

Meet Billy Bubba Bill, a heavyweight champion in our world, but he died while stealing a banana. See how Billy gets reincarnated, see how he learns to adapt to the shinobi world, and who knows, you might like it. I posted this story on other sites NO HAREM Alternative universe! 104 K words as of chapter 17

Highlord1337 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Oni Of The South Pt 1

Hello lads and Laddets! Author here, I would just like to say that It has been fun reading your comments and interaction, I wrote this story back in Covid days and I thought no one cared about it.

But as of right now 250 people liked it and collected it! So thank you all for This you brought my self easteam up a notch!

Now we are almost done with my old stuff, and soon we will start up with new writing, I hope you guys like it.

Please review and comment as you please! Enjoy!

Talking ""


(Author IRL) Cool ass Pic!





Billy smiled at his finished collection of masks; he inspected the angry bear mask, which he named (Wrath) and found it acceptable. He looked at the bone tiger mask (Jaws) and frowned. 'Maybe some color would make it better.'

He pulled out the plague doctor mask (The Plague) and placed it next to the snarling red oni mask (The Red Oni). He snapped his finger and ran back to the forge; he brought his latest mask, The sleeping monkey mask (The Slumber).

Billy pulled out a scroll and started placing his masks in. "Plague Doctor for stasis check, Bone tiger for biting check, Red oni for metal whips check, Sleeping monkey for ranged weapon repellent. I hope this works like it was supposed to; check."

He looked at his final mask and masterpiece, an angry black bear made out of metal. "I hope the fuinjutsu works." He placed it into the scroll.

Billy looked at five fuined masks and sighed. "I really hope I can finish you all, but I am still inexperienced enough." He clenched his fist. "Soon... Soon my pretties, your name will strike fear in the masses; they will tremble from your names alone."

Billy looked at the workshop and began closing things down; he rearranged everything to be placed back the way they were. He closed the forge and cleaned the place; then, he walked up to the store.

He closed the door behind him and picked up his bags. "All right, I think I have everything with me for the training Danzo is going to give us."

Closing the lights and the door of the shop, Billy walked to the meeting spot. While he was walking, he began to think. 'Oyabun is going to come back in a week. I hope he took his medication.'

He looked at a cigarette advertisement of the Hokage smoking. 'Man, they are milking the Hokage title… He is like a playboy model at this point.' Billy shook his head.

After a while, he looked at the sun that began to set. 'I don't know why he asked us to come at sunset, but each to their own, I suppose.'

Billy exited the crowded areas and entered into a wooded area. He reached into his bag and pulled out a message that Danzo had sent them. 'Are we really staying out there for three weeks? I thought by John's memories we would start with D ranks.' Billy rubbed his chin.

Finally, he reached an open clearing, where he saw Nawaki sitting on a boulder while Yunmi was checking her umbrella. "Hey Nawaki, Yunmi, how was your week?"

Yunmi looked up at Billy. "Billy! How are you."

Nawaki looked as well. "Hey there, Billy."

Billy walked next to stone and sat down on the ground; he pulled some snacks from his bag and offered Nawaki a chakra way bar while giving Yunmi a kunai-finger bar. "Same old, working at the shop and relaxing; what about you guys?"

Nawaki took the bar and fell on his back. "Grandmother won't stop complaining that you didn't come back to the lessons! Do you know how much I suffered because of you?!"

Billy laughed. "My bad, Nawaki."

Yunmi opened her candy bar and sighed. "I was stuck with my uncle the whole week training with him, but I did spend one day with the girls."

Billy took a bite from his bar. "Speaking of them, what happened to the rest of the class? You got any info on them?"

Yunmi took a bite and hummed. "Yup! Ayano complained non-stop about how rude her sensei was and how Izuku should recognize her as the leader. Ume, on the other hand, told me that her sensei is an awesome kenjutsu user, but she feels the team dynamic is not that great."

Billy leaned back and looked at the stars. "It feels like yesterday; we did our test together." He took in a deep breath of cold air that made his lungs feel alive.

Yunmi looked at Billy. "Billy, why don't you have your Hitai?" she pointed at her Hitai that is attached to her neck.

Nawaki perked up. "Yeah, where is your Hitai?" Nawaki pointed at his forehead.

Billy reached into the bag that was placed next to him and pulled out his mark; it was attached to a leather belt he made himself. "Here it is."

Yunmi groaned. "You made your Hitai a belt buckle. The representation of a shinobi, the mark that represents our devotion… and you turned it into a belt buckle."

