
path of despair

This is a story. But you most likely already expected that since everything is a story. But this particular story is about quite the topic. Depair. Quite the word isn’t it? Despair can lead to a lot of things. Murder, suicide, hatred, depression. and you will see it all happen to our one and only mc. This is about the story from one of the most powerful people in the world. And yet, this one is longing for nothing more than death. Despair has already overtaken him and he will tell you why. The past, before everything happened. All kinds of horrors and a whole lot of other things. This is the story of the one known as the essence king. ………………………………………………………… If you read this, thank you. as you can probably see from my chapters, I aint the best writer. I just do this for fun but I’m also quite hopeful for this. Except suicide of course. He would’ve been quite hally if that happened ‘to him’. There are chances that I will not upload for some periods of time since I’m still in school and work and stuff but I doubt that that will be a problem for most since this isn’t exactly a masterpiece of a story. Again, thank you for giving this shitty story a chance.

Dries186 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

chapter 2 awakening(1)

After the Reaper had left the room, the elder of the underworld remained standing there before one of her guards suddenly approached her.

"Miss Heartfelt, forgive me for my rudeness but if I may ask, why are you so obsessed with that boy. Though he is very skilled, he is nothing more than a regular human, way past the age of awakening." He said.

The guard was right to be confused. Amighty elder of the underworld, someone amongst the strongest of the human race, has been trying to recruit an unawakened boy for years. And not just that, she even screwed him over.

Though he had to admit the boy was a monster, that was only among normal people. If he were to fight an awakened he'd barely be able to touch them.

In return to his question, Miss Heartfelt answered without turning around. "Why you ask? Why not? So what if he is an unawakened, way past the age of awakening, you never know what might happen."

Her answer just confused the guard even more but before he could ask further she spoke again.

"You asked me why I'd be interested in an unawakened boy. You have seen him for yourself, do you think there is anyone who can face him if they were to fight him unawakened? Sure, if an A rank or higher were to fight him with their current skills, they'd most likely win. But so what? They have had the advantage of learning far greater techniques."

Finishing that sentence, she turned around. A mad smile on her face which scared the life out of the guards before continuing.

"That boy is beyond all of us. His ruthlessness, his technique, his determination. All of them are of the greatest level. so tell me, what would happen if he'd awaken?"

But before the guards could answer the question, she continued, answering herself.

"He'd become the strongest there is. He has already been fighting and decimating opponents far stronger than him. It's comparable to fighting above your own rank. Who knows, perhaps if he weren't malnourished he'd be able to fight a G-rank and win. And knowing him, he'd create blood baths."

Though she had given him many reasons, the guard was still not convinced. Purely because of one detail.

"Be that as it may, the fact is that he is unawakened, which means he won't be the strongest, ever." The guard retorted.

"Why are you so certain he won't awaken? Sure he's six years past the age of awakening but let's just say I have a gut feeling he'll awaken. So if I were to have him in my grasp, I'd reach far greater heights than I ever could on my own."

The guards were just silent, she was obsessed with a kid and pressuring him because of a gut feeling.

"That's enough, we're returning." She was starting to get annoyed by her guards.

The guards just stayed silent, following her out of the building.

"He's too great to not be chosen by this world. It just gave him an handicap to make it fair to other. If that is not the case then this world is broken." She muttered to herself


There were many murmurs and weird gazes thrown at the streets, some people even vomited. Why you might ask?

Walking along the streets was a young boy, seemingly no older than sixteen. His usually black-colored long fluffy hair was disheveled, dyed red in blood, his clothes were the same. The only distinguishable feature he still had were his golden eyes.

Though his eyes shone bright like the sun, they were lifeless, as if tired of life, nothing to be seen. To onlookers, he'd look like a walking corps, risen from the dead.

And what was this boy doing you might ask? He was going to buy a cake.

Arriving in front of the bakery, he looked at the sign which said 'Ed's Bakery'. Looking at it for a few seconds he entered the door.

