

Meet Billy Bubba Bill, a heavyweight champion in our world, but he died while stealing a banana. See how Billy gets reincarnated, see how he learns to adapt to the shinobi world, and who knows, you might like it. I posted this story on other sites NO HAREM Alternative universe! 104 K words as of chapter 17

Highlord1337 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Oni Of The East Pt 4

Ayyyy Yooooo! Wazzaup my Reader kuns and chans and ossans, how ya doin this week I hope you enjoyed it to the fullest!

I know it took some time to upload this chapter, but I made it extra special ya know! and I know my self better than you do so what does that makes you? YES IT MAKES you ME! and I know me best there for I know you best and you need to wait for you to upload this chapter....


..... Who the fuck are you?

I'm you?

No you are not!

But I am you, see the overweight fabulous body? See the glorious green skin! See that I am you author!

Haha! Now I've got you, you think that you could steal my useless fic and my low count of readers for your personal gains goblin-Kun but I do not have no green skin!

"La gasp!" How did you find out it was me? Glorious goblin fic stealer of the sixth dimension! How?!

Haha, you cannot escape me For I am! "Gunshot to the head"

Wha? "Another gunshot."

The camera moves to the door, a shadowed figure looks down at the two goblins that were cosplaying. "(No one steals my fic)." Bad-ass music starts to play.

... Wtf did I write?

As always.

Talking ""

Thinking ''

(Goblins and associates from the fic stealing dimension)Cool ass pic





(Nawaki) [Hidden man-made cave/ Time 2:05 AM]

Nawaki felt something poking him, and he instantly opened his eyes and brought his kunai, only to feel a single finger on his forehead. "Chakra vibration to the mind disturbs moving actions, low chakra consumption, but hard to implement."

Masaru sighed and removed his finger. "Come let's get to work, how much did you get on your advanced stealth class?"

Nawaki thought for a second while cleaning his forehead from the remaining mud. "I got a B+"

"Good enough." Masaru walked towards the hole and Nawaki followed him, they reached outside and looked around for a while, smelling the air, and looking for tracks, then Masaru made a clone of himself that got out of the hole.

the clone walked around, sneaking about, when nothing happened after several hidden compromised positions, Masaru dispelled the clone and walked out of the hole. "First lesson, If you think you are safe, you are not, and if you found out that you are safe, you are not."

Nawaki looked at where the clone was. "When am I safe?"

"Outside of the village? Never." Nawaki gulped and followed the man.


They walked for a while, no noise was made from their feet, and finally, they reached a secluded spot, Masaru walked towards a mound of sand. "What is your chakra nature?"

Nawaki rubbed his fingers together. "Water."

Masaru smiled he raised his hands and did a monkey seal, then a boar seal, from the boar he slowly parted his hands apart and he saw the mud fall down from his body.

A (buff, yet tired-looking man with dark shadowed eyes lacking sleep), a small dark ponytail, and dead fisheyes looked back at Nawaki, He had no clothing on his upper body, he had pants, and no shoes. "Good, I will teach you what I know… After all, this is your birthright."

"What?" Nawaki raised his eyebrow while looking at the Rambo Nara, a story about a soldier that Billy told him about.

Masaru raised his eyebrow. "It's your granduncle's jutsu, let me give you some advice, if it's a water jutsu, there is a high chance that your granduncle made it." Masaru cracked his neck and pointed at the mound of sand.

"The jutsu is simple yet complex in implementation, it needs a high degree of contentious mental focus." Slowly he raised his hands together. "Dog sign for expelling of chakra, Boar to contain the chakra, now you need to focus with a mental image of your rough physical body and add more yin {Mind chakra} chakra to the image."

Masaru exhaled and blue chakra enveloped him. "Now that you have a chakra container, you will have to do the hard part of this, to block the smell and the trace amount of chakra leakage, you need to infuse yang {Body chakra} chakra as a shell… think of it like an eggshell, thin yet harder than the yolk."

The chakra aura solidified and Nawaki could see it better. "Now is the final part, you need to change your sign from a boar to a monkey's sign, after that you separate your monkey sign, now keep in mind that you need to gather all that chakra you've expelled into the space between the signs."

Masaru separated his hand and between his hand was all the chakra he expelled, contained between the monkey signs. "Then you compress all this chakra together, with water chakra." Water from the surrounding mist gathered between his hand. "Now that the hard part is done, you just go over to any regular old dirt and."

Masaru touched the chakra on his body, and a thin stream of chakra covered his body; Masaru walked towards the mound of dirt, and instantly it attached itself to him.

