
Path of the Celestial Sovereign

Born in the remote village of Qingfeng, Yuan Hailong is a seemingly ordinary youth with a mysterious and tragic past. His parents, once powerful cultivators, were slain in a battle against the tyrannical Black Moon Sect. Yuan Hailong discovers his latent talent for cultivation and swears to avenge his parents by rising through the Ninefold Celestial Realms and defeating the Black Moon Sect.

AracSyntax · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Path of Hardship

Over the next few weeks, I continued to work as a laborer at the marketplace, hauling crates, loading carts, and doing my best to survive in the city of Azureedge. My days were filled with sweat, pain, and, of course, a constant stream of colorful curses.

"Damn these crates to the Abyss! I swear, they're heavier every day!"

As my body grew accustomed to the grueling labor, I noticed that my physical strength and endurance were steadily improving. Unbeknownst to me, the hard work and daily suffering were tempering my body, laying a solid foundation for my future cultivation journey.

During this time, I also grew closer to my fellow workers, many of whom were in a similar predicament – mortals striving to make a living in a world ruled by powerful cultivators. We bonded over our shared struggles, swapping stories and advice while nursing our aching muscles after long days of labor.

One of my newfound friends was an older man named Feng, who had once been a low-level cultivator before an injury forced him to abandon his path. Despite his misfortune, Feng remained optimistic and full of wisdom, and he quickly became a mentor of sorts to me.

"You know, lad," Feng said to me one day as we shared a simple meal during our lunch break, "there's something to be said for the path of hardship. Cultivation may grant you great power, but it's through hard work and overcoming adversity that one truly discovers their inner strength."

I nodded, my mouth full of rice, and responded between bites, "Yeah, but it'd be nice if my inner strength didn't hurt so damn much!"

Feng chuckled and patted me on the back. "That's the spirit! Just remember, every challenge you face and every curse you utter is just another step on your journey to becoming a cultivator. Embrace the pain, and let it temper your resolve."

As the weeks went by, I took Feng's words to heart, pushing myself to work harder and endure more pain in pursuit of my goal. My days were filled with a mix of grueling labor and relentless cursing, but deep down, I knew that each moment of suffering brought me one step closer to the strength I sought.

In this city of cultivators and mighty factions, it was through the most mundane of tasks – hard manual labor – that I began to build the foundation for my future cultivation. And with the support of my friends and the guidance of my mentor Feng, I was slowly but surely carving out a place for myself in the unforgiving world of Azureedge.