this move is going to set you back.' Just as he was about to make the next move, he heard a voice, a high-pitched voice.

"Anyone there!... Hello!... you need to carry me! I am wearing a dress!"

Shikaku and Nawaki instantly looked at Billy. "What are you guys looking at me for?"

"Stop Ignoring me!"

"Fuck no… why should I carry her?!"

Nawaki turned his head and looked at Billy's body. "Well, you are the tallest."

"And the strongest." Added Shikaku while grinning.

Billy swore and huffed; then he walked down the path to the girl in the pipe. "So, what do you make of Billy?"

Nawaki looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"What you said earlier… What made Billy different?"

"Oh…" he gathered his thoughts. "Well, he has this…." Nawaki started gesturing with his hand. "persuasive personality if he wanted something… I don't know what could stop him."

"So, he wanted to be your friend so bad that he forced you?"

"What is wrong with you, Nara's? You always act lazy, but when you find something interesting, you become a bloodhound. And no, I asked first, said no later, he punched me in the face, and told me to 'Shut the fuck up,' I guess."

Shikaku started laughing. "He punched you… A Senju?"

"Yup… and at this point, I am not even shocked… he insulted Yamanaka-Sama, and Akimichi-Sama… less than ten seconds of meeting Inajin-Sama himself… to his face."

They heard a voice whining. "PUT ME DOWN, YOU BRUTE!"

Shikaku expected Billy to act with a little bit of grace, but he gave him too much credit; he was carrying, Yunmi-Chan like a potato bag.

"Stop hitting me, or I will drop you in the doodoo water!" she stopped hitting.

Billy reached the pipe and placed her next to Nawaki, then he climbed the pipe and went back to cooking. "Who comes to a test with a dress? A white dress too." Billy grumbled while sitting down.

Yunmi puffed up her cheeks. "I forgot, ok!" then she noticed Shikaku. "Oh, Shikaku, you passed too!"

He nodded at her, then watched Nawaki fall into his shogi trap. "I would take it as an insult if you thought I couldn't… not that I care."

She laughed. "Typical Shika… Always a tsundere."

Billy grunted at them. "Ramen is done." Then they heard another voice. "I am not going to pick them up… I don't care."

And another voice, and another. "Troublesome. I recommend you hide the ramen."


Billy watched as more kids started gathering in the middle area; there was this quiet Inuzuka with his yellow puppy, one female Hyuga from the main branch carried by a male one in the branch family, A male Yamanaka talking with Shikaku, and a fat kid with red hair, a female Aburame with a beehive on her back, and finally a Sarutobi clan member with a staff.

Billy turned his head to Nawaki. "I missed the quiet already. You?"

Nawaki smiled. "What, no way! This is awesome; more friends, I say!"

Billy was about to walk towards the gathering people, but then he heard another pipe. "Oh God, another one…."

From the pipe came out a black-haired kid; the kid started walking to the middle, then he opened his eyes, and Billy saw the Sharingan with one tomoe.

Nawaki noticed him, "Isn't that Izuku I think his name was?... Yup, it's him, and he unlocked his Sharingan cool!"

Billy saw Izuku reaching the middle, then he noticed them. "Well. Well. Well, I am going to show you how us Uchiha's are…." While Izuku was preaching about his elite background and how his Sharingan would show Billy's place in the world, Billy was lost in his own head.

'Oh God, is he monologuing?" Billy thought internally. "Shit, he is… I really don't have time for this."

Nawaki, who was cringing from the edgy monolog, noticed Billy talk. "Don't have time for what?"

Billy didn't replay; instead, he pumped chakra to his legs and dashed to Izuku. His first punch was dodged, but Billy caught Izuku's shirt from the back, and pulled him up, and smashed him to the ground, like the Hulk from the Avenger's movie.

Billy looked him in the eyes. "I don't deal with this revenge bullshit… so stand up, and stop acting like a fucking maniac… Don't fucking forget what I told you."