He turned around and akin to a swamp monster, spoke and the mud around his mouth moved. "Now you need to simply keep the mental image inside of your head, and the mud would help you hide your scent, and hide your body on the ground, watch."

Masaru slowly lay flat on the ground, and the surrounding mud began to envelop his body; Nawaki could not even feel any trace of chakra expelling from Masaru.

Suddenly he felt a cold, muddy hand touch his neck. "With enough practice, you could surprise shinobis who have mastered [Hide like a mole] jutsu."

Nawaki smiled. "Thanks Masaru-Senpai."




Nawaki looked at his muddy hand, it feels like he was covered head to toe in water, yet it was comforting somewhat, he looked at Masaru who was crouching on a tree branch while peaking at a shinobi pirate.

"So, what are we doing here again?"

Masaru looked back and sighed. "Right, so you remember how you found me sneaking around, and how you found out about me because of a rumor?"

"Yes." Nawaki replayed while squatting next to him.

"Yeah so that rumor was intentional, see since you are going to be helping me around this place, you need to know the full scope of what happened." Masaru didn't remove his eyes from the sleeping pirate shinobi.

Nawaki's eyes widened. "Wait what do you mean?"

He heard a sigh from Masaru. "Only five people know of my secret location." He raised four fingers. "The Hokage." He instantly lowered one finger. "And the four outposts managers, we were tasked with laying low, gathering information from Waves and the different factions that come here, and send these reports back to Konoha."

"One day I was doing my daily cover activities, doing my job, hiding in plain sight, and pretending to be a carpenter, that day I had a bad gut feeling and fell back on my contingency plan."

Masaru laughed a little. "See I know this annoying guy, a total ass, I invited him to dinner."

"Why would you do that? That sounds counterproductive." Nawaki asked and shifted his position.

"That's the neat part, (it's not), see the guy looks a lot like my original look, when I had a bad gut feeling, I always trust it. So, I invited this guy to my house, told him to take care of it for a couple of days, and I hid under the house." He turned around for a moment looking at Nawaki. "Similar to the cave I showed you, I could hear everything that happens inside of my house."

"So, check this out, two days later, a couple of shinobi busted in, assassinated my body double, and stole everything in my house, notes, codes, my precious decoding kit, bastards even stole my underwear."

Nawaki looked down at the Pirate Shinobi who was scratching his ass. "Wait how did they find you?"

"Bingo." Masaru pointed at Nawaki. "How did they find out? Well, someone squealed, and they knew my location, but here is the thing they took my body's double body with them, so we have a traitor… A traitor that knows how I look personally."

"What makes you so sure? Maybe they just took your body for the bounty." Nawaki refuted.

"What makes you so sure I have a bounty?" Masaru asked. "I am undercover for a reason. I am what you would call an unofficial Shinobi, no papers for Mr. Masaru, just how I like it."

Nawaki rubbed his chin, and he could feel the sand falling down. "Wait so why are you here again… I mean what is so important in waves that they would send someone like you here?"

"Oh, that is because of Undertown…" Masaru stopped, and he quickly signed for Nawaki to stop talking, Nawaki looked down and saw two Shinobi sneaking next to the shinobi pirate who yawned in his sleep.

The two shinobi slowly approached the pirate and quickly slashed his throat, then instantly they put their hand on his mouth to stop him from speaking, then they twisted his head and popped it out of the socket, when the pirate died, they took his body and placed it inside of a body bag.

They sealed the body and disappeared, it took them five seconds to do all of that, and ran away from the scene. Masaru made a normal clone and made it jump from the tree, and hide closer to the assassination scene, when no one appeared Masaru spoke.

"Heh, idiots… See that Nawaki, that's why you create rumors and shit, now I know that they know that they did not kill me, and I am 100% sure we have a traitor that could identify my body, so they took the pirate that looks like me, the pirate that always sleeps where I always end my 'ghost' stealing missions in."

Masaru turned around and gave Nawaki a creepy smile. "Just as planned, these idiots are not like you and I, Nawaki; (they played 2-dimensional shogi while you and I play 5- dimension)."

Nawaki gulped.





(Masaru Nara's POV)

Masaru always knew he was special, why does he know that he is always special, why; because the Hokage said so, his father, his mother, and even the clan head said he was special.

The Nara clan is known for their intelligence, yet not a lot of Nara work in research and development, why is that an outsider of the clan might ask, well it is simple, their bloodline is weird to put it in simpler terms.