Billy stood up and shoved his belt in front of her. "What do you mean, just a belt buckle!" he designed the belt to look like Billy the kid's belt, and he attached a small bag next to it. "This is the belt of a hero, a man that challenged laws, the most outrageous outlaw in the west."

Billy sat on his knees and held his belt with care. "This is the belt of a real cowboy hero!" a single tear escaped from his eyes, a manly tear.

Nawaki jumped from the boulder and placed one hand on Billy's shoulder while he gave Billy a thumbs up with his other hand, smiling and crying. "Don't waste your breath on that witch, Billy! She would not understand the greatness of Billy, the kid!" They both turned and gave Yunmi a glare.

Yunmi placed both of her hands under her jaws and sighed. "I lost all respect for you guys. And that Billy the kid story is clearly a fantasy… You have your name in there."

Just as Billy was about to respond, they heard a voice. "Good, all of you are here."

They turned to the voice and found Danzo squatting on a tree branch. He jumped from the tree and walked to them. "Are you ready?"

All of them rose and stood in formation. "Yes, sensei!"

Danzo nodded and threw a map at Nawaki. "You need to reach this destination in two days."

Nawaki opened the map and showed it to his team. The map had no drawing, only one word, and a long list of numbers. "You have five minutes to get ready," Danzo stated and disappeared.

Billy moaned. "He is going to hunt us the whole way there, isn't he?" he rubbed the mask's eyebrows.

Yunmi looked down at her dress. "Why do I always wear a white dress in the worst possible situations!"

Nawaki ignored their complaints and looked up at the stars. "At least he told us to go south, and based on the numbers, we have to calculate the distance using the stars."

Billy reached into his bag and brought a map of the continent. "We only have five minutes before he attacks; Nawaki step on it. You are the one that is good with numbers."

Yunmi grew annoyed. "How come I don't have anything to do? Back off from the map, I studied maps!"

She huffed and sat next to Billy. "We have to avoid these locations; they will slow us down. And we need to calculate a route that is far away from the western side because of Tanigakure [Rivers], of course."

Nawaki sat next to her and began describing the route with her. "Nerds," Billy commented and began preparing himself.

When the five minutes were about to be done, Nawaki spoke with the mind connection. "All right, just to recap, we must travel for two days non-stop if we wish to reach Waves. Billy, what is the political and war situation?"

Billy grunted while tightening his belt. "I regret ever telling you that I liked political theories." He sighed. 'It always comes to this insignificant island… I feel insulted somehow.' Billy thought while finishing with his belt.

"Complain to your girlfriends later, Billy; information now," Nawaki demanded.

Billy opened his mouth zipper. "The land will be mostly calm in the south; we will not have any troubles with the civilians; Tanigakure [Rivers], on the other hand, seem to be infiltrating the south side of our borders; there is a rumor that they are searching for something; I am not so sure on that point."

Billy clapped his Hitai on his belt and straightened out his black trench coat. "Waves, on the other hand, is a whole other story; a couple of years back, the Hokage sent a delegation there so we may build an outpost to keep watch on the bay of fire; rumor has it that no word came from the outpost for a month now."

Yunmi grew a worried look. "One of my friends in the clan told me her father was stationed in Wave… Do you think something bad happened, Billy?"

Billy covered his head with his hood and replied. "I am not really sure; all that I know are gossip from the old hags at bingo nights and tea parties, but maybe Rivers had something to do with this and stole some messages heading to Konoha. I bet our training mission is a real mission." He shook his head in annoyance; Danzo didn't even train them yet.

Suddenly they heard Danzo speak. "Impressive deduction… I would recommend you run."

Billy dodged a sword swing and jumped forward. "How the fuck did he hear that, Yunmi!"

Yunmi ran after Billy while dodging a kunai. "He asked me to! I forgot the mind link with him!"

Nawaki ran up a tree and jumped away from a swing. "Well, remove him from our link! And that does not make sense; how could you forget a connection!"

"He is surprisingly quiet! Fine, I will remove him now!" They all felt the connection change. "There, happy!"

Nawaki nodded. "Yes, now get information and try not to get distracted. Billy, you take the lead and head to the gate; stay in the forested areas." He dodged a shuriken.

Billy went first while Nawaki stayed on the right side, and Yunmi remained on the left. They charged their bodies with chakra and started tree hopping.

Nawaki spoke in their minds. "Go to the south exit; there, we have a clear path to Waves, and the madman won't have to use harder methods to correct our path." He jumped to the side of a tree and cut two branches, and threw them at Danzo.

Danzo, in the air, corrected his posture and sailed between the branches while throwing two shurikens.