Billy watched him nod; with that, he pulled him up from the water and started shaking him, removing the water that was on his body. Then he turned around, looking at everyone.

Shikaku sighed in defeat. "Troublesome Giant."

Billy pointed at Shikaku; then he pointed at Nawaki. "Come here, guys… we need to talk."

Billy lowered the Uchiha. 'Fucking Uchihas, just because you have an awesome guy a generation or two does not make you all good.'

Billy gave his back to the gathering kids; then he heard Shikaku and Nawaki approach. "Guys, we need to explain our plan to them… fast, or everything will be out of control."

Shikaku scratched his head. "You are right… but what was that… were you trying to show dominance or something?"

Nawaki nodded. "Yeah, that was weird."

Billy tucked his hands in his pocket. "Nah, I think that kid got a bone to pick with me or something… and the look in his eyes. He was trying to cause unnecessary problems… so I stopped him."

Shikaku shrugged, then Nawaki smiled. "Well, it was a good move anyway; now they are all quiet."

Billy turned around and looked at the gathering of kids. "Yup, so want me to explain the plan to them… like how we talked about three hours ago?"

"All yours." Nawaki replayed, and Shikaku gave him a thumbs up.

Billy faced the crowd of kids. "All right now, listen the fuck up!" every kid gave him their full attention. "I and our think tank." He pointed at the nerds. "Have come up with a plan of action!"

The main branch Hyuga stepped forward. "What gives you the right to tell us what to do?"

Billy sighed. "Because if you won't, I will beat the living shit out of you… so let me explain how this shit will work!"

The branch member, furious, walked forward. "How dare you talk to Ayano-Sama like this!"

"Listen here, boy toy! Shut the fuck up, or I am going to shove my fist down your throat and wiggle you around like a fucking puppet!"

The branch member was about to talk some more, but Billy was in front of him instantly, then he whispered in his ears. "I will make this so clear that your retarded ass can understand. Back the fuck down. Or I am going to commit genocide, so…" then he started shouting in his ear. "SO. SHUT. THE. FUCK UP. BECAUSE. THIS IS NOT. YOUR. CLAN. COMPOUND!"

The branch house member started shivering, but the main branch started talking. "How dare…"

Billy, done with this deal, looked at her and motioned to close his zipper. "Zip it, princess; you can complain to daddy after the second test."

The Aburame female raised her hand. "What second test."


He huffed and returned to his position. "Alright, now that everyone is silent again!" the Sarutobi kid raised his hand. Billy looked at him and made the zipping motion. "Again! … we were told that there will be a second test after the shitty puzzle, so what is clearly obvious is that it is going to be a war simulation."

The Inuzuka shouted. "What makes you sure it is going to be like that?!"

"Oh, I don't know! Maybe because WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING WAR!"

He lowered his hand. "So here is what we came up with… there will be one leader to lead everyone here to safety, the main strategist, and six team leaders."

Inoichi asked. "And who is going to be the leader… you?"

Billy laughed. "Fuck no… You want me to lead a bunch of kids around?" he turned and pointed at Nawaki and Shikaku. "I nominate those two."

He chuckled and gave Nawaki and Shikaku a mocking glare. "Better luck tricking me again next time." He whispered to them. "So, if you have any more questions, ask them… see ya!"

Billy walked away from the chaos. He climbed on top of a pipe, getting a bird's eye view of the whole political shitstorm he unleashed. 'Fuckers, you thought I didn't notice, huh. Letting me handle all the fucking stress… Too bad they don't know Billy is a great responsibility dodger.' He laughed while kicking his feet in the air. 'Man, popcorn would be great right about now.


(Billy's POV!)

On the fourth day, their numbers increased to one hundred children running around the sewers. Shikaku told every clan member to inform anyone from their clan about what to do.

Nawaki got straddled with leadership because Shikaku won a shogi match, showing his strategy skills to everyone.