Whenever a Nara is born they would scream for days, some might think this is a normal newborn scream, which is common, but the reality of the situation is different, Naras are born aware.

And their minds are done developing the moment that they exit the womb, which creates a headache that could end all headaches, and a few days later their minds return to normal, but forever a Nara would suffer mild cases of headaches, which explains their habits in doing nothing sometimes.

So how could a Nara in the womb develop? Well, it all started at the age of one month old, were they are free of headaches, but by the age of two months in their mother's womb, a typical Nara would understand that they are in a dark place, and by the third month a Nara would have the intelligence of a seven-year-old child, by the fourth month a fourteen-year-old teenager, by the fifth month a twenty-year-old man.

Their clan technique is taught from the womb at six-month-old, what better place to train shadow technique than in the womb, now comes the difficult part of their bloodline.

At seven-month-old, A Nara in the womb would feel constant headaches, so the parents on the outside would give the child a helping hand; they would suggest various fields of intelligence.

[Logical-Mathematical intelligence], a favorite of clan heads through various parts of Nara clan history. Seeing the world in math is a versatile tool for clan heads, which would make them great leaders of the clan and survival in a shinobi world.

[Linguistic Intelligence], Linguistic knowledge is not about learning new languages, it is about how to express yourself to other parties, and secure better deals for the clan, they are the ambassadors of the clan, writers, and poets.

[Spatial Intelligence], a rare type of intelligence that deals with visual problems, such as mazes, and puzzles. This type of intelligence is used to construct traps, and protection bases, and predict enemy bases using maps only. In their free time, they draw and paint.

[Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence] The meat heads of the clan, they are not as smart as other Naras, and they suffer the least of headaches, but they are monsters in taijutsu. They are the least of picked types of Intelligence; even in the womb, a child would not wish to be dumb.

[Existential Intelligence] While the clan head deals with immediate problems, the clan elders deal with interpersonal problems, they are the wisest of people in the clan, they theories, and think deeper than numbers, they understand the world and teach those who are lost in the clan. Thanks to them, the clan has been strong through the ages. They are non-combatant members of the clan, an elder is not by age, but by what they understand of the world.

[Social Intelligence] They are the face of the clan; they help other clans, form friendships in politics, and are typically in the capital of fire, where they work for Konoha's interests.

[Naturalistic Intelligence] This is the least picked type of intelligence; only four recorded Nara's have this type of intelligence. It is not picked often because, what would care about animals, learning about trees and the environment help the Naras.

Masaru Nara could still remember the darkness of the womb; he could still remember his mother's speech about the types of Intelligence; typical normal Naras could choose only one type.

A rare Nara could choose two types, a genius within a Nara could handle four, and a one-of-a-kind genius could handle five. Instinctively a Nara in the womb would know what they could handle, and Masaru knew that he could handle three.

While he was in the womb, he poked his mother's womb in a pattern that told her that he chose—logical-Mathematical intelligence, Spatial Intelligence, and finally, Naturalistic Intelligence.

Since he was seven months old, Masaru knew what type of Shinobi he wished to be; he could still remember the day how his mother instructed him on how to shape his brain while it developed.

He could still hear the cart of the clan moving towards Konoha while they moved to their new clan compound; he could remember the day that it finally clicked in his mind.

Masaru is a survivalist shinobi, before an enemy could think of attacking Masaru, he would have already created five hundred contingency plans and built his weird hidden shelters that even a professor of animal behavior could not know if an animal lived in the shelter or a shinobi.

Thanks to his types of intelligence, he could predict his enemy using mathematical intelligence, then he would use his spatial intelligence to build bases to trap the enemy and kill them without him being in danger, and finally, the most important is his Naturalistic intelligence.

Masaru could be sent to the most outback, hellscape in the world, and he would survive and thrive in that environment. He is one of the most dangerous shinobi one could encounter.

Only four people know that he is a shinobi; the Hokage knows his full capabilities, as well as the clan head; the other three only know that he is in First Town as an informational decoder.

The moment the traitor sets a trap for him, they've already fallen into Masaru's plan and traps. No one survives the survivalist Shinobi Masaru, the rabbit.





(Nawaki's POV) [Rotten shack in the southern part of undertown/ time 10 am/ Two weeks after meeting Masaru]

Nawaki looked at Masaru setting up his thousand traps in their small shack in undertown. He sighed and shook his head. "Masaru-Senpai, who are you trying to kill an army?"

