
Past To Present To Future

She was scared but he made her feel okay. She hugged him and buried her face on his chest, stopping the tears from falling. He held her tight, millions of thoughts invading him. Who would of though a mere human could affect him so much. In a world ruled by demons, humanity has been pushed to extinction. Can bonds from the past rekindle in the present to create a better future?

MoonlightGDS · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


Shiro smirked, "Well... we need to tell everyone at the academy tomorrow first thing. We will get Mr. Ren to try and contact the master. Then we will need to notify all the villages." "Okay, what about Yuki's grandma?" "Don't worry about that I'll take care of her and bring her to my house." "Alright that sounds good. Then I'll see you in the morning?" "Yes try to get some rest." Abby nodded and closed the door as Shiro left. As she laid on her bed she though to herself about everything that was happening. She couldn't believe what Yuki was doing. She never imagined someone like Seth or Neil would be so evil. She was going to stop them no matter what. She wasn't going to let them hurt Yuki she though. Now determined to safe her friend she drifted into sleep.

The following morning Shiro met up with Abby at the academy's entrance. They made their way to class and mentally prepared to tell everyone what was going on. "Good morning everyone! Today we are going to be practicing our tactical skills." Mr. Ren was the teacher of the academy and was a very skillful person. Everyone in the village respected and looked up to him. He had trained many kids and teens in the village and was known to be one of the best teachers among the other ones from neighboring villages. "Mr. Ren." Shiro interrupted. " I think we have a more important matter in our hands. It's an emergency." Everyone in class turned to give him their attention. Being the top student his words held some level of importance. "What's going on Shiro?" asked Mr. Ren. Shiro motioned to Abby to joined him and she went next to him. "It's about Yuki."

A murmur began to stir among the students, everyone wondering what was going on and what was happening with Yuki. "She has been bewitched by The Demon Prince." What were whispers became an uproar. "Calm down everyone!" Mr. Ren silence them and urged Shiro to continue. "Mr. Ren he has plotted to use Yuki to destroy this village and he is planning to eradicate the rest of the human race." A concerning look washed over Mr. Ren. "What did you say!? Are you sure? How did this happen?". "The demon used some kind of spell on Yuki and bewitched her to think she is in love with him. We need to stop them before it's too late! We need the master!" Mr. Ren was quiet, taking in everything Shiro was saying. This was bad he though, they needed to do something immediately or they were done for. "You are right we can't let them get away with this anymore!.. However, there is a problem. No one has seen or heard from the master in almost a year. He could be dead for all we know."

There was silence in the room as they realized that was a high possibility. Then who would they rely on for such thing. The master was the first teacher, he was the teacher of their current teachers in all the villages. He was rumored to have been the only person capable of killing demons or knowing how to at least. "You are right he might be dead, but we don't know for sure. We need to send word everywhere so people know to prepare and so that if the master lives, he hears what's going on." Mr. Ren gave a firm nod. "You are right, we can't rely on the master only, we too are strong! We will risk our lives to bring the Demon Prince down!" The room went loud with everyone in there hyped and ready to defend themselves from the demons. They weren't going to let them have their way, even if they died, at least they'd die trying to protect the rest of humanity. Shiro and Abby smiled at each other, Abby was glad everyone was willing to help and fight for one's life. Shiro however was glad these people were so foolish, for his plan was working perfectly. Soon he would have Seth and Yuki's head, nothing was going to stop him.

"Okay, we need 4 volunteers to send word to the other villages." 4 people raised their hands. "Okay you go east, you go west, you can head to the main village, and you I'll let you take care of the south." Mr. Ren instructed them on how to inform the other villages and wrote notes for all of them explaining the situation. Once they had everything they needed they made their way to their assigned destination. Mr. Ren wished they weren't stuck up north, so close to the castle. "Mr. Ren, I will also be taking care of Yuki's grandma, since she left her." Mr. Ren agreed and watched Shiro leave in the direction of the lady's house. "Abby you start spreading the news around town okay?" "Yes Mr. Ren!" She made her way around the village knocking on everyone's door and informing anyone she saw pass by. The village was in high alert in no time, everyone preparing for the worst in their own way. Some wanted to fight while other found themselves ready to just die and get their miserable lives done and over with.

Neil made it to the outskirts of the village and stopped before entering because he noticed there was a lot more activity than usual. He couldn't just walk in with so many people out and about. He needed to find a way to search for Saria in these conditions. If any villager saw him it wouldn't be good. He was about to sneak away when he noticed a familiar face. He got closer and began listening. Abby knocked on another door and began her same explanation for what must of been the 30th time. Her throat was dry and hurting, she needed water. After answering a bunch of question from the family she had just informed, she looked around deciding she would get water before continuing. She turned the street and bumped into what felt like a wall. She grabbed her nose hoping it wouldn't bleed and then looked up. She opened her mouth to scream but was met by a hand covering her mouth. "Shh! be quiet do you want me to die!?" Abby looked up at Neil and tears started to form in her eyes, she was sad, sad that he had turned out to be such a bad person. "What was that all about back there?" He asked her slowly removing his hand from her mouth. She didn't answer him and she looked away. "Why you! Why the hell are you spreading nonsense to the village?" "You've come to kill me? What have you done to Yuki!? You bastard!" Abby began weeping. Shiro was super confused, had he done something to the girl? He was getting annoyed. "Why are you crying? Where did you hear such nonsense from?" "Stop acting like you don't know what's going on. Give Yuki back!" "Give her back? She's with Seth they are together, you know this. She chose to go with him." Now he was even more confused, where had this girl gotten such ideas from? Was it from Saria, was this her plan? "No you took her and now you want to kill the rest of us, why!?" "You are crazy, doing that is the last thing on Seth's mind now." "Shiro said that-" "Shiro! Oh man that explains it. Look Abby Shiro hates Seth and Yuki, he is jealous, and he is very spiteful. He is making all this up to use you all."

Abby looked at him, she was now confused. She didn't know what to believe. She believed Shiro because she knew him, but here she was her heart being swayed by Neil. She hated the power of words that someone she liked held over her. She also remembered how violent Shiro had gotten when it came down to Seth and Yuki. She was quiet, she need to learn the truth. "Prove it! Prove she isn't being used and that you guys aren't trying to kill us." Neil sighed and scratched his head. He though what a pain it was to have to deal with a woman. "Do you wanna see Yuki?" Abby whipped her tears, she had to see her, she'd know then if she was being controlled or not. "Yes take me to her!" Neil sighed again. "I can't do it right this moment, I am on an assignment." "I knew it, liar." "Fine, come with me, after I'm done I'll take you to her." "Okay". They both sneaked around and Neil began to look around for Saria once more. Abby closely following from behind. If Neil was saying the truth then it would mean that they were all going to die, but not because Seth planned it, but for staring a war with the demons for no reason. She really prayed Yuki was okay.

This is crazy! Smh Shiro, What have you done!?

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