
Past the Veil: A Detective's Vow

Riley has been able to see ghosts for as long as they can remember, but when a detective dies in front of them, they're forced to help them move on. Riley has to find out what it'll take to help the detective to move on and find peace.

JakMarandDax · Urban
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Riley woke up, ruffling their ginger hair as they yawned. Neither of their parents shared their red hair, leaving them to always wonder if they were switched at birth. Eventually, they got out of the bed, their feet touching the carpeted ground.

"Good morning, Al." They greeted their Russian Blue cat, which they had cleverly named Albert Whiskers. He jumped off the bed to follow them into the main room of the apartment, jumping up onto the counter. "You're always so impatient." They smiled at him as he meowed in response, waiting for his breakfast. Riley scooped the bowl off of the ground and set it on the counter next to Albert before pulling his food out of the fridge. Few things disgusted them more than his wet food, but they forced themselves to get over it for the love of their cat.

After feeding their cat, they started a pot of coffee and headed into the bathroom for a nice hot shower, despite it being summer. They hopped back out once they were done, heading back out to check their coffee and pour it into a tumbler. Riley pulled their notebook out, jotting down some ideas they had come up with in the shower before packing it back into their bag.

Riley made a quick breakfast and watered their plants next to a chattering Albert, who was watching the birds. They put their headphones in, turning on some In Fear and Faith before heading off to the library to start their work day. The walk is only five to ten minutes, give or take how many lights Riley has to wait at, but never too long of a walk.

Riley gets to work, putting the books into their spots and sporting them. They prefer to stay in the back when they can, so as not to have to talk to people. Before they knew it, it was time for their lunch break. They headed into the back, pulling out their cup of noodles and pouring out some hot water before taking a seat at the small table.

"Hey, Riley." Riley looked over to watch their co-worker Katie walk their way. She was heavily pregnant in their third term. "How are you today?"

"Fine." Riley simply said, watching as Katie sat down across from them at the table, a salad and dessert cakes for her lunch. "How's the baby?"

"Good." Katie smiled widely, beaming even.

"If you'd like, I can bring dinner over tonight."

"Oh, and I can show you the nursery! My cousin painted it for the baby."

"I'd love that." Riley smiled slightly. "I'll be over around six thirty or seven."


After work, Riley walked to the closest King Soopers to buy some ingredients for dinner. With their bounty in hand-or in bags, they headed back home. They began making dinner, one of their favorite meals, a buffalo chicken casserole, without the chicken. While cooking, they listened to music, bopping along as they cooked.

Now finished with dinner, they packed their things up once more and headed on a bus to get downtown to Katie's apartment. During the ride, Riley listened to music and worked on writing, doing their best to look inconspicuous, hoping no one would try to strike up a conversation. Thankfully they finished their bus ride with no one talking to them and walked the rest of the way to the apartment. Riding up the elevator, she couldn't help but compare the place to her own apartment complex. They were nothing alike, whereas Katie's seemed much nicer than theirs.

Riley knocked on the door, hoping it was the right one. Shortly after, Katie opened it with a large smile on her face. "Riley! I'm so glad you made it."

"I brought food." Riley lifted the glass pan up.

"Smells great! I'm starving!" She ushered them inside.

Katie introduced Riley to her husband, trying her best to respectfully explain Riley's pronouns to him. He shook Riley's hand with a smile and thanked them for the food, making it easier on them for the night. Katie then dragged Riley into the nursery to show it off.

"It's very cute." Riley smiled slightly. "I'm jealous, I think."

Katie giggled. "I'm glad you like it; Billy and I are in love with what she did for us." She ran her hand over the wall. "It all came together so well."

"You're almost making me wish I was having a baby." Riley joked, causing Katie to laugh again.

"Come on, let's eat." Katie motioned for her to follow her back out of the room.

The three of them sat down and started eating, Katie complimenting them on their food. They chatted while they ate. Billy uncomfortably asks Riley about their pronouns and 'original gender'.


Riley took a deep breath as they walked out of the apartment building. It had been a long night, leaving the building around ten. Riley hadn't minded the question too much, as they seemed to be the first non-binary person Billy had met, but that doesn't mean they enjoyed it by any means. Riley pulled the hood over their head, braving the rains on their way to the bust stop.