Billy, who was at the head of their formation, stayed further away from Nawaki and Yunmi since his bigger body needed a larger space to jump. He heard Nawaki dodge. The team jumped around the walls of Konoha until they reached the exit.

Yunmi parried a sword strike. "He could have started us outside of the village!" she complained while dodging a second surprise attack from a chain weapon.

Nawaki tried to dodge, but he was kicked forward to Billy's back; Nawaki took hold of Billy's trench coat. "Get used to it; this is how Danzo-sensei rolls, at least that's what my sister said… Anyways Billy, when we reach the gate, go to the ground level and do the thing you told me about."

"Are you sure, Nawaki? I didn't test it yet."

Nawaki pulled a senbun from his forearm with his teeth while still being attached to Billy's back. "JUST DO IT!"

Billy grunted. "Fine, but you guys need to hold on to me. And you need to perry his attacks for ten seconds."

When they reached the exit of the gate, Billy landed. "Hello there Hajime-San. Goodbye Hajime-San." Billy greeted the gate guard, who was eating cup ramen with a deadpan face. Hajime slowly looked at the disappearing giant and blew on his ramen noodles.

He felt both of his teammates climb his back and attach themselves. "Give me ten seconds, guys." He instructed while unsealing the monkey mask.

Billy quickly removed his original leather mask and attached the new one; he charged some chakra into the slumbering wooden mask. He heard a Kunai getting parried.

He could feel the mask activating, and the frown on the monkey's mouth opened with a snap, and from the mouth, twenty small chains with tiny hooks were released onto the floor.

The mask's still-closed eyelids started glowing with pale golden light, and fuinjutsu markings crawled from the eyes to the neck and across Billy's body. The marks began glowing. The chains lifted themselves up and began spinning around Billy, catching any projectiles that may come.

Billy channeled some chakra and commanded ten chains to hold into his team. "Don't resist the chains! And get ready for!" The small chains split and spun around Nawaki and Yunmi, then the chains tightened, and they fastened themselves on Billy's back.

He bent down, similar to a runner, and focused his chakra on his core, legs, feet, bones, and knees. 'My first custom jutsu; let's see how you can handle it, Danzo.'

He made the horse sign for compression, then the monkey for balance. He added the dragon for projection, ram for consistency, and finally, bird for the release. Billy smiled and slapped his knees with chakra while screaming. "PAIN TRAIN!"

{Author's note! This is one of the rare occasions that a Jutsu's name would be screamed out loud. Usually, they would say the name to describe the jutsu outside of combat, but mid-combat, there is no screaming to make the ability much better; it just makes you look like an idiot; the only reason why Billy did it is because he was excited to try this one out.]




(Nawaki's POV)

Nawaki felt the chains tighten, he was about to ask, but then he heard Billy. "And get ready for! Pain train!"

One moment Nawaki saw Danzo landing before his eyes; the next, he was far away, and he could barely see him. He saw the ground getting destroyed with each second; he saw the earth fly up into the air.

He could barely feel his face from the force, and he had to focus his chakra on his body to protect himself.

Nawaki saw a tree fly over them, getting smashed in Billy's way. 'When the fuck did he make this!' he screamed to himself, then he regurgitated the chakra-way Billy gave him.

Slowly his vision darkened, and he knew no more.



A scream woke Nawaki from the land of dreams; he opened his eyes and tried to find the danger. "What is going on!" he screamed.

He looked around and spotted Yunmi, who was shaking. "Yunmi?!" Without looking at Nawaki, she pointed at something.

Nawaki looked in that direction. "No! Billy!" He screamed and ran to Billy, he dodged some empty containers along the way, and when he reached Billy, his stomach turned.

He saw Billy resting on a rock; his whole lower body was covered with blood, his Iron boots were shattered, his pants were shredded, and his legs and feet were swollen and colored purple. Nawaki reached with his hand to Billy's leg and stirred them. 'They feel like dough.' He channeled chakra to his hand and started healing. "Yunmi, check on his pulse!"

Yunmi gathered her courage and ran to Billy; she placed her finger on his neck. "He is alive!"

Nawaki tried to lower the swelling, and before his eyes, the swelling subsided. "Nawaki, you are good at this! You can save him." Yunmi screamed with happiness.

He smiled and continued to pour more chakra, but then he noticed and stopped healing. He continued to watch the leg, but then he felt Yunmi holding him roughly. "Why did you stop!"

Nawaki pointed at the leg. "He does not need my help."

Yunmi looked at Billy, and her mouth widened; Billy's body continued to heal without Nawaki's help. "I am still new at healing; at first, I thought it was my doing, but it seems I was mistaken."

