
Path of self-discovery

A man aimlessly begins his journey amid the games of the gods, what awaits him? English is not my primary language, and I'm translating through Google translator, so don't expect too much from writing.

Champion · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

013 - A Bullet -

Chapter 13 – A Bullet –

"Hehe, if you say any challenge ... So if you survive a shot from my revolver I will not interfere"


"This is absurd!"

"Isn't that just asking him to die?"

"Why don't you go hand-in-hand with him?"

The Yakuza members were the first to go against it, but both Ryuu and old Ussei said nothing, just watched me waiting for my answer.

Both they and I knew that getting shot and surviving was not impossible.

In Kengan Ashura's manga, there was a scene that showed the Ouma master deflecting bullets with his hand.

Although I do not know the Niko style, I knew some of the principles, it was only with this that I was able to train on the basis of mistakes and successes, and of course, it was unlikely that I would train his style successfully.

I have also seen Ryuu cut bullets with a katana, he said that it was enough for me to know the trajectory of the bullet, and for me to move before the gun even fired.

I tried to train the Raishin style of Mikazuchi Rei, but I also only achieved something superficial, but I knew that I was ready, I had already trained thinking about this type of situation. But being placed approves, I can't help being nervous, with any mistake I can definitely die.


"I make!" I said looking directly at CClaud

"So don't blame me for any accidents." Claude said pointing the revolver right in the middle of his chest.

"I'm not going, and neither is anyone here to blame you for any accident." I replied as I entered the high guard position.

"I at least congratulate you on your courage, get ready."


At that moment, everyone was silent, even those who expected me to fail did not make a noise, perhaps out of pure respect, or just out of curiosity to see such a unique event.

The barrel of the gun pointed directly at my chest, I knew I had to move before he even fired, he was about twenty meters from me, the firing of a revolver can vary between 400m / s, (I'm just estimating the values, but I gave a brief survey, and the values should be around there, some 300m / s for light weapons and some 1500m / s for high caliber weapons) I could not miss the time.

Then a minute passed without any sign of him pulling the trigger, I was already sweating in those few seconds, my whole body was tense, but in no time did I lose my focus.

Five minutes passed in this impasse, although it is taking a long time, no one dared to make any noise.

Seven minutes passed, my eyes were already burning, from the moment he said to get ready I didn't dare to blink, every moment I was focused, watching for any muscle spasms to happen, indicating that he was going to press the trigger.

It was then that I saw his hand muscles contract, I knew it was going to be at that moment.

*Bang ... Splash

My arm was shaking.

I could feel the blood running.

But I was happy.

No one could deny that I deflected the bullet.

The moment I saw that he was going to pull the trigger I threw my right hand forward, with the arm completely extended, and all the muscles well contracted, leaving them rigid, with a well calculated angle with the intention of deflecting the angle of the bullet lightly.

But the moment the bullet touched the back of my hand, my wrist loosened on impact, causing the bullet to superficially cut from the hand to the shoulder.

But it cannot be denied that I changed the trajectory of the bullet, I could not avoid a silly smile that appeared on my face, if I were to do this in my past life I would die without a doubt.

"H- He did it"

"It really changed the trajectory of the bullet."

I could hear disbelieving whispers from him, and looking into his stunned eyes, I felt really satisfied.

*Heavy sigh

"So ... did I pass Claude-san?"

"Tsk ... I'll be watching you!" Claude said as he adjusted his glasses.

"Hahahaha, I knew you were going to make it, but to think that you would do it for a girl. If you need any advice you can ask your Sensei here. " Ryuu said as he laughed out loud and pointed at himself.

"Adelt-san! With that I hope you see that I am serious, I just want her permission to be able to go out with her, I also hope she doesn't know about this little meeting. "

"Ha~, right, I won't say any of that, everything will be between you." Chitoge's father said as he sighed. "

"Thanks Adelt-san." I responded politely.



After these brief meetings, I went quickly to the infirmary, there they cleaned my cut and applied the bandage. And from there I went straight home.

As it was still around five in the afternoon, the mother would still be home, this week we hardly talked together, so I had to pamper her a little.

Tomorrow I will be off, we had already agreed with Raku that we were going to visit our grandparents, and as her mother was a little nervous I had to sleep hugging her again.

Then at dawn we went to visit our grandparents, we took a train trip, and when we got there, they were very surprised to see us, the grandmother soon called us in, she seemed to be a very kind person.

And for a long time the grandfather was scolding the mother, but after that, they seemed to get along, they were relieved to see that we were safe, it was certainly a good date.

They wanted us to spend the night there, but unfortunately we couldn't, but we promised that we would visit often.

In the late afternoon we returned by train to our house, our grandparents' house was in a neighboring town, so it only took a few hours to travel, and as we had to wake up early and the mother was still sleepy she ended up sleeping throughout the trip .

When we got home I had to carry her, because she was still sleepy, when I laid her on her futon and prepared to leave, she held my hand and asked to sleep with her. This had already become a habit, when I asked her why, she simply said that she felt more comfortable, I can only think that it is another effect of the goddess's divinity.

In the end we slept together.

The next day we went to school normally, at lunch break I called Chitoge for a meeting next weekend, she was a little embarrassed about it, but she accepted it, it's funny how she tries to hide her shyness with violence.

After school I went to the gym, I was training normally until Machio came to call me to meet the possible new members, I didn't understand why he did it, after all he never calls me to meet the members, but I still followed him.