
path of despair

This is a story. But you most likely already expected that since everything is a story. But this particular story is about quite the topic. Depair. Quite the word isn’t it? Despair can lead to a lot of things. Murder, suicide, hatred, depression. and you will see it all happen to our one and only mc. This is about the story from one of the most powerful people in the world. And yet, this one is longing for nothing more than death. Despair has already overtaken him and he will tell you why. The past, before everything happened. All kinds of horrors and a whole lot of other things. This is the story of the one known as the essence king. ………………………………………………………… If you read this, thank you. as you can probably see from my chapters, I aint the best writer. I just do this for fun but I’m also quite hopeful for this. Except suicide of course. He would’ve been quite hally if that happened ‘to him’. There are chances that I will not upload for some periods of time since I’m still in school and work and stuff but I doubt that that will be a problem for most since this isn’t exactly a masterpiece of a story. Again, thank you for giving this shitty story a chance.

Dries186 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

chapter 13 adoption

"How about I formally adopt your sister?"

My eyes widened at his words. 'What did he just say?'

Though I don't particularly care about the Silverheart name, I am not stupid enough to not know that it has some real power to it.

The chance to get adopted by such a family is close to zero. If I were to let him adopt Alice, her future would be guaranteed.

'Calm down. It shouldn't come this easily. There have to be conditions.'

I decided to play it calmly for now. Though I haven't seen anything until now to make me distrust him, I don't know him well enough to just give my sister to him.

"And why would you want to adopt my sister? I'm pretty sure that there will be some complications to adopting her. I doubt that the elders of your family would like it. And what would the public think? There are too many down sides for you to just adopt her."

The words coming out of my mouth surprised me quite a bit. I had never been the smart type. My F rank intelligence spoke of that.

But it seems that after my 'little outbreak' that I could think much better. At first, everything seemed so foggy and the only clear answer was always violence.

But right now, everything was so clear. I have more answers than just violence right now. If it was the previous me, I'd already attack him for thinking he could take Alice, no matter if it was hopeless.

But now I could understand that it won't necessarily be a bad thing. If there really are no bad consequences,than I wouldn't mind Alice being adopted.

"You are right, there will indeed be many complications in adopting her. But I already have solutions for them. We'll just tell the public that we adopted someone from one of our branch-families."

I can see that work. It will probably fool the public, though I doubt it could fool other high-ranked families. But I doubt many of them would seek a fight with the rank 4 hero.

Next I saw a smirk forming on his face before he continued. "As for the elders. Sure, they will complain. But who cares? It's my family and I decide what to do with it."

'I see.'

It looks like he isn't the type to be pushed around. But I guess that would be natural from a person of his standing.

But I wasn't satisfied yet. There is no such thing as a free ride. And especially a ride like this one.

But it seems he noticed my concerns and began speaking once more.

"I guess you wouldn't believe me if I tell you there are no strings attached. But I'll be honest with you, I'll be benefiting more from this than you would."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. What did he mean by that? How could someone of his standing benefit from adopting a little girl?

"Explain. I don't see any benefits you could receive from this."

This time it was his turn to raise his eyebrows in surprise. 'I guess this kid doesn't understand what kind of talent he has.'

"There are two reasons for this really. The first one would be to have a connection to you."

'A connection with me? What's the use of having a connection to some G rank orphan like me?'

It seems like he saw the confusion on my face as he explained his reasoning.

"It seems like you haven't noticed yet but you're quite talented. No scratch that. Your beyond the ordinary."

'??? Is he calling me weird? I don't think it would help in persuading someone by calling them weird.'

"Alan, I don't know if you've noticed this but you are quite the monster. You've reached level 6 on a subclass before you even awakened. Do you know when people reach level 6 on their main class? Most reach it at A rank.

Really? That surprised me. But it did say my B.I was A rank so I guess my battle proficiency is comparable to an A rank awakened.

"And not just that, you managed to actually almost kill someone two ranks above you. And you would have if it wasn't for Rachel."

From what I could understand from his words, he was calling me talented. I guess that means I have quite the value.

I heard that talented people get recruited before they even leave the academy. And hearing the praise I got from rank 4, I'd probably become top priority.

'Sounds annoying. I'll lay low a little in the academy. Not enough for people to push me around of course. I just don't want to be bothered by those rich guilds.'

"Since you understand the first reason now, I'll go to the second. The second reason would be for Rachel."

He had this sad look on his face when he began speaking of Rachel. I also saw The disappointment in his eyes. It was aimed at himself.

"You see, the events of today have shown me the mistakes in my parenting. I thought I was protecting them by keeping them safe but it seems I just isolated them. It was different during my time and I guess I have to get used to that."

He paused for a bit. A smile got on his face suddenly as if he just remembered something he likes.

"But you see, when Rachel and Sylvia suddenly brought two strangers, I was naturally interested. And when I saw how Rachel was conversing with your sister while they sat next to your bed, I could just see how happy she was. It looks like your sister was her first ever friend."

"So the second reason is to give Rachel a friend."

I nodded my head a couple of times. Hearing the reasons for him willing to adopt Alice made me feel reassured.

But it seems he wasn't finished speaking yet. The dissapointed look returned to his face.

"I know it may sound selfish. To take in a little girl just for her to be friends with my daughter. I may be one of the strongest humans there is but I suck as a father. I just ho~."

"I wish I had a father like you."

His eyes widened at my sudden words. But what I said was true.