The six-team leaders were the Hyuga princess, the Inuzuka kid, that Inoichi kid, Choza Akimichi, Yunmi Yamanaka, and finally, Billy.

Looking at his new co-workers, Billy squinted at the Hyuga princess she was sitting inside one of the newly refurbished pipes; in front of her was her boy toy Gorou Hyuga who was running around topless.

In a weird militaristic formation, Gorou had various topless members of the Hyuga clan practicing their forms; their shirts were inside the pipe where Ayano rested and talked with her newly made friend Yunmi Yamanaka.

Speaking of Yunmi, she had her cousin Inochi instruct her division while she rested with her new friend.

Billy looked at Inoichi, who was speaking Choza.

Choza pointed at a large black-haired group of kids glaring at both Inoichi and Choza; Inoichi smiled at them and waved; the whole group filled him off and began cussing him out.

Billy rubbed his chin and closed his eyes. 'Fucking hell who the fuck likes this CLAN?! They look like a bunch of cats!' Billy thought, then he turned around, smelling the cooked ramen.

Billy sighed while he was on top of a pipe. 'Man, this spot is awesome; not many people can bother me, and I can cook ramen in secret.' Then he heard someone climb up the pipe.

'I just had to tempt murphy, didn't I?'

He saw small green happy eyes peeking at him, then a tiny slobbering mouth panting for air. Finally, he saw a white-haired kid with a (golden puppy) on his head.

"Damn, why do you stay up here… is that ramen?" he started smelling the air.

Billy sighed. "You better not tell on me. Or I am going to expose you to your clan members that you are hiding beef jerky."

Okami Inuzuka shrugged. "Don't worry, I won't." then he picked up his puppy. "Isn't that right, Kumamu?" the little puppy barked.

Billy could not resist. "Can… Can I hold him?"

Okami nodded. "Sure… just don't crush him."

Billy took hold of the puppy, then he turned around and removed one of his gloves; he started feeling the puppy's fur. "Oh my God, I could die; he is so fluffy!"

Okami laughed at him. "I didn't expect the big brooding giant to love puppies… so I have to ask… how old are you again? Because there is a rumor that you were held back because… you know, because you are an idiot."

Billy put on his gloves and turned around to face Okami. "I am seven years old… and fuck those guys. They are jealous of my prestige AND POWER!." He started petting Kumamu again. "So, what brings you up here?" Kumamu barked cutely at Billy's declaration.

"Oh, right." He began searching his bag. "The rest of the team leaders and I were planning on an old fashion clan makeup, but Nawaki shut that down, so we started picking people in our teams… You said that you would take the leftovers. So here are the names."

Billy took the paper and started reading; then, he gave Okami a flat look while Kumamu began biting his giant finger. "Really, guys… I have eighty percent of the Uchihas in my team."

Okami started scratching his head in embarrassment, "Well, Uchihas are… how do I put this. Annoying. Attention seekers. And a handful to command."

"So, you just throw them at me?"

"Well, what are we supposed to do? You already smashed one of their strongest because he looked at you funny… and he is the only one who has a Sharingan… Look, you will do fine by tomorrow; Shikaku says there will be one hundred more kids down here, so you will have more non-Uchiha kids."

"Fine. Might as well prepare an attack pattern for tomorrow."

"Can I have Kumamu again?" Billy handed the puppy back to the Inuzuka. Then he started moving away, but he stopped before jumping. "Oh, fair warning, most kids complained that they didn't have the chance of becoming a leader, so Shikaku said they could challenge the current leader for the spot… Bye!" and he jumped from the pipe, running away from the screaming Billy.


On the final day, Billy climbed down from his pipe and walked to the gathering of kids; Nawaki was sitting on a pipe while trying to massage his head, and Shikaku was laughing on the sidelines.

Billy approached the gathering kids, and he heard them talk. "I can't wait to try and get the top spot! I am better than that failed student!"