Yunmi reached with a finger and poked the leg, which continued to heal. While Nawaki looked around, he reached for one of the containers he found earlier and read them aloud. "Protein pack and energy booster pack." He looked around him and counted fifty packs lying around.

Yunmi perked up. "Wait, so he ate all of these and went to sleep?" Nawaki nodded. Yunmi looked around Billy and found a small letter next to him. "Nawaki, look!"

She brought the letter and read it. "Hey, guys, sorry about the mess. I told you Nawaki that it was still a new jutsu I created a while ago… So, give me six hours of sleep, and we are good. Take care."

Nawaki sighed and squatted while Yunmi complained about Billy; Nawaki brought his charts and started calculating how much they ran; after a while, he called out to Yunmi. "Yunmi, can you check the maps real quick."

Yunmi sat next to Nawaki and read the maps. "No, that can't be right… Did you check your numbers, right? What about the stars?"

Nawaki looked up at the night sky. "Yup, it's correct."

Yunmi looked at the maps in shock. "Wait, so you are telling me we skipped a twenty-four-hour genin speed march in one hour?!"

Nawaki tucked in the maps. "Yup… I think Danzo sensei is going to catch up to us in ten hours or less." He started looking at the surroundings. "We need to make a shelter if we have to wait for Billy to heal up."

Yunmi jumped on a nearby boulder. "Let's do a mind connection and scout the area; you do north, I will do south." She jumped next to Nawaki and began the connection.

They both went their separate way; after fifteen minutes, they both returned; Nawaki started with the traps, then the fire. At the same time, Yunmi set up the camp concealment.

When they finished, they returned back to see Billy's legs were back to their usual color. "His body is so weird," Yunmi commented while throwing another log into the fire.

Nawaki perked up. "You remember when we had taijutsu class, and his arms broke."

Yunmi hugged her knees. "Yeah, he started swinging his arms like clubs, but he won in the end." She gave a small smile at the memories. Then she turned her head to the sleeping giant; she saw the closed eyes of the monkey mask, and the chains were on the ground dangling.

Nawaki poked the fire with a stick. "I asked my sister what was wrong with him once."

"What did she say?"

"She told me that she has never seen anything like this."

Yunmi turned and looked at Nawaki in the eyes. "What do you mean?"

Nawaki scratched his head. "His muscles grew too big and too fast; they started crushing his internal organs. She told me that because of the pain, they had to inject his body with liquid just to remove the pressure."

"How did he survive?" She asked while poking the fire.

"Mostly his regeneration, but then came the bone breaking." Nawaki winced.

Yunmi looked at Billy with sadness. "Yeah, I remember. He could not even move without one of his bones breaking."

Nawaki brought out a ration and threw one to Yunmi. "We should take a break soon, two hours for me and two hours for you."

Yunmi bit into her ration that tasted like cardboard. "Fine." She replayed and looked at Billy's mask. "Hey, Nawaki."

Nawaki looked at her. "Hmm?"

"What do you think is under that mask?"

Nawaki looked at Billy's mask, and he remembered the sewers. Then he shrugged. "Dunne."

Yunmi looked at him and searched him for clues. "You are lying… you know something." she narrowed her eyes.

Nawaki sweated a little bit. "What are you talking about? Why would I lie… And you know Billy, he never removes his mask."

She smiled and stood up. "Well, now I know you are lying! I am going to see what is under there." She moved to the sleeping Billy, and just as she was about to remove the mask. She heard a kunai hit the ground in front of her.

Nawaki gave her a glare. "Don't you fucking dare touch his mask!"

Yunmi gave him a surprised look, then she smirked. "What, you are that worried about your boyfriend?"

Nawaki, still glaring, stood up. "Do not touch the mask, Yunmi; that is an order."

She got mad. "And who are you to give me an order, Oh Sanju-Sama!" She glared at him.

"Because I am the leader of the team when Danzo sensei is not around."

"Oh, and who elected you, Nawaki? I certainly did not hear sensei nominate you!"

"Right then, you are supposed to be the leader, right? Instead of fighting, we should all drink tea and talk about dresses and cute boys!"

Yunmi walked forward and withdrew her umbrella. "Watch it, Nawaki,"

Nawaki smirked. "Or what? Are you going to send one of your 'girlfriends' to make cutie talk? I already suffered under your beehive. Annoying witch."

Yunmi's face grew red with anger. "You are a stuck-up, annoying, inconsiderate jerk! Nawaki!"