Masaru grunted and stuck a seal on a piece of wood in the hidden fake hallway under the shack's entrance. "When you are starving by the river, and you are one hundred percent sure that you could catch a fish if you used a bait, are you going to use the bait on a hook, or use your finger?"

Nawaki sighed and looked at the metaphorical machine that is Masaru. "I would use a hook." He kicked his dangled feet from the shipping box he sat on.

"No idiot." Masaru shook his head and closed the hidden door of the fake hallway. "You would use the hook, seal the hook to be secure, use your hand and feet as a second plan, kidnap the fishes family, get some dirty secrets of the fish, Politically and socially frame the fish of wrongdoing, and finally threaten its life if it does not bite into that fucking hook."

Covering the fake door with trash and leaving hidden clues about the door as bait for their attacker Masaru shook his head. "Now, Nawaki tell me what I've taught you?"

Nawaki raised his hand and began counting. "Undertown is a gold mine of scum and villainy, a hive of underground information that any hidden village would want; someone wants to kill Konoha shinobi, and someone is a traitor and leaked some information. You've confirmed the plot of them looking to kill you, and we are setting a trap."

He raised his other hand. "You think there is a deeper plot of whoever is attacking us, you've built five other fake bases to slow their search down, and you've confirmed that they busted all of them, and they are coming to this one. Finally, you have a place that you did not tell me about that you will use to get more information about our attackers."

Masaru raised his hand to his chin and rubbed it; then he gave a small smile. "Good, now I want you to go to the ship Graveyard; you will see a ship called the running fox, go inside of the broken ship and hide for me there, do not touch anything, Nawaki," Masaru warned.

Nawaki sighed and nodded. "Want me to get anything while I am on my way there?"

Masaru squatted and made another trap. "Yeah, get some of Ozaki's sushi and steamed buns."

Nawaki jumped from the shipping box and dodged some of the already-made traps; he walked away from the shack and looked at Undertown. He saw a tweaker convulsing on the ground while some kids ran to him and began extracting the blood of the dying drug addict.

These kids would run to one of the drug forges and sell the blood for food; he dodged a mugging attempt while hitting the mugger with a backhand and sighed; the houses of undertow were constructed using broken wooden parts of various ships.

The town always broke and rebuilt the very same day; new alleyways were made and broken by the hour; it was an ever-evolving trash heap that people survived on.

Undertown first began when merchants discovered the illuminated moss cave. Under first town, they would come to the cave and trade with each other, avoiding taxes. Years passed by, and a secret society of outlaws made (undertown) their base.

Various pirates, smugglers, and slave traders came to this clave and dealt with each other; countless shinobi villages tried taking over this town, yet failed.

For the simple fact of undertown's chaotic nature, and numerous parties interested in undertown.

If a shinobi village tried to take over undertown, they could not because the moment that anyone knew that they try to do that, a representative of various organizations would come to the village.

Meet their Kage and would say. "We would (literally pay you to fuck off); if you don't, we have four other Villages that would just love to ruin your plan, so kindly fuck off." And that is how this town of literal garbage survived to this day; too many people wished it to survive, and it did.

He looked down at a beggar selling his organs by the street, and he shook his head, denying his offer.

Nawaki walked for a while, passing the various trash heaps, and looked at the hidden port, the much cleaner part of undertown, where ships were built, and trade was made, drugs, illegal shinobi techniques, such as flesh crafting jutsu's, disease jutsu's and various other techniques that are banned from chunin rank to Genin. These skills are banned not because the villages won't use them, they are banned because only high-ranking members of the village are allowed such skills.

A rouge shinobi on the other hand, needs to buy such skills from black markets such as undertown. He looked at the various shinobi teenagers, or deserters from the battlefield, buying skills from the merchant.

He squinted his eyes and shook his head at the Jashin priest trying to convert people to his bloody religion.

He saw various pirate shinobi walking around and talking with each other; Nawaki stopped at a food stall and ordered a nice grilled fish; he looked back at the pirate shinobi while his order was being made.

'How did Billy forget about Pirate shinobi, they are one of the coolest factions around, they are akin to a hidden village, a floating hidden village in the middle of the sea.' Nawaki took hold of his grilled fish and continued walking; he bit down on his fish on a stick.

He sighed and contempt while enjoying his fish. 'I want to visit their floating village so bad.' Nawaki imagined himself walking around the pirate village.

Finally, Nawaki saw the dead Bazaar and threw his almost finished stick on the ground, only to see two rats fighting a child beating the living shit out of each other for the stick, only for a cat to take it and run away.