Billy simply approached the black-haired kid, lifted him up by his shirt, and smashed him into his buddy; then, he held him again like a mace. He looked at the other children who looked at him. "Anyone wants to challenge my leadership?"

Another Uchiha smirked and walked forward; he held his kunai and started flipping it and making some moves. "I will!"

Billy simply threw the kid in his hand to the other one and smashed them together. He massaged his forehead. "I really don't want to destroy half of my team, so you fucking assholes will get it. Just do what I tell you, and we can all pass the fucking test already!"

Nawaki sighed loudly. "Really, Billy, we had this whole arena event and everything! I was going to bet too!"

Billy raised his middle finger, and Nawaki raised both of his fingers. "Fine, do what you want… So got a name for your team?"

An Inuzuka ran to him. "Yeah, boss, what is our team name going to be?! Some of the guys already."

Billy whistled to gather the attention of everyone. "Anyone who is in my team, come to the south pipe; we can talk about the strategy and all of that stuff." And he walked back to his pipe, and after a short walk.

Billy climbed his pipe and looked down at the kids. 'All right, let's see what we do have here. Thirty Uchihas. Ten Inuzuka. Five Yamanaka. Five Sarutobi, the rest are a combination of different clans.'

Billy clapped his hands. "Now for the team name, 'I don't fucking care, Nawaki' That will be our name. Some of you will be disappointed, but I don't give a flying fuck now, do I… Now let's talk strategy. All right, first fat kids."


Billy spent most of the day informing the people under his command, about the tactics that they would be using. And he learned a great deal about what they are capable of.

While he was talking, they all heard this siren sound, then they all saw a giant screen, lowering down.

"Is this thing on… Hello." Someone was touching the microphone. "Oh, the mic is on… Try the red wire… No, you idiot, the other red wire!"

Finally, the screen worked, and on the screen was Inajin holding a cup of tea; with dark eyes looking at them, he took a sip of tea. "Now, congratulation on passing the first test!" No one said a word, and Billy moved to the middle of the area, with the rest of the leaders.

"Now let's see how many passed… 343 passed with flying colors… I would say color me impressed, but I am all out of colors…."

He heard Inoichi scream into his hands. "Please, Dad, stop!"

"Now for the second test!" the screen changed to a map of the sewers. "Now, see this spot right here." He pointed at the top of the map. "This is where you need to go! To pass."

"Now, Currently, you are right here." He moved his pointer to the bottom of the map. "past the three main canals, eight piping subsystems, and the thousands of traps that I may or may not have laid there!"

The screen changed to Inajin dipping a biscuit in his tea. "You know… I was planning on being easy on you… But someone just had to beat my first test too quickly."

Everyone looked at Billy and Nawaki; Billy turned and looked at them, then he raised his middle fingers to all the clan kids who were glaring at them. "So, I thought, how can I make this test much harder? And you know what." He smiled a feral smile. "You would be surprised by how much water one could trap in one place." He clicked a button.

Then they saw a gate opening. "Now, kids, this gate is the only exit."

Billy squinted his eyes. "Are those crocodiles?"

"So, as you can see, having a summoning contract is great! But let's get back to the main point… this is the only exit! And it is covered with crocodiles! Now I know what you are all thinking."

He changed his voice to a higher-pitched one. "We can win this with the power of friendship! We can do this. We have smart people here!"

Then he cleared his voice. "But you know… I learned my lesson. And I came to a conclusion… why don't I simply remove time!"

Billy noticing what was about to happen, he looked at Nawaki and Shikaku, whose eyes widened as well. "TEAM FORMATION PRIMARY!" he screamed to his team.

Ohhh boy, they pissed off someone they should not have Pissed off.

I wonder how did Pissed off became synonymous with anger.

I mean Pissed off would indicate that someone is pissing right? Or am I weird for thinking that?

Highlord1337creators' thoughts