Nawaki spread his arms in a welcoming manner. "Oh, please, we both know you sent those annoying banshees at me!"

Tears started falling from Yunmi's face. "No, I didn't; we were a group! It's not my fault that they liked you."

Nawaki grew angry. "Liked me!" he walked forward. "They never fucking like me! They loved my name, my status, and my clan. But never me!"

He moved really close and bashed her umbrella away. "Do you have any idea how I felt? Trapped with your witch coven?! Day after day, stalking, annoying gifts, and dinner invitation by noble families. Half of your friends joined the academy because of me!"

Yunmi had enough and slapped him. "What about me, Nawaki?! I never asked to be on your team! All of my friends left me because they felt envious that I was with your team! The only ones who stayed with me were Ayano and Ume!"

She walked away from him and picked up her umbrella. "You are a mean person Nawaki." She said softly while holding her umbrella for support.

Nawaki touched his cheek, and just as he was about to replay. He turned around and sat on the opposite side of Yunmi. "Witch."

Yunmi gave him her back. "Annoying rat."

They sat in silence; the only sound was Billy's snoring and the fire cracking; they heard an owl hoot at them. After a while, they heard Billy mumble in his sleep in a weird language. "Thanks, Obama"

Nawaki sighed. "Go to sleep. I am going to take the first watch."

Yunmi replayed hatefully. "No, you go to sleep!"

Nawaki shrugged. "Fine"

Nawaki unsealed his sleeping bag and slept. While Yunmi grumbled in anger for two hours, she brushed her fiery orange hair the whole time. When the two hours had passed, she stood up and took an empty protein container, and threw it hard at Nawaki. "Wake up, you rat!"

Nawaki woke up with a grumble. "I am awake, you witch!" he flipped her off.

She harrumphed and flipped him; she walked to her spot and opened her bag to retrieve her sleeping bag. Nawaki looked at her and smirked. "What seals are too complicated for you?" She ignored him and went to sleep.

Nawaki sat next to the fire. 'Bitch… All right, Nawaki, not the time; let's see, in two hours, it's going to be midnight; based on the calculation, we need to travel at normal genin speed for twenty-four hours.'

He threw a log into the fire and looked at Billy. 'Good, his healing is almost done; if we started moving in two hours, sensei is going to catch up to us in ten hours maximum based on Jonin's speed.'

He pulled out his water canteen and began drinking. 'And that will leave us fourteen hours of running while dodging.'

Nawaki sighed and pulled out a map. 'If only Billy were awake, he would have snapped and hit us both… Maybe.' He looked at Yunmi sleeping. 'Maybe I should not have been too hard on her.'




(Billy's POV) [Happy Protean land/ time Work out our]

Billy smiled at the rabbit. "Why, thank you, Mr. Rabbit." He reached out and took a nice cup of chocolate milk.

He looked around the surrounding area. Heavy fog covered everything around them, he could see pine trees surrounding them, and the ground was covered with dead orange leaves.

Billy was sitting on a dining table with a muscle-bound rabbit wearing a top hat and a monocle. Next to the rabbit was Obama, the president. He was wearing his presidential necktie, and his body was covered with oil.

He took a sip of the hot coco and enjoyed the protean infusion it had. "I would say, Mr. Rabbit, this hot protein coco is quite a delight."

The rabbit posed with his body, showing off his gains. "I am quite Happy, Mr. Billy. I got it from a protein merchant in the lower east docks."

Billy was shocked. "Oh my, Mr. Rabbit, you are quite bold. Don't you know that the east docks are infested with vegan bodybuilders?!"

The rabbit took off his monocle and cleaned them up. "Don't you worry, Mr. Billy, I took protection before I went there. And I listened to Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger's sermon, and I covered my body with our holy oils."

Obama, who was talking to a pretty skinny Sun 'Tzu, noticed our discussion. "Aaa… You should be careful, Mr. Rabbit. Aaa… look at what they did to Sun 'Tzu."

Sun 'Tzu, who looks exhausted and beaten up, had long stretchy skin from his loss of gains; he had the art of war tucked on his person. "Protection take I did hmm… But jumped me they did hmm."

A single tear fell from Obama's face, and he retrieved cookies from his side of the table. "Aaa… Here Sun, you need some protean." Then Obama offered some protean to Billy. "Thanks, Obama."

For weeks, they talked about the vulgar Vegan bodybuilders and gossiped about other bodybuilders. But. One day, while Billy was talking to Sun 'Tzu, he fell from his chair, and he found his lower body was withering away. "No, my gains! Help me, Mr. Rabbit!"

