
Path of the Celestial Sovereign

Born in the remote village of Qingfeng, Yuan Hailong is a seemingly ordinary youth with a mysterious and tragic past. His parents, once powerful cultivators, were slain in a battle against the tyrannical Black Moon Sect. Yuan Hailong discovers his latent talent for cultivation and swears to avenge his parents by rising through the Ninefold Celestial Realms and defeating the Black Moon Sect.

AracSyntax · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Unforgiving World of Cultivators

Chapter 7: The Unforgiving World of Cultivators

As I wandered through the bustling Merchant District, my eyes were drawn to a stall specializing in cultivation manuals. Excited by the prospect of acquiring a manual to further my cultivation journey, I approached the stall and began perusing the various manuals on display. The selection was impressive, ranging from basic techniques to advanced methods that seemed beyond my current understanding.

The stall owner, an elderly man with a long white beard, noticed my interest and approached me with a discerning gaze. His eyes narrowed as he scrutinized me, seemingly trying to determine my cultivation level.

"Ah, a mere mortal seeking to delve into the world of cultivation? You must understand that cultivation manuals are highly valued and are not meant for just anyone. We cultivators have strict rules and regulations surrounding the dissemination of such knowledge," he said, his tone dismissive and condescending.

I bristled at his words but tried to remain polite. "I understand, but I'm determined to become a cultivator and seek revenge against those who wronged me. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to acquire a cultivation manual."

The old man raised an eyebrow and let out a snort. "Well, if you're truly serious about this path, be prepared to face numerous hardships and challenges. This world is unforgiving, especially to mortals who dare to tread the path of cultivation."

Feeling disheartened but undeterred, I asked about the price of a suitable cultivation manual for someone at my current stage.

The elderly man hesitated for a moment before responding, "For a manual that matches your current level, it would cost you 5,000 Spirit Coins. But I must warn you, even if you manage to gather the required amount, it won't be easy to convince a cultivator to sell you a manual, given your status as a mortal."

My heart sank at his words. In this world, the primary currency was Spirit Coins, minted from refined spirit stones. These coins were accepted throughout the various kingdoms and empires and were valued for their inherent spiritual energy. Spirit Coins were further divided into three denominations: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. One Gold Spirit Coin was equivalent to 100 Silver Spirit Coins, and one Silver Spirit Coin was equivalent to 100 Bronze Spirit Coins.

Coming from a remote village, I had little knowledge of the outside world's economy, and the price of the cultivation manual was far beyond what I had expected. I had barely managed to save up 300 Bronze Spirit Coins from my various odd jobs and foraging during my journey to Azureedge.

Thanking the old man for his honesty, I left the stall, realizing that I would have to find an alternative means of acquiring a cultivation manual or seek out a mentor who could guide me on my path.

As I continued to explore the city, I couldn't help but feel frustrated by the harsh realities of the cultivation world and the disdainful attitude of cultivators towards mortals. However, I also knew that this was just another challenge I would have to overcome in my pursuit of strength and revenge.

Determined to find a solution, I resolved to learn more about the city's various factions and opportunities, hoping that I could earn enough Spirit Coins to acquire a cultivation manual or gain the favor of a powerful mentor who could help me on my journey.