"Just like me, you know the cruelty of this world. Though your daughters may not understand it now, it was what's best for them. I mean, look what happened when Rachel left the house just once."

I took a pause to let him absorb what I just told him.

"My father abandoned me you see. Right before he killed himself, he already told me that he was planning to. And I just screamed at him not to. And he made me believe he wouldn't."

My espression got dark.

"He lied."

I remembered his letter. He said he saw no other way to help us.

"He thought he was helping us. But no. Who would be happy to know someone killed themselfs for them."

I then turned to look at him.

"But you on the other hand, will do anything to protect your children. You would never abandon them. And that's why I wish you were my dad."

He looked at me for a couple of seconds. I could see relief in his eyes. Perhaps because someone told him that he's not a bad father. Or perhaps another reason.

"Thank you Alan."

And the awkward silence filled the room once more.

'I should work on my social skills. These silences start to get annoying.'

"Want me to adopt you too?"

I picked my ears because I thought I heard wrong. Though he did say I had some major value, that didn't mean I had no disadvantages.

I was uneducated and weak. But most of all, I was unstable. You've probably noticed it before but I quickly get the urge to kill people.

Who knows how long it takes before I off the wrong person and cause him some major problem.

But looking at his serious expression, I knew I hadn't misheard.

"Are you sure? I know you're smart so you should know that I am unstable. And it won't be long before I get you in trouble."

He just smiled and shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. You have brought some things into perspective for me and I'm grateful for it. And after your little outbreak, I doubt you're as unstable as before."


My heart was beating violently.

'Perhaps. Just maybe. I can be protected for once. Taken care off for once. Be happy for once.'

A smile made it's way to my face.

"Alan Silverheart, I like the sound of it. Don't worry sir, I won't dissapoint you."

I felt his hand pat my shoulder. He had this warm smile on his face, one that I hadn't seen from a parent in a long while.

"I doubt you will. But when you feel ready, you can call me dad."

Call him dad? Though I quite like this guy, I don't feel comfortable yet calling him that. I mean, my other dad died just a couple of days ago.

"Now, show me the contract you made with Kaya Heartfelt."

'So he even knows about that. I guess it won't hurt letting him know.'

I focused for a bit and a piece of paper appeared out of thin air.

Once you sign a mana contract, you can summon it's contents whenever you want.

He read it a couple of times over before he nodded his head and turned around.

"I'll be out for a bit. Get used to the place, it's your home now."

And a couple of seconds later, he was gone.


A big smile got on my face.

"I like the sound of that."


Reynold POV:

I never expected my meeting with that boy to go like that. But after conversing with him for a bit, I came to one conclusion.

'He's a good kid.'

But most of all. He'll do anything for his family. And I could respect that as someone who would do the same.

And since his potential is pretty crazy, I saw nothing wrong in adopting him. Many families adopt young kids because they think that the kids will eventually grow strong.

"I really caught a diamond. And who knows, perhaps I will get really fond off the two of them."

His sister looked adorable after all. Though I only saw her for a little, it looked like she was shining. But Rachel also told me she was much smarter than most her age so perhaps she also has some great potential.

Though I knew the elders were going to give me hell, I didn't care. I'm the one who raised this family's status and I decide whatever I want to do.

But since I'm adopting two kids, I doubt the public will believe the previous story I made up.

'I'll just tell the truth. It's not like I ever cared about the public's opinion.'

As for where I going now. I was planning on visiting Kaya Heartfelt.

Of course, someone of my standing, had connections to the underworld. And I knew of Kaya Heartfelt's reputation as well.

She was one the elders and she was known as ambitious and crazy.

'She has been trying to recruit Alan for years. Screwing him over and throwing him into desperate situations.'

It seemed like she had seen his potential years ago. But she took the wrong way about recruiting him. She tried to force him instead of treating him with respect.

And I was not planning on letting her have him. I already paid off his debts but I was going there to make sure she knows to back off of him.

Though he will still owe her a favor, it said that it couldn't cross any lines that he wouldn't like. This meant that she couldn't make him do anything too bad.

I was currently in one of the underworld's many underground facilities. This one was governed by Heartfelt. One of her guards was currently leading me to her office.

After a couple of minutes, we arrived at her office. The gaurd opened the door for me and I entered the room.

The first thing I saw was the woman in suspect. She was sitting at her desk with a carefree expression on her face.

'This woman still gives me the creeps.'

"To what do I owe the pleasure of the one and only Reynold Silverheart to visit me. I doubt it's to ask me out on a date."

She had this smile on her face. Not many would dare to talk to me like that. But she was very weird.

I just went straight to the topic. I didn't want to waste any more time with this crazy woman.

"I came to tell you that I payed off Alan's debts. And not just that, I adopted him."

The mocking expression on her face froze. It seemed like she couldn't fathom my words.

"You did what now?"

Though she sounded calm, her expression said otherwise.

"I adopted him. And I came here to tell you to back off before anything bad happens to you."

Her expression turned dark. I could see the anger in her crazy eyes.

"So not only did you take away my property, you dare threaten me to stay away from him."

I scoffed at the way she frazed it.

"You can see how you like it. And he is not some property that can be claimed, he is my son from now on. You have my regards."

I didn't give her a chance to speak and turned around to leave the room. I was surprised she left it at that. She seemed way less angry than I thought she'd be

Or so I thought.


She screamed so loud that I nearly went deaf. But it didn't make me mad or anything. Instead, it made me satisfied.

"That's my first favor to you son."