Arriving, they let out a frustrated sigh after checking their phone and realizing they had missed the bus. Being tired and it being late, they decided to walk over to a different bus stop instead of waiting, looking up nearby stops on their phone.

On the way there, they head two people fighting. Riley peeked out, seeing one man lift an arm towards the other man and then a bang. Riley hid around the corner, their heart racing at the sound of a gun. They had just seen someone kill another person, all because they wanted to get home faster.

Riley silently cursed. They could hear footsteps telling them it was time to run. Riley began running, having no place in mind, just knowing they had to get away. They ran into an apartment building, praying the man wouldn't find them.

Pulling their phone out, Riley called 911 and reported what they saw. They were instructed to stay inside, and that cops would be there shortly. Riley gripped tightly onto the phone as the operator disconnected the call, leaving them alone again.

A spirit found its way into the building, causing Riley to jump. Riley had been able to see ghosts for as long as they could remember. They don't discuss it, deciding being non-binary is alienating enough.

"You--you can see me!" The spirit points to Riley.

"No." They shook their head, looking away.

"You just responded to me."

Riley sighed, looking back at him. To them, they are just a shadowy figure outlined in a smoke-like substance. "Is the man gone?"

They can see the man's shadowy fists shift. "The fucker who killed me? Yeah, he's gone."

"I--I called the cops. They'll be here soon."

"I am the cops." The man shakes his shadowy head.

Riley wraps their arms around themselves. "That's not good then."

"I'm Liam." The figure shifted to face Riley fully. "I am-was a detective. What are you?"

Riley shrugs slightly. "Call me what you'd like. I'm just someone who can see you."

"Hm." He made a noise of acknowledgment.

"Stay with me until the cops get here. Please." Riley spoke quietly.

"I found someone who can see me, which sounds like one in a million. You're not getting rid of me anytime soon. Not until that fucker is put into jail."


Eventually, the cops arrive, and Riley walks out to talk to them. They drive them down to the precinct, and they give their witness report. An officer gives them a cup of coffee while they're waiting. Just holding it in their hands helps to ease the nerves.

Now alone in the room, Riley looks over at an impatient Liam. "You should just leave."

"No way. I found my cash cow, and you're not getting rid of me.

Riley let out a frustrated sigh. "What are you expecting from me?"

"I'm obviously not the first ghost you've seen, girl, so tell me, how do I get out of here?"

Riley took a deep breath, looking back over at him."There's no out of this. The only step after this is moving on. And for your information, it's Riley. Just Riley. No 'miss'." They put their hands up. "But I'm not in the business of helping spirits anymore, so you should just leave me alone."

"I've got an eternity, Riley. I'm sticking around until you help me 'move on'."

"Miss Wilson," the officer from earlier opened the door again, "you're free to go. Do you have a way home?"

"No." They shook their head. "I was just going to take a bus."

"I'm about to get off if you'd like a ride home." The man warmly smiled at them.

"That'd be great if you're sure."

"Of course."


Riley said a little thank you to whatever god was out there that they had gotten home safe, though still shaky. Riley sets their things on the counter and greets a lonely Al. He quickly tensed up and began hissing, no doubt at Liam's presence. Riley kneels down, trying to calm the cat down, before turning to Liam once more.

"You should leave! You can't just follow me home."

Liam walked, well floated, into the apartment, sitting down on the couch, putting his hands behind his head. Looking all too comfortable. "I'm sticking around until you help me."

Riley shook their head before heading into the bedroom. Liam followed after them, mocking their apartment and calling it sad. Riley began getting ready for bed before slipping in under the sheets.

"You're welcome to leave at any point. You should exercise that right, Mister Police Man." They turned the lamp off and closed their eyes, do their best to ignore the spirit hovering next to them.


Hey everyone, and thank you for reading my story. I wanna say an apology in advance if I accidentally misgender Riley. I'm still getting used to writing they/them for a character. And I'm still getting used to those pronouns for myself, so be understanding of this, please and know it's not intentional if I mess up. If I do at any point, just point it out, and I'll fix it. Again, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!