At the counter stood an old man who seemed to be in his forties. He had a long beard and his hair had already started to turn gray.

Hearing the bells and the creaking door opening, the man looked at the door, seeing a youth covered in guts and blood.

At first he had a sad expression on his face but quickly removed it from his face and put up a warm smile.

"Alan! It's always nice to see you, though I'd like it if you'd take a shower before coming. Come in come in. How have you been my boy? Did you come to buy bread again?"

Seeing the man's behavior made me smile, it was nice to know that at least not everyone was against me.

Putting up a slight smile I went on. "Yo uncle Ted, I've been eh… w-well eh, let's just say good." I said though I'm sure that with my stammering it didn't sound very convincing.

Uncle Ted's expression also seemed to go down by my answer." I'm sorry Alan. I shouldn't have said that."

"It's okay. It's not like any of this is your fault. As for why I'm here, today is Alice's birthday so I wanted to buy a cake for her. How many slices can I get for twenty credits?"

After this months rent and some other payments, I only have twenty credits left. let's just hope this is enough.

"For twenty credits you can only buy a single slice of cake, my rent went up so I had to raise the prices a little bit." He said, though he had a sad tone in his voice.

'Ahhh. Only one slice? I hoped that I could buy at least three with this. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers.'

"Ah, o-okay uncle Ted. One slice is ehm… plenty. At least it's enough that I can give one to Alice." I thanked him. After all, uncle Ted has helped us many times before, giving some bread and other things to us when we were starving and couldn't afford it.

"Hmmm. You know what Alan my boy? I'll give you two slices, I doubt that it will hurt me too much to give you an extra slice." Uncle Ted Word's instantly brightened my face.

"Really? Thanks uncle Ted. Now I can give dad a slice as well. At least he won't have to starve. "You're the best!" I immediately tried to hug him but he dodged me before I could touch him.

"Ho there Alan. Though I don't mind hugging you, your still covered in guts and blood, I still have a shop to run you know." His answer made me chuckle a bit.

After that, we chatted for a few more minutes before I left.

"Thanks again uncle Ted. I hope dad's gonna be really happy with his slice. Have a nice day." I thanked him again before sprinting out

"No problem Alan, my boy. Anything for you."

Exiting the door, I found myself on the streets once more.

Immediately I felt all those gazes on me again. They were filled with fear and disgust. Like I was a creature not supposed to exist.

But I was already used to it, after all, I have been receiving these gazes for many years

I was in a really good mood and started humming until my stomach started to growl.

'Hmm? That's weird. I already ate a piece of bread two days ago, I shouldn't be hungry yet.'

But suddenly thinking about food put me in an even better mood as I remembered what was in my bag.

'Hehe. I'm really grateful to uncle Ted. I can feed Alice and dad with these slices. Though I originally planned to buy three slices, I'm used to hunger so it doesn't really matter.'

And so, Alan walked the streets, smiling and humming happily. But to the unlooker, he seemed like a crazy demon, ready to slaughter.


After Alan had left the bakery, Ted just remained there alone. The warm smile had already faded from his face, replaced by a saddened grin.

He started to recall what Alan said just now.

'Really? Thanks uncle Ted. Now I can give dad a slice as well. At least he won't have to starve. You're the best!'

"But who is going to feed you Alan? You forget that you are just a boy. others your age enjoy their youth to the fullest whilst you are starving, trying to feed your family at the expense of yourself."

Truly, it was a pity. Alan's life is something he'd never wish upon someone else. He goes to the pits to fight,kill and slaughter just to feed his family. He's been doing this since he was a small child.

He could still vividly remember the old days, before tragedy struck Alan's family. He used to be such a bright kid.

Ted used to be close with Alan's father but because of certain circumstances, Alan's father had gotten depressed and they barely had any contact anymore.

He'd only hear about him when Alan would come to visit to buy some bread.

'It's really unfortunate, and it saddens me that I can't help them any more than this. I also have to feed my family.'


