
Past Life Conqueror

Nero Dekrauf, the man who conquered the whole world was killed by the woman he trusted the most in the end. "If I was capable of love, I would've loved you with all my heart!" Those were the last words that he failed to choke out in his last moments. When he closed his eyes, Nero thought he would wake up in heaven if he were to wake up at all. Although contrary to his expectations he would up alive, in a body that wasn't his own and in a world that he didn't recognize. A world of sword and magic. A new world for him to conquer!

BrimRock · Urban
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15 Chs

8. Paths Of Power!

'Usually, there are only two forms of strength in this world, one is Battle spirit which is ranked from

[Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Knight, General, Monarch, Saint]

With [Saint] being the strongest of course.

Battle spirit is something similar to Qi except here in this world it's not conceptual and can be materialized, the users are called Warriors.

Every Rank is divided further into three sub-parts, [Low, Mid, High].

By the will of the warrior, his vitality or life force can be materialized to construct an armor made of pure energy, sharpen weapons, or make a whole weapon using this energy itself.

Although there are many more uses, I don't know them since this boy did