The dead Bazaar was the most disgusting part of undertown; they sold slaves, mind-controlling seals for nobles and rich people, drugs that could change bodies, organs, and various other stuff that deals with flesh.

He looked at a beautiful woman in a cage. "Come right up! Only one million Ryo for a night, modified from the inside up for your pleasure only! You think of it, and we make it." The woman's owner screamed at other people.

Nawaki cringed and walked away from the betting, he reached Ozaki's stand and ordered food for Masaru, he peaked at the modified rooster fighting ring, Two roosters that were four feet tall, buffed as hell, modified and trained to kill each other.

Blades on their feet and pumped full of drugs, he saw the circle forming and the betting was done, then the roosters jumped on each other, tearing each other to pieces while the betters hooted and hollered at the bloody slaughter.

Nawaki took the food from Ozaki and walked towards the Ship's graveyard.




(Nawaki's POV) [Ship's Graveyard]


Nawaki looked at the running fox ship; it was falling apart like the rest of the ships around; Nawaki squinted and walked into the broken ship, slowly watching his every step.

When he entered he waited for a while, his eyes adjusted to the darkness, thanks to the glowing moss in undertown, the cave of undertown always glows like the moon, and now that he is in a truly dark place he had to adjust.

Finally, he could see better, and the ship was looking bad, rotten wood, broken furniture, cages that indicates slave trade, and a bunch of skeletons laying around. "Ok, so Masaru said don't touch shit."

Nawaki nodded and walked to a corner that seems safer with nothing around it, he walked toward the corner and saw a painting of a beautiful woman, with a large gash on the painting. Behind the gash was something glowing, just as he was about to touch it, he steeled himself.

He bent down and squatted while looking at the entrance. The shadows of the ship helped him hide.

While waiting he saw two rats approaching the ship, just as one of them was about to enter, his friend stopped him, then he pointed inside of the ship and shook his head. 'Huh… Another chakra animal.' The two rats bailed on the ship and ran away.

Chakra animals are regular animals that have been saturated with more than normal chakra, thanks to that their brain grows faster and they achieve sentience and reason. Nawkai saw one of these animals in the academy in the form of another fat black rat that made Billy lose his mind.

Nawaki rubbed his chin in thought and remembered what Danzo told him. 'You will be stationed in the most dangerous part of Waves, if the shinobi we stationed there is alive, you must stick with him at all costs, be careful Nawaki.'

He sighed and waited while thinking about different things, and after several hours he heard footsteps, Nawaki readied himself and from the footsteps, he heard a voice. "Cake is awesome with some soya sauce."

Nawaki relaxed when he heard the password. "Chicken is better with some sugar rum on top." He spoke back. From the entrance he saw Masaru walking in, on his shoulder is a knocked-out shinobi.

Masaru slowly bent down and tapped his finger on the ship's wooden floor, he felt Masaru's chakra running all over the ship, then he heard several clicks. "I just deactivated all the traps on the ship."

Nawaki stood up and looked at the various weapons that were hidden with genjutsu, he took two steps forward and turned his head, behind him was a large axe ready to descend on the empty corner. "If you touched the painting on top of you, that axe would have chopped you in half," Masaru commented while walking further into the ship's lower level.

Sweating a little Nawaki looked back at the painting and sighed in relief, then he walked behind Masaru. "So, want the food?" He asked while descending to the lower levels.




(Tamikazi Pov)

He tightened his fist and looked at their target, they've been hunting him for a month and a half now, that slippery bastard always turns around and mocks them, leading them around, he made their hunting squad a joke.

They were told to take the man with his description; they needed to, so they could close all communication with other villages.

Tamikazi looked at his partners and sighed, for the past month they've hunted down every spy from every shinobi village, the mist has planned for this operation for a long time now, and finally when every piece was in its place.

This slippery bastard of a shinobi weaseled his way out of every assassination attempt, and he just won't fucking die! Tamikazi looked at the shinobi, or if it was a fake one again. He looked at his team, they've finally had enough and gathered a large team for the raid.

Ten Jonin level shinobi, and twenty chunin shinobi, gathered their wits and waited for the leader of the raid to give them the signal.

Tamikazi the leader of these fine men, slowly looked at the target and finally fell asleep, after five hours of waiting, slumber took him, and he closed his eyes. Tamikazi's breath hitched, and he waited for a second, then he told one of the chunin to check via a hand signal.

