29 Chapter 29

My head ached like a there was a truck ramming my skull. I tried to press my palm to my forehead when I noticed that I was restrained. My heart skipped a beat and I only just became aware of my surroundings. I was blindfolded. My hands and legs were tied up and my mouth was covered with a duct tape. The air smelled damp and I let out a shaky breath.

I tried to sit up but I heard a deep growl. One that sounded like a beast. I shuddered and the hairs on my skin rose.

Where the fuck was I?

I gulped and pushed back while my heart continued to beat.

"If it isn't Sage Haven himself!" A male chuckled from behind me and I made attempts to turn around but I heard the same deep growl again.

"What do you want?" I asked through clenched jaws as I tried to pull my hand out of the binding ropes. I wasn't sure of what the fuck I was sitting on but it was itchy. I bit back a grunt as the blindfold was ripped off my face. It was actually duct tape that had taken my hair along with it.


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