
Path of the Forsaken Soul

Atlas finds himself in a strange land. He has faint memories of a life before now, but nothing that tells him how he got here. His first realization upon arriving is that he isn't on his home world anymore, while his second is how dangerous these lands may prove to be. Similar, yet more monstrous creatures from his home world inhabit this place. Also creatures he recognizes, but only from fantasy. After he starts to find his bearings, he begins to wonder for what purpose was he brought here. Even more than that, he wonders how some of the females from these monstrous races are so beautiful. Once Atlas learns how he was sent here, why he was sent here, and the sexual nature of his abilities, will he be able to survive with the odds stacked against him? Disclaimer: This story will contain various forms of graphic and disturbing content. It will contain content not suitable for people of all ages, or people who enjoy their sanity as it currently is. The protagonist is a straight male and will NOT have any sexual interactions with other men. Chapters with sexual content will not include an R:18 warning. Content will include, but is not limited to: Sex, violence, slavery, alcohol, drugs and rape. If there is any topic you cannot handle, do not read this.

TooManyKinks · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 8

"So far, you're spot on. Your job would be a distraction. Though my powers are mostly gone, as I am now in the process of dying, I can still sense what happens in the forest and travel through the trees... The alraune appeared here the day after my tree died, leading me to believe someone intentionally set it here. I don't know how they did it while escaping my senses, or for what reason they had to do so, but that's the only viable explanation. Alraune are not native to this forest, nor the immediate surrounding areas. I assume whoever did this will act again after I am dead, but I refuse to sit idle while I am still alive... What do you know about alraunes?" Hazel asks, seemingly believing what she is asking of me to not be a big deal.

"I'll save the questions I have about being the bait, or distraction as you call it, for later. Keep in mind I'm having serious reservations about this. As for what I know about them, they are a plant like creature composed of a large floral top with vines on the bottom that reach underground when not moving. When the floral top is open, a beautiful female form composed of plant material is revealed. They nourish themselves from sunlight, water and by using their vines to absorb nutrients in the ground. You already mentioned what they do to men, but not how they do it. If they find a man attractive, they will seduce them and drain them through intercourse. If they don't find them attractive, they will still lure them in, then wrap their vines around them and drain them the same way they do with the dirt. I believe intercourse is the most effective way they have to absorb nutrition, by robbing a male of their lifeforce. They also require a male's semen to reproduce, though I don't know all the species this applies to. They need an excess amount of nutrients stores to survive through winter. Wait... I don't know about this worlds seasons yet. Now that were on this topic, I would have believed all of your races to be fantasy if I didn't see you for myself. I don't even know if my information is accurate." I say, reminded of the fact I have no backing for the information I do remember.

The burrow grows very silent for some time, both Hazel and Cizi staring at me with expressionless faces. I don't imagine Cizi is questioning much, but I don't doubt Hazel is. After several more moments of silence, Hazel speaks once again.

"Your information is accurate, to my knowledge at least. From what you just said, I don't have any doubt you are from another world. It seems there are similarities between our worlds though. There are four seasons in this world: spring, summer, autumn and winter. It's currently autumn, so the alraune is more than likely desperate to store nutrients... As she's maintained the same position since arrival, I believe her to be young, which will make it significantly easier to kill her. If she had experience hunting, she would be actively searching for a male by this point. Seasoned alraunes will do anything to guarantee they can survive the winter and produce offspring. They are dangerous beings, at least to species without strong mental resistance or weaker species in general. I take it you understand why she needs to die. If left to reproduce, I doubt this forest would be inhabitable ever again... With her probable desperation in mind, I think you specifically will be able to take all of her focus once she senses you. Actually, even a seasoned alraune might lose sight of their surroundings if they sensed you."

"You say that like it's more than my gender leading you to believe this." I say, realizing she may have information that could help me understand more about myself.