The chunin gave a single nod and slowly walked away from the group, he brought a small fan, and began blowing it naturally, the chunin was trained in detecting traps and illusions, one of the best ways to check if the person you are about to kill is not a clone.

With a simple method of creating natural wind current, the chunin slowly did his job and all of the raid party readied their weapons when they saw his ponytail flow with the wind.

Tamikazi raised one hand and pointed at the man. They all charged quickly; twenty chunin and ten Jonin jumped at the man.

The moment they jumped, they saw the man open his eyes in worry and he screamed and ran inside the shack.

They followed him, the chunin first, then the Jonin, they saw an open secret path and the chunin followed the man, instantly three of them died from a surprise trap waiting for them.

Three rusted metallic spikes covered in shit penetrated the men and they died. "QUICKLY AFTER HIM!" One of the more reckless Jonin commanded the chunin to follow the man.

'Bastard!' Tamikazi screamed inside of his mind, he saw the chunin hesitating and then jumping into the tunnel, and the moment they all disappeared into the darkness, Tamikazi, and the other Jonin heard a gurgling scream.

"Get ready! He is clearly trapped in there!" Another Jonin screamed. "I can still sense him inside!"

They heard more screams coming from the tunnel, and the impatient Jonin grunted in annoyance. "Fuck this, I'm going in." He turned around and challenged him for his decision.

Tamikazi sighed and shook his head, only to receive a shrug and the Jonin ignoring his command, the reason he ignored him was that Tamikazi did not have a bloodline.

The Jonin walked in with six other Jonin. "No one goes inside until we received confirmation," Tamikazi commanded the remaining two Jonin with him.

They waited for a while until they heard a heavy sound of someone running outside, then they heard the reckless Jonin screaming at them from the inside of the tunnel.

"Stop him! He killed them all!" From the cave they saw the target, blooded, and covered in battle wounds, his lower jaw was hanging by a thread of flesh and his tongue hanging out in the air in a gruesome sight, blood, saliva, and broken teeth fell while he ran away from terror.

"Quickly kill him!" Tamikazi ordered his two other Jonin, and they quickly jumped at the man, but the man was stronger than he appeared, he quickly sliced a kunai in half, and did a strange jutsu that made one of Jonin's skin burn.

Tamikazi frowned at their target who kept screaming incoherent words at him, he kept pointing at himself while gurgling and dogging, then he would suddenly attack out of nowhere and he kept on screaming. To Tamikazi it was weird.

Then just when their target was about to kill the other Jonin Tamikazi appeared and stuck a kunai to the back of his head, ending him instantly.

"Thanks." The Jonin he saved thanked him and sat down, catching his breath. "Fuck, why is it so hard to breath?"

"That bastard did something to the area I am sure." They heard the reckless Jonin coming from the cave, he was blooded, and a kunai was stuck on his left shoulder. He walked towards them and sighed, then he raised his hand and slowly removed the kunai on his shoulder spraying blood all over them. "Fuck! That hurts!" he grumbled.

He looked at the sitting Jonin. "Oi, you got any bandages? Everything inside was burned up, bastard choked them with smoke and burned them inside of the tunnel." The sitting Jonin gave a single nod.

Tamikazi slowly readied himself. 'Something is not right here.' The moment his expression twitched, he felt disoriented, he looked at his twitching hand and saw his vision slowly going wobbly.

He heard the sound of flesh separating and blood spraying everywhere, he looked at the sitting Jonin with his hand extending outward with a roll of bandages, on top of the bandages was another hand.

The reckless Jonin took the roll with a smile; his other hand had a kunai that stabbed into the sitting Jonin's forehead. "Damn, you guys sure are troublesome, but thanks for the roll."

He turned his head and gave Tamikazi a smile. "It's the blood if you are wondering; it is a paralyzing agent."

Tamikazi grunted. 'That bastard!' he screamed into his mind, he refuses to believe that's how it is going to end, years learning the art of shinobi, masting his body, and this rat comes here and kills him and his men?!

Tamikazi grunted. "B. B. Ba." He tried to speak, and the man looked at him with surprise.

"That is weird; you should be dead by now…. Well, no matter, you will die now." The man smiled, and he saw him undoing the jutsu on himself, returning to his original look of the target, he looked down at the target they were fighting, and it turned out to be the reckless Jonin; with a puff he returned back to his original looks.

Tamikazi killed his comrade, their target did something to him that made him look like him, and he switched places, he controlled him from afar, and Tamikazi did not know how, he narrowed his eyes at the trickster cunt.