From the corner of his eyes, he saw a skinny person stabbing Mr. Rabbit with an organic piece of lettuce; Mr. Rabbit screamed his dying word. "Oh my!"

The skinny person slowly walked to Billy; his head was covered with a hood. When he reached Billy, he spoke. "Silly Mr. Rabbit, gains are for humans."

Billy crawled away from this monster; his legs turned into sticks. "Why would you do this to us vegan!" he spat the last word as an insult.

The Vegan walked up to Billy, and he took hold of his hair. "Because. Billy." He removed his hood. "I am you from the future!"

Billy screamed, and he saw the fire camp before him. "I WILL NEVER BE A VEGAN!" His breathing was quick, and he felt dread, but then he saw Nawaki looking at him.

Nawaki scratched his hair. "Vegan, what now?"

Billy took a deep breath. 'It's just a dream, Billy….' He looked at Nawaki. "Sorry, I saw a nightmare." He looked at his lower body and found them fixed; he moved his legs. 'Stiff, but they will do the job.' Billy stood up slowly and began stretching.

Nawaki tucked in his map. "Billy." He called out.

Billy looked at Nawaki. "yeah, Nawaki?"

"What the fuck was that."

Billy popped his neck. "What do you mean?"

"I mean the jutsu. [Pain Train.] What the hell was that?"

Billy gave him a proud smile. "You like it? This is my first jutsu."

Nawaki stood up and gave him a glare. "I don't fucking care about your jutsu! You almost died because of it!"

Billy gave him a thumbs up. "Don't you worry; I will fix it up later."

Nawaki screamed and flipped him off. "Fuck you, Billy! See if I care if you do this again."

Billy smiled and gave him another thumbs-up. "Come on, Nawaki; I told you I was testing it still...So where are we?" Billy looked around the clearing.

Nawaki looked up at the sky. "Time midnight, Location halfway to Waves, current status hunted."

"Cool, so when are we moving?" Billy did some finger guns toward Nawaki.

"Wake up, Yunmi; while I relocate our traps, Danzo sensei is going to check this place, so we might as well slow him down."

Billy nodded and walked to Yunmi. "You got it, boss." He picked up a stick next to the fire and pocked Yunmi. "Yunmi… Yun, Yun, Yun."

Yunmi grumbled and woke up. "I am awake." Then she felt a poke. "Stop poking me, Billy!... Wait, Billy!" she turned and looked at Billy, then she jumped at him and hugged his leg. "You are alive!"

Billy grew awkward and slowly patted her head. "I guess I am?"

Yunmi smiled at him; then her smile turned into a frown; she backed away and withdrew her umbrella, then she hit Billy with it. "Why would you scare us like that? Huh?!"

Billy shrugged. "I wanted to show off." He turned around to gather his things but felt another sting from Yunmi, but he just ignored her.

They all prepared for the long march, and when they were done, Nawaki unrolled his map. "All right, guys, we are here, and we need to reach wave in a day." He pointed at their current location and dragged it to wave in a zigzag motion.


Yunmi stopped Nawaki. "Hold on, why are we not running straight to Waves?"

"Because we need to distract sensei." Nawaki reasoned.


"If we really need to distract sensei, why don't we just separate and gather at one point later." Replayed Yunmi.


Nawaki massaged his head. "Are you crazy? We are in the middle of a war, and you want us to separate."


"Oh, please, and you think your plan is much better? If we moved in a zigzag motion, we would move at a much slower pace while also hitting natural barriers that would slow us down!" Yunmi exclamation and pointed at the map.


Nawaki stood up. "Oh, and your smart plan of us separating is much better?! You are increasing the risk factor here!"


Yunmi humphed and turned her head. "Fine, let's call for a vote!"


Both of them turned and looked at Billy, who was squatting and eating protein-fortified chips. Billy was about to bite into another chip, but then he noticed them. "Huh? You guys finished with the planning?"

Nawaki looked down at the map again. "And we have this idiot." He rubbed his nose.

Billy stood up and dusted himself; he turned around while retrieving his original mask. "You guys are overthinking this." His mask hissed when he reattached it quickly, using Orichi's method of mask swapping. "Let's just go; no matter how much you guys will try to trick Danzo, he is a Jonin; he will figure it out."

Yunmi stood up while Nawaki was gathering his maps. "Then what do you think we should do?" Yunmi asked.

Billy turned around with his original mask. He smiled at them, and while he was closing his zipper, he spoke. "We go with the fastest path available; the more distance we move, the better."

"But what about our plans?" Nawaki pointed out.