"Hmm hmm hmmm." Walking the streets was a kid, seemingly in a very good mood by his humming. He'd look very nice if you were to ignore the blood and gore on his body.

And who is that boy, well that's me, Alan Walker. And why wouldn't I be in a good mood. It's my sister's birthday and I can actually give her a cake. Better yet, I can even give my father a cake.

What about me? Doesn't matter really. I don't need much. Eating once every three days is enough for me. And I don't need to live a life full of comfort. All I need is for my father and sister to be fed.

Though it's a pity this is all I can do for them. I truly am a useless son and brother. I can barely give them two meals a day.

Oh well, should have been better I guess.

I'm not one to make excuses. So what if I'm poor, so what if I'm unawakened? At the end of the day it is because I am weak. Everyone is dealt their cards at birth, whether you make the most of it depends on you.

In the distance, I finally saw a small building. That's where I lived. It wasn't in the best of shapes, the size of a cottage, run down and everything, but still, it's where I grew up. And so it's an important place to me.

Walking to the front of the building, I knocked on the door a couple of times and waited for it to be opened.

Suddenly, I heard light footsteps and with it I heard the voice of a little girl."I'm Coming."

As the door opened, I saw the small figure of a little girl.

In contrast to my dark obsidian hair, she had bright white hair, cascading down her back, her eyes sparkling gold like mine. The only difference between hers and mine is the spark of life that exists in hers, while mine had grown dead.

Seeing my figure,unlike normal people's reaction you'd see when someone covered in blood is in front of you, she got excited and immediately tried to hug me "Al!!! You're back!"

But before she could, I stopped her, placing my finger against her forehead. "Calm down, birthday girl. Can't have you getting all this blood and grime on you. You need to shine on your special day." I said, a smile forming on my face. A small light returned to my eyes.

She's the only one that brings me joy, something I treasure. But she is also the reason for my suffering. As long as she lives, I can't die. I have to protect that smile on her face even if I have to travel through hell back and forth.

Removing my finger from her forehead, I could see her pouting." Hey hey, birthday girl, what's got you so sad?" I asked, worried about her.

She turned to me, an angry expression on her face." You! It's my birthday but you don't let me hug you. You weren't even home when I woke up. I had to spend the day with just dad. And now you won't even let me hug you." She turned away from me, her arms crossed as if she were rebelling.

"I get it, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I had to go get you something." I said.

Hearing me saying I got her something, she immediately turned to me with a bright face, forgetting her anger at me from just a second ago." Really, really? What did you get me? Tell me, tell me!"

Seeing her mood change this quickly made me chuckle." Relax, I got you something you'll really like." Finishing my sentence, I opened the bag in my hand and showed her the contents."Tadaa!"

Seeing the two slices of cake, she immediately got excited." CAKE! You actually bought me cake! Al you're the best!."

But suddenly her smile was replaced with a frown on her face." Why are there only two slices? Did you not get anything for yourself?"

Damn! Why'd she have to think so much, can't you just be happy you got cake. I mean you're just 8 years old. Are you even supposed to realize something like this?

"Ehem. I was really hungry so I already ate my slice. I'm sorry I couldn't wait till I got home." I cleared my throat, making an excuse I hoped she'd believe

"Really? Then it's okay. I just don't want you to be hungry on my birthday." Though she said that, she had a skeptical look on her face.

I just wanted her to have a nice day, no need to have her worry about me. I'm already a pathetic excuse of a brother so this is the least I could do.

"You go sit with dad while I clean myself up a bit. I'll be right with you guys." I told her as I entered my house.

"Okay, we'll wait for you before I blow my candles." And with that she strode to the living room, or what I'd like to call the living room but its the room all of us sleep in.

The small building consists of a bedroom and a bathroom. Most of our necessities are in the bedroom.

"Allright, let's take a shower. Gotta look presentable on Alice's birthday." And I proceeded to enter the bathroom.