"BASTARD!" Tamikazi screamed! And he smiled, feeling his body obeying his command. He jumped at the man and sliced his head from his body; he took a deep breath. "I survived… Umishu…" he spoke the name of his beloved that gave him strength. "I am coming home."




Tamikazi returned back to the traitor of the leaf village, and he received confirmation of his successful assassination; his superior Jonin welcomed him with open arms, and they did their plan; they took over Waves.

And a week after that, they received news that the war was over, Tamikazi was so happy, he returned back to the hidden mist, he married his beloved.




After two years, he saw his firstborn son, and he named him mako, one night while he was telling little mako stories about the war. "So why were you there, dad?"

Tamikazi smiled and rubbed his chin with pride. "We were tasked with taking over Waves, and thanks to your dad, the mist has total control over it now."

His son smiled at him. "Ohh! You are so awesome dad; tell me how you took over waves?"

Tamikazi sighed. "Well, I don't know the entire plan really, but we had this traitor from the leaf village that sold out his village; that guy was a coward."

"What was his name?" His son demanded.

'Why is my son commanding me?' thought Tamikazi, but then he shrugged it off. "Eh, I don't remember much, but he had light brown hair I think."

"Who is with you in this raid?"

"I don't know," Tamikazi told with a smile.

"Is there anything… exciting that I should know about?" his son asked.

"Hmm, oh yeah there is something about a larger raid… and A….. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…." Tamikazi saw darkness.





(Nawaki Pov) [Lower levels of the Running Fox]

Nawaki looked at the weird scenario in front of him. Masaru was inside of a glowing cage; the cage had various seals slapped onto it, metallic wires that were five millimeters thick extended down from the cage, and akin to webs they below with the breeze.

Masaru made a [Shadow clone], and the clone took hold of the knocked-out shinobi in his arms. "This is the shadow clone, your granduncle made it."

The shadow clone walked into the cage with the knocked-out victim in his arms. "How come you know a lot of jutsu's from my granduncle?" Nawaki asked while squinting his eyes at Masaru.

Masaru gave Nawaki his back and took hold of his food and the steamed bun, then he took out a seal, and with a puff, various plants and dead bugs in glass jars came out. "Your granduncle was an old drinking buddy of my father."

Masaru sighed and he opened one of the jars and took out a dried-out bug, then he took more plants and began to place them on a mortar. "You would think a man with his intelligence would have the common sense to not drink too much, but do you know how many times I had to fight other kids for their fucking entertainment?"

Nawaki raised his eyebrows while Masaru began crushing the ingredient together; he opened the steamed bun, in the middle and took out the fillings, then he added the gross ingredients. "What?"

Steamed bun still in hand, Masaru turned around with an annoyed face. "What do you think they did in the past time huh?" Nawaki shrugged. "I will tell you what they did." Masaru pointed at Nawaki in annoyance.

He saw him filling the bun again with more bugs that were half crushed; then he channeled some chakra into his hand that turned green. 'Healing chakra.' Thought Nawaki.

"Every fucking week." Masaru had a constipated look on his face. "I was four fucking years old damnit."

"What did they do?" Nawaki asked with apprehension. 'My granduncle can't be that bad!' thought Nawaki fear on his mind.

"Every week…" He stopped the healing chakra and sighed, then he sat down and placed the bun on the table. "Every damn week, my father would train me up, then he would meet up with your granduncle, they would drink, then…. Then these two bastards would bet on us."

He sighed and took the steamed bun. "Damn bastards, I had to fight every week." He turned around and glared at Nawaki. "Do you know how many hours I wasted fighting when I could have been reading or star gazing?"

Nawaki sighed. "No." He looked at Masaru again. "You gained something for it, at least." Nawaki tried to argue.

Masaru with fury in his eyes. "That's not the point!" Then he looked at Nawaki and slowly closed his eyes. "Fuck it, let's get this show on the road."

Masaru walked towards the cage and Nawaki could see what is happening, inside of the cage was his shadow clone preparing the cage and the victim.

The clone tied the shinobi to the metallic handcuffs and began applying healing chakra to the scalp of the shinobi; then he saw the original bringing out a small three-foot-tall straw doll.

He placed the doll to the side and the steamed bun on top of it. Masaru slowly walked towards the shinobi, and he took out a kunai, slowly, he cut open the scalp's skin, and he popped it out.

With a sudden sound of skin tearing from the skull, Nawaki could see the bones peaking out, Masaru called out to Nawaki. "Now I know that your sister taught you some healing, care to comment on what is going on? By the way, your sister was my opponent when I was a child."

