
Path of self-discovery

A man aimlessly begins his journey amid the games of the gods, what awaits him? English is not my primary language, and I'm translating through Google translator, so don't expect too much from writing.

Champion · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

08 - Hitotose coffe

Chitoge and I continued to walk together, she stopped ignoring me after I bought her a hamburger, and I must say that she eats a lot for her size.

She told me that she had just moved from the United States, so our tour was more about showing some parts of the city, not that I knew much, since I spent most of my time training.

We were together only for a few hours, since she was afraid of her family's reaction, in the end I got her number before we left.

As I was in no hurry to go home I decided to take a walk, I just walked aimlessly.

I only stopped when I saw a café called Hitotose, I had no reason to stop there, it just happened to be there when I needed it, and then I went in.

It wasn't a big space, and it felt empty, but it certainly felt relaxing.

But that was not what caught my attention when I entered, what caught my attention was the little girl behind the counter.

"Be welcome-"

She looked scared to see me and didn't even finish her sentence.

I can't blame you, most people are frightened to see me for the first time, something about me looking like a delinquent.

Chitoge didn't seem bothered by my appearance, but it's probably because she grew up in a gangster family.

Anyway, there was no way I could be upset with her, why?

Because she is just adorable.

She has slightly long blond hair, which almost reaches the hips, which are gently curved at the ends, and she has a well-defined bangs just above the eyes, and a sort of Maria Chiquinha on the left side held by a black ribbon, and she seemed to measure around 1.45 m, and to finish, she wore a maid's uniform.

In short, she was extremely cute.

But now I had na urgent problem.

She was shaking and looked close to crying.

"Sorry if I caused a misunderstanding, I was just passing by when I thought about having coffee." I said trying to give a comforting smile.

And she seemed to have calmed down.

"You are the one who takes care of here." I asked as soon as she calmed down, and she nodded in agreement with my question.

If this is na anime world, then would this be the cool legendary Loli? It is difficult to say just looking, she can still be a child helping the country, I need to be discreet while asking questions.

"So I would like a black coffee." I said as I sat at a free table.

"Y- Yes, just a moment."

"You don't have to be nervous." I said while laughing lightly, and she seemed to be embarrassed by my comment.

"Ah !! Could you bring na accompaniment too? I will want the boss's recommendation "

"Only a moment." She seemed to have calmed down.

"Do you work alone here?" I asked as someone who just wants to start a conversation, but I wanted to know her age in a discreet way, if I asked about her parents, she would think that I am seeing her as a child, and it would be strange for me to ask her age directly.

"Ah yes! I work alone here. " She was preparing coffee now.

"Were you closing?" I said looking around, since I was the only customer here.

"We were already open, we just don't have a lot of customers since I usually only open on weekends." She said as she poured coffee into a cup.

"And why would that be?" I said really curious.

"It's just that I study in the middle of the week." There, the answer I wanted.

"Oh! I'm going to start my first year of high school now, how about you? "

"Hehe, I'm going to do my second year of high school now." So she is 16 ~ 17 years old, so it would be okay for me to ask her out.

What the fuck am I thinking? I must have entered the mating season and I didn't know.

While I scolded myself, she brought a tray with a cup of coffee and what appears to be a strawberry cake.

"Since you have few customers, would you like to follow up with me?" I couldn't help but invite her, let's just follow the flow.

She seemed a little nervous about the idea, but in the end she accepted the invitation and sat down in the chair across from me with a flushed face.

"Aproposito, my name is Takasu Akira"

"My name is Hiiragi Mayuki" She replied still a little flushed, is she still nervous?

"Uh, Hiiragi-san I'm going to Kamiyama School, are you?" I said while tasting the cake, and it was great.

"I'm going to be attending Fujimiya Women's College." So she goes to a girls' college, maybe that's why she is embarrassed.

"In fact, the cake looks great." I said while tasting the coffee, it was also good.

"Hehehe, thanks"

"Oh! If you work alone, are you the one who makes the desserts? "

"Yes it's me"

"Incredible, you can say that I'm a cook too, so I know the job of having to do it all by myself, so I say it again, you're amazing Hiiragi-san"

She seemed to be even more embarrassed.

So we spent the next few minutes talking.

She lived with two other colleagues, and the owner of the place was the parents of one of those colleagues, who she said was called Hagino Chiaki, she said that Chiaki is a great actress, and her other colleague is Natsukawa Kuina, and is Kuina who takes care of the bookstore that is linked to this café, the three together go to the same school too, and it looks like another resident named Sakuragi Hinako is going to join soon.

She spoke mainly about Chiaki, I wonder if she is a lesbian.

"Hiiragi-san, it was nice to be able to talk to you, but it's about time I went." I said as I stood up.

"Ah yes! It was nice to talk to you too, Takasu-kun. "

As I prepare to leave, I hear the door open, and I see two young women walking in the door.

They were two beautiful girls who came in, and they seemed to be alert with me.

"Ku-chan! Aki-chan! " Listening to Hiiragi-san, I know these are your so-called colleagues.

"Mayu-chan! Is that your friend? " The first to approach me was the girl with dark blue hair, due to her characteristics this must be Kuina, she is a little taller than Hiiragi, her hair reaches the waist and has two rebellious tufts where her ears would be.

"Yes, he is a customer"

"It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Hagino Chiaki." So this is the landlord of Hitotose, she is really beautiful as Hiiragi said.

Chiaki has short brown hair, with a large streak on the right side, and a red X-shaped clip on the left side, light skin and black eyes. She is the tallest and most developed of the girls.

"Yes, it is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Takasu Akira"

"I am Natsukawa Kuina." Kuina introduced herself while raising her hand.

"It's good to meet you, but unfortunately I was already leaving, how about we talk more next time?"

"Ah yes! Check back often." Hiiragi-san said as she bowed, the girls behind her just waved goodbye.

And so, I left, it was starting to get late, and I still had my training to do.