
path of Martial arts in the tiny world(tales of demons and gods)hiatus

A man reborn in tales of Demons and Gods, with knowledge on energy martial arts. tales of Demons and Gods and characters belong to the authors. I only used their worlds to build my own. P.S- even if I don't respond much, just know that I read every comment you leave. I welcome constructive criticism.

vishwa_dula · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs


And so Hong continued going deep into the training fields and out of city limits to fight stronger demon beasts, since fighting not only made him improve his martial arts, but also the killing helped him improve his killing intent.

One day when he was on his way back from the training field, a whimper caught his ear, normally he wouldn't normally check it out , but this sounded suspiciously human. So leaping from tree to tree, he followed the sound hoping to reach the source of it. And he found it. A young woman , almost of his age with mature features and long orange hair , kneeling in pain.

Hong knew immediately knew who it was. Xiao Ning'er, one of the heroines in the story. But unlike in the story, she doesn't meet Nei Li, because he finished the hunt faster. So now she was severely suffering from the Arctic cold disease. Looking at the figure kneeling under the moon light, Hong couldn't help but feel responsible. After all it was only due to his interference, that she was suffering. And if he hadn't seen her today, then she would have to face a fate similar or even worse than the one portrayed in the first time in the novel.

Letting out a resigned sigh, Hong jumped down from the tree with a muffled thud. Xiao Ning'er must have heard the noise but it seemed that she was a bit preoccupied with dealing with the pain to let her attention run elsewhere. Hong covered the lower half of his face with the black cloth, he always carry around to hide his face and moved closer to her.

She heard the noise and turned looking directly at him. But before he could even begin a dialogue, Xiao Ning'er collapsed on the ground.

Hong quickly approached her and checked her pulse and let out a sigh in relief. Thankfully even though she was weak, she was still alive . But her body was in a bad condition.unlike the last time he saw her, the blue bruises had spread on most of her skin, making her look like she was beaten to near death. Yes, he had told her about her disease in his past life too, but at that time, she had ignored him and continued till her fate became the one depicted in the books.

Grabbing her wrist, he released a strand of pure qi into her body to check her condition, and he found out what he had expected . Clumps of unrefined cold yin energy, had saturated on many regions of her body, and clumped her meridians, completely destabilising her being, and if this continued, she would probably burst her meridians and end up disfigured losing her ability to cultivate or even, worse end up dead.

Seeing that she needed immediate help, he decided to take her to the small habitat he had built over the years in the depths of the forest. Nei Li was out of the question since he wasn't well acquainted enough to know that Nei Li was knowledgeable in those areas, and it would raise his vigilance against him. The city's medical establishment was also out of the question, since that place was run by a bunch of quacks. He could take her to the winged dragon family, but that would make him lose a potential subject to acquire information and results to his hypothesis.

Carrying her over her back, he arrived to his destination, a treehouse in the middle of nowhere and kicked the door open.

The room was well cleaned since he had spent his time quite frequently there, then clearing the table that stood on the middle of the room, he lowered her carefully lowered her onto it and began using different types of qi on her.

At a later time of that day, few miles away from Hong's tree house, a cannon event began to play out.

"HELP!! Murder!! , sacred family is attaking me" loug yells cut through the serenity of the busy glory city streets as a great spectacle occurred.

Shen Yue and his lackeys tried attacking Nei Li while he played them, hoping to grab the attention of the surrounding people while he secretly counter attacked them. And unlike in the novel only Ye Ziyun came to help. Which led them to associate each other longer. Ye Ziyun learned that Nei Lli was well accomplished in the field of inscription arts, which she only had a little knowledge about. Her aunt Ye Yin was the most accomplished in this field, and Nei Li's knowledge in this field had far surpassed her.

Ye Ziyun spent time asking about inscription patterns and ancient languages till she was satisfied .Nei Li then asked her to collect purple haze grass for him in return.

As they were engaging in conversation, they even met Chen Lin Jian, who was finding people for an exploration of ruins, which Nei Li intended to join. According to his past life there was something special in that ruins, a demon spirit he wanted to get his hands on. Especially since he was cultivating the heavenly god cultivation technique , which allowed a person to integrate up to seven demon spirits. The shadow devil ,demon spirit, an overpowered assassin type demon spirit that gives the spiritualists the ability to create weapons out of shadows, ignore attacks and phase through solid materials, invisibility and unparalleled stealth.

He wasn't bronze level yet so he showed his value, by revealing information and hypothesis he had formed about the ruins , securing a position in the exploration group.

After agreeing to meet in two days, Chen Lin Jian, and his followers left, leaving the two amature spiritualists alone, who left on their own paths after agreeing to meet tomorrow after school to learn more about inscription patterns.

Nei Li, who was over the moon for scoring another date with his target of affection didn't know how all his plans to her tomorrow would be ruined by an unlikely person.