
Path of self-discovery

A man aimlessly begins his journey amid the games of the gods, what awaits him? English is not my primary language, and I'm translating through Google translator, so don't expect too much from writing.

Champion · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 01 - what is life? -

Everyone, at least once in their life, must have asked themselves why we exist, and there have been several answers to that question, be it philosophical or religious.

Or also that life is simply meaningless, we simply grow up and die one day, nothing complicated, normally I would even say that this is my answer, however, I have been asking myself for a long time. What is the feeling of life?

Since I started my work career, I just lost track of time, it was like I had lived the same day for five years, I never had a family or relatives, the most I had were colleagues who claimed to be my friends.

At 23 years old I realized that I wasn't living, I was just moving like a robot, and I was scared by this idea, that's not what I wanted for myself, but I had no idea what to do, I had no dreams, no goals , I was really just moving around, but I knew I had to change.

And without knowing what to do, I started going to a gym, simply by remembering some anime characters, whom I saw in my spare time, these characters who always kept fighting gave me the determination to follow this path aimlessly, only with the hope of finding the answers I am looking for.

- several years later –

Currently my body is almost frozen, I hardly feel my hands and feet anymore, but it doesn't matter now, since I am seeing one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, one that makes me feel small and insignificant, although my body is almost numb , I can clearly feel my heart beat, a feeling that I had almost forgotten, the feeling of overcoming, and for that reason, it makes all the suffering worthwhile, as I am now at the top of Mount Everest.

In those years that have passed, doing gym became routine, and after three months I started to see results, I became more motivated and started to learn Muay Thai, I always liked to watch direct combat, I don't know why, but I liked it, and after a year, I even started participating in tournaments, I liked the feeling and I was good at it, I had even won a sponsorship.

But I was still unsatisfied, so I took classes in English, cooking and jiu-jitsu, my sponsorships increased, I got a good amount of money in two years, but I didn't see much use in it, so almost eighty percent went to orphanages and educational institutions. Charity.

I started Box and Chinese, and after another two years, I decided to visit the world, I was raised in Tokyo, Japan and for my first destination, I chose China where I could learn Kung Fu and Chinese medicine, and learning Tai Chi Chuan was really great for my body, and I stayed there for a few years, and following the trip I went to America, where I learned mainly about basketball, karate and mountain climbing.

I went to the main places in the world, saw different cultures, cuisines, their strong fighting styles, it was certainly a pleasure to experience these experiences, but not everything was good, since I ended up seeing the worst side of the world too, the bad side of people, wars, hunger and misery that people go through, it made me look dirty as a human, I never considered myself a good person, but as a human I also have feelings, I know how to put myself in people's shoes, so if i can help, why wouldn't i?

And finally I started to feel tired, maybe I had been trying a lot in the last years, so I decided to go back to Japan, and after 10 of my return I realized that I still had nothing and was getting old, I never got the answers I wanted, I just had some glimpses of it, and despite my fame, I never got married, although there were several cases, that was just it, they wanted to use me so why not enjoy it too?

In the past 10 years I have been able to learn several other things, such as modern medicine, kenjutsu, boxing and the arts, but I was already getting tired and needed some challenge, and it was a few days after I saw a report on Mount Everest.

And that's how I ended up here, several people couldn't complete the climb, it's really a challenge, even for me that even though I'm already sixty, I still have a strong body compared to someone from forty, but it was really worth it, the I haven't felt this feeling of being alive for a long time.

"Mister Akira !, we have to go back"

I nodded in agreement with the guide, we were already late and it was not good to waste more time, but for our bad luck we received news from the base camp, that a storm that was expected to arrive in a few days, changed and was coming towards us quickly .

And as we descended the ropes, we were swallowed by the storm, we could only endure the burning that came with the extreme cold as we continued to descend, however we were already worn out only by the climb, some people were barely staggering, we were in five people, the other groups already they were gone, I was in the middle of the line we were going down, and as we were already almost frozen and with little oxygen, the last one in the line fell, knocking everyone down in the process while rolling down the mountain.

And with the little strength I had left, I used the ice ax (it's that mountaineering tool that looks like a pickaxe) to dig into the ground and stop the fall, unfortunately two people were unable to get up and we didn't have the strength to carry them, we could only say that we would seek help.

The guide has already given up asking for help on the radio, and we were no longer in a position to continue descending, we could only try to take shelter on the mountain and wait for rescue, but as the hours passed, we got worse.

I don't know how much time has passed, but it was already morning, I was barely able to open my eyes, I couldn't feel my body anymore, I tried to call the guide, but he didn't answer.

I started trying to get up to remove the excess ice that covered me, it took a while, but I managed to go to the guide, however, he no longer breathed.

I tried the other guy, but it was the same thing, with no signs of life, I wasn't far from accompanying them, I didn't feel my body, breathing hurt, I could only wait for my death.

I felt like the earth was laughing at me, how small I was.

As if she wanted to show his power.


That was not even the beginning of his power

And as if to prove it, the earth started to shake, I heard the skies rumbling, the mountain ice started to fall, it was certainly a beautiful view, it was a pity that I was well below it, I could only regret my fate.

While waiting for death, I could only remember my life, how cowardly I was, how many opportunities did I miss? And that's because I didn't have the courage to take a step forward.

Although I tried to change, nothing changed, I just became stronger, I was not happy

I got a lot of knowledge, but for what?

I practically reached the top of the world, whether in fame or in any area I worked in, but so what?

In the end, I was still empty.

I never got the answers I wanted.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

For there is no second chance.

And being able to rest should be good too.

And so, I ... kurokawa Akira, I died.