"Yes, you have an overwhelming amount of lifeforce. It's actually really hard to miss, at least for species sensitive to it. There are more factors behind my reasoning, but I feel I've shared enough for you to know I'm using rational thought while asking this of you... I need to take some time to convince the fairy to participate, so I need to go for now. She is rather... difficult." Hazel says, giving me another reason to worry about her plan besides using me as bait for a cum hungry plant.

"I want to ask you some questions about my lifeforce, but that can wait for now. Your plan seems viable in most ways, but I don't want to rely on a fairy that you're worried about. With that being said, I also have no idea how I'm going to survive in this world. This plan seems like it might be counter productive to my survival." I reply.

"I understand where you're coming from, but killing the alraune will help you survive. With her gone, you won't have any predators residing in the forest. I don't think the orcs will come this far now that there's basically nothing left for them to eat and that boar the orc killed last night was the last remaining resident of the forest besides the others I've mentioned. For now, I will go talk to the fairy. She is actually quite competent when she sets her mind to it. If she is willing to help, you won't have to worry about her failing on her part. Take some time to consider everything I have said."

"That's reasonable. Before you go, I would like to ask you something that could be important. You said you've been watching me since I got here. I take it you saw what we were doing last night. It's hard to get many details from Cizi, so I haven't asked her yet, but what exactly happened before I woke up?" I ask, intentionally putting this woman on the spot. Not just because I want the information either.

"I assume you mean the sex? Then you should be asking what happened right after you fell asleep. I don't know how that pertains, but I will tell you what I saw. It's the least I can do in hopes that you'll help protect this forest... After you fell asleep, Cizi started moving around restlessly. I assume she was having a nightmare about the orc raid. She kicked your underwear down during this time, which caused your penis to flop onto her butt. This woke her up immediately. First thing she did was reach back and grab it, which seemed to shock her when she realized what it was. Your penis is very large for your species, so I was surprised it didn't cause her any concern. Without any hesitation, she went to rub it against her vagina. What happened next though, was the beginning of the strangest thing I've ever seen... She just passed out the second your genitals came in contact with each other. At that moment, I felt a strange power coming from your penis. I came into the burrow to get a closer look at what was going on because of it. As I entered, I could feel your incredible lifeforce and actually started to get affected by your overwhelming pheromones. As I sat there... just watching... everything that was happening, Cizi's vagina started to slowly expand and get pulled around your penis. It took a couple of hours for the process to finish. By time it did, she had slid down your entire length. It was really fascinating... amongst other things... It was then that she started waking up, so I entered the tree to avoid being seen. Cizi then, in something like a trance, started to repeatedly have orgasms on top of you for hours. It wasn't until very soon before you woke up that she actually started to seem fully conscious and aware of what was going on. You know the rest from there... I'm intrigued if she actually can sustain herself solely on your semen now, especially if she can't eat anything else. Such an interesting power you posses."

I stare at Hazel for quite some time, amazed at her descriptive account of what happened. Not only did I learn more about my wiener sorcery and that Hazel probably masturbated next to me while I was sleeping, I also learned that Cizi indeed is a perverted rapist. At least she is my perverted rapist. Wait...

"Cizi, would you ever ra... I mean would you ever have sex with another man?" I ask as I turn to look at her.

"Cizi only sex Atlas. Cizi love Atlas. Atlas Cizi first time." Cizi replies, apparently unbothered by my question.

"That makes me very happy Cizi. I'm lucky to have you." I say before turning back to Hazel. "Your information was probably more valuable than you know. I should be able to deal with the alraune alone because of it."

"If your talking about making her submit to you by injecting her with your strange seminal magic, I would advise against doing that. Her race is a problem you don't want to deal with. No matter where you go, men would constantly swarm you to get at her. They only turn off their pheromones during winter. It's biological for them. Submission doesn't change biology." Hazel replies,

"Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you. I can't tell you everything, but I don't think her pheromones will be an issue if I do this." I say.

Hazel stares at me for a few moments in silence before raising and eyebrow and says, "What do you mean?"