
past pain

a monster, that was for them, my family and friends, they were gone, because of me. I became someone who didn't deserve to be named, who deserved to be killed. to go back to another life and relive my past, it was something that one day had to happen.

galleta_setzy · Fantasy
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again part 2

We will always be, we were, that's what my mother said, my mother I remember.

We are all little lost lights, we are lights so greedy that we want to shine more than others.I don't know, maybe if destiny exists, maybe there is what everyone calls past life.

I am Alan de Lempurg and after suffering that accident, I was born again with the same name in another life or world, where magic is real, so similar to a story.

but, come on this is not a reincarnation novel, where he will return at any moment with his parents from his past life! it was a ridiculous idea for anyone., as ridiculous as believing that love at first sight exists.

Everyone believes what they believe, but isn't it a bit absurd? past life? Magic? it was totally ridiculous and it didn't make sense! no matter how you see it!

well, well, suppose this, hypothetically let's say that I went back to a past life, where I have powers, which has not happened yet, but the doctor assured that I would have.

If those powers were to awaken and he, being from another life, time and space, were not able to hire them, it would be a real chaos.

Being the same it was already difficult not to fall into a hole, having powers would be like wanting a donkey to manage to say hello.

Okay, I'm exaggerating, not much but I'm doing it, well I continue, if that were to happen only then, it would be a big problem than the clothes that her mother bought her.

However, how should I act? I'm not ready for this! ...

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Alan de Lempurg, at the age of 2, He was considered the smartest boy in the empire, drawing the attention of the emperor and his sons

although of course, for Alan they were just a couple of slimy kids, though it didn't matter because he always hid from them.

Alan, having lasted two years in that world or in the past, simply decided to adapt, because unlike his previous life, in this his family did not abandon him.

"We are all part of the same path and destiny, and we are tied to cruel humanity"