"Then why do you want me to comment on it?" Out of curiosity, Nawaki asked.

Masaru sighed. "Do you know how much she would beat the living shit out of me, if she knew that I used some medical chakra in front of you, and you learned something wrong because of me?"

"Oh, that makes sense." Nawaki instantly agreed.

Masaru smiled, then he looked at the skull again. "You are carefully applying water and healing chakra to the tip of your blade, to block out the blood and anything that could harm the brain."

With a swift hand motion, Masaru popped the top of the skull out of its place, and Nawaki could see the pulsating brain quivering from the air; instantly, Masaru began again. "Your clone is covering the whole brain in three protective layers of outer air chakra to prevent anything from coming in, middle of the layer in water chakra, and finally, healing chakra."

Masaru smiled. "True, but." He turned around while the bone skull was still in hand. "We are preventing the brain from producing any dopamine; with dopamine control, we could guide the next step easier."

Masaru threw the useless bone to the ground and took the metallic wires, and slowly he inserted them into the quivering brain that started healing around the metallic wires. The cage began to glow.

"I have no idea what is going on anymore," Nawaki spoke with wonder in his eyes while looking at the fuins glowing.

The clone stopped channeling chakra and popped out of existence, then Masaru took the doll and the steamed bun, he opened the slowly awakening shinobi's mouth and force-fed him the bug-steamed bun.

Then he walked towards Nawaki while closing the cage. Nawaki looked back at the cage and saw the shinobi in a dazed state, chewing the steamed bun slowly with vacant eyes.

Masaru smiled. "Neat, right? See the fuin suppress all urges that would lead to the victim realizing that he is in a deep genjutsu." He turned around and looked at Nawaki. "Tell me how you get out of a genjutsu?"

Nawaki scratched his chin. "Uhh, you just push out all of the saturated chakra from all points, then you refill them."

Masaru smiled. "Exactly, now image, for an instant, that you keep waking up from the genjutsu over and over again, and no matter what you do, you always return to the previous point."

He turned around and looked at the cage. "He is currently repeating the same scenario that happened today, over and over, but because he is a Jonin, he could break out easily, thankfully I prepared that steamed buns with a lot of hallucinogenic bugs and plants that will slowly lower his shinobi training."

"After that." Masaru turned around and caught his own fist. "We got em."

Nawaki looked at the man inside of the cage and saw him standing up and hugging the air while congratulating himself on the war ending. "So why do all of this?" Nawaki asked.

Sighing, Masaru squatted and looked back at the cage. "Do you think we have time to just torture a shinobi for information? This way, we could get the necessary information without fearing for any temperament."

The shinobi inside of the cage began hugging the doll and telling it stories. "Oh, vulnerable point," Masaru spoke and walked towards the cage, then he began asking questions. "Tell us your plans for waves."

The shinobi smiled brightly at the doll and petted it on the head. "Well, I don't know the entire plan really, but we had this traitor from the leaf village that sold out his village; that guy was a coward."

Masaru smiled and pointed at Nawaki with a knowing look. "Told you I was right." He looked back at the man. "What was his name?"

The man looked at the doll weirdly, then Nawaki saw the metallic pipes glow slightly, and his brain quivered. "Eh I don't remember much, but he had light brown hair, I think." The glow died down.

"Who is with you in this raid?" Masaru commanded.

"I don't know." The shinobi spoke with a smile.

"Is there anything important I should know about?" Masaru asked, and Nawaki saw the pipes glowing brighter and brighter. "Shit, he is expiring fast." Masaru sighed.

The man with a kind, gentle smile laughed and spoke, with his eyes bleeding and twitching. "Hmm, oh yeah, there is something about a larger raid… and A….. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…. A…..A…..A…..A…..A…" His brain exploded, covering the whole cage with blood and brain matter.

Masaru sighed, then he retrieved a rolled-up cigarette from his pocket, he lit it up, and took a deep drag, then he exhaled while speaking. "Hmm, So a raid, and now I know who the traitor is…. What about the last part…"

Suddenly Nawaki felt something glowing from his sealed pocket; he looked down and opened the seal, and from it popped out a smaller seal, the seal that Danzo gave him. "Masaru-Senpai…. We need to go back to first town… Fast!"

Masaru looked at Nawaki, and in one puff, he finished his cigarette and exhaled in annoyance. "Aight."




Thats it for today lads! Don't forget to collect and review! see ya later alligators! and don't be squares!

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