"What plans? All I heard was you guys complaining to each other." Billy resealed all of his stuff. "Come on, let's go. We are wasting time."

Yunmi stood up. "Fine, let's do Billy's plan."

Nawaki's jaw dropped. "But my plans!"

Yunmi winked at him. "Oh, we don't have time for plans, leader-Sama." She smiled and laughed at Nawaki.

Billy began moving to the south. "Let's move, and Nawaki, how long until Danzo catches up to us?"

Nawaki jumped behind Billy. "I would say ten hours tops. Based on his speed."

Billy nodded and increased his speed, then he channeled some chakra to his feet and hopped on a tree. "Good, we still have time."

The team increased their speed and began tree hopping, Billy stilled ate while he ran.




(Danzo's POV)

Danzo took a bite of his ration while following the trail of destruction. "When I find that Tsuyoi, I am going to reprimand him."

He looked down at the destroyed path. 'Who would have thought that he knew a jutsu like that.' Jumping again, he noticed the path returning to normal. 'I bet he lost control here.'

Danzo jumped down from the tree and inspected the road. 'Hmm, he crawled the rest of the way through.' Danzo walked over to the body print of Nawaki and erased it with his foot, covering it with sand.

Danzo walked slowly. 'His feet failed him at this point… and they began bleeding.' He bent down and picked up a discarded container. 'Protein and energy packs… I remember the hospital telling me about them.' He quickly rubbed the spot with Yunmi's body print.

He followed the path of blood to a dead campfire. 'The team rested here for a while. What is this? A paper Danzo bent down and picked up the paper, but he heard a small tick and jumped away from the exploding trap.

He saw several shurikens explode outward, and he dodged some of them midair when he landed. Danzo stood up and scouted the area. 'Cleaver, but not good enough.'

He spotted several traps, and he disabled them, then he moved around the camp gathering clues. 'Hmm, they had to wait for Billy to recover for some time, then they moved south to Waves… I guess they figured out the location.'

Danzo walked to the edge of the camp. 'I need to catch up to them; who knows what they will encounter.' He made a shadow clone and told it to clear up all the evidence of a camp and make new tracks to a different location from Wave.

He charged his lower body with chakra and began tree-hopping. 'I need to talk to Tsuyoi after this; he is easy to track, first the destruction, and now the broken tree branches.'

While hopping, he began to think about his mission. He remembered Hiruzen telling him about Waves and the outpost they had there. Apparently, they had no report for two months, and the team they sent a month back was missing.

He dodged a small trap in his way. 'I really need to teach them more about traps.'

Danzo traveled for a while; he dodged traps and tracked his team. He jumped down and moved on foot when the forest ended. Increasing his speed while looking at the gathering cloud storm. 'A storm is coming; I need to reach them faster… Thankfully their tracks are becoming fresher.'

After hours of running, he noticed the weather was getting foggier, and the rain began falling down. His team's tracks are getting fresher, and he can smell Billy's dried-out blood in the air, but the rain is making it harder for him.

Danzo looked at a dead forest ahead of him, he saw the fog clouding the forest, but he charged in, nonetheless. He jumped on a dead tree while sticking to it; then, he jumped onto another tree. 'The trees are dead here, and the team does not know how to stick on trees; I will need to teach them that later. What a waste,' he thought. 'Why would Hiruzen make this exercise an exclusive team training thing? This is just a waste of time.'

Danzo complained about his friend's new policies. 'Match the team, he said; help the civilian shinobi with the clan ones, he said.' Danzo scoffed. 'They need to learn these basic skills quickly; I need to add wave surfing as well.'

He braved the dead foggy forest, and he tracked his team, but this time it was much harder; the fog and the rain obscured his vision and his sense of smell, and he could not track properly.

And after jumping for a while, he heard people running ahead of him. Danzo smiled. "Got you."

He charged more chakra to his feet and jumped at the nearest one, which was Nawaki. He withdrew his blade and reversed his grip. Then he slashed down. Nawaki sensed him at the last moment, but he was slower, and Danzo disabled him.

When Nawaki was sent flying from the formation, the rest of the team turned to him; Yunmi threw a couple of Kunai in his direction and jumped away. Billy punched a dead tree and threw it in his direction.

When Danzo dodged the Kunai, he channeled some chakra to his feet and stuck them on the tree; in less than a blink of an eye, he walked on the thrown tree and faced Billy.

He threw a couple of shurikens attached to some wires at Billy; then, he jumped from the moving tree to another tree. He pulled the wires and redirected them to Yunmi. Then he jumped from his current tree to another one, dodging Nawaki's attack.

Yunmi dodged and received a couple of cuts, but she quickly slashed his wire. 'Good, they are learning.' He thought while jumping.

He stopped for a moment to allow his team to catch their breath, and they began running.

Danzo ran after them while harassing them with his projectiles; sometimes, he would hide in the foggy forest and reappear in front of them.

While traveling, he noticed that Yunmi was wearing a strange mask that has a bird's beak. The beak would go to different cuts on her body and heal her up. 'Must be one of Tsuyoi's masks.' He thought while dodging another tree projectile. 'I really need to teach him about subtle attacks.'

Danzo kept on attacking his team, but when the forest ended, he called out to them. "Stop." The team stopped running. Danzo landed in front of them; he looked around the area inspecting his surroundings. Behind him was the foggy forest, while in front of him was a raging sea; he looked around the area, trying to find any danger, but when he found none, he calmed down.

Danzo returned his sword to his back. "Congratulations, we reached Waves."

Billy looked around the area. "But sensei… I don't think this is Waves."

"You are right Tsuyoi, Waves is beyond this water channel, but we will stop the chase for now." Danzo walked near a tree. "I will be teaching you two lessons."

He turned and looked at the team. "You will master these lessons in one week; while you are training, you will create a hideout, scout the area, and survive without me for a whole week."

Nawaki raised his hand. "But sensei, what will you be doing?"

Danzo looked in Wave's direction. "I will be scouting our mission location." Danzo turned his head and looked at the tree again. "Listen close because I will not repeat myself. The first lesson is the tree walking exercise."

Danzo channeled some chakra to his feet' soles; he walked up without using his hand and looked down at his students. 'What a waste of time, if only the academy did this first.'

He sighed and asked. "Any questions?"

Yunmi raised her hand. "How did you do that, sensei?"

"You channel chakra to your feet and balance the output" He jumped from the tree and walked to the seaside. "Next lesson is water walking. You constantly change the output of your chakra to remain on top of the water." He jumped on the water and started walking around.

Danzo turned and looked at his student's faces. 'Hmm, they all know the theory of it… wait, even Tsuyoi knows? How he is not from a clan.' He jumped from the sea to the shore. "Now you have a week; try to not die. Oh, and Tsuyoi, come over here."

Danzo walked away from the team. He heard Billy walk behind him. When he was in a good place, he turned around and faced Billy.

He looked at Billy's mask. "What was that, Tsuyoi?"

Billy gave him a shrug. "What was what, sensei?" Danzo walked to Billy and slapped him.

Billy, shocked by the power behind the slap, fell to the side. "What the fuck, sensei?!"

Danzo walked forward. "Such disrespect! Do not act in an idiotic manner in front of me. You know what I am talking about."

Billy gave Danzo a hateful glare. "You mean my jutsu." Billy spat to the side a glob of blood.

"Yes, your jutsu… Who taught you that?"

"No one." Billy looked him in the eye, not flinching.

Danzo sighed and looked at the sea. "So, you created a jutsu… with no knowledge about the dangers that it may cause, you almost died from it, and you may have caused our mission to be exposed."

Billy glared at Danzo's back. "I will not repeat that again, sensei."

Danzo inhaled the sea breeze. "Good, but I will not crush your curiosity." He turned around. "Show me how it works."

Billy nodded, and he slowly described the process of the jutsu. "Then I channel chakra to my knees."

Danzo retrieved his pipe and lit it up, the rain made it harder, but he managed in the end. "You are very lucky to have a body like yours, Tsuyoi."

Danzo walked to Billy and tapped his knees. "If a regular shinobi did what you did, they would have died, and their lower body would have been blown to smithereens." He took a puff from his pipe.

"For now, focus on your chakra control and balance of body chakra and mind chakra. Who knows how much body chakra you have stored up?"

Danzo lowered himself and gave Billy a smile. "When we return to Konoha, we will fix some hiccups." He looked at Billy. "What's the matter… are you constipated?" Danzo asked curiously while looking at Billy's face.

Billy's face looks like it sucked a lemon. "N-no sensei, everything is all right."

Danzo shrugged and walked back to the beach; he jumped on the water. "Tell your team I will be back in one week; try not to die."

Danzo ran towards Waves, completely ignoring the fact that his smiling face made Billy almost cringe.

Ohhh, Boy I hope you like today's chapter; we are almost done with my old work, and soon we will get to the new and improved stuff.

I would just like to say, that for every chapter I post, I edit them out, I am not trying to skimp you guys with chapters, I am editing them and making them better for the story!

So spare some stones to this poor author :)

Highlord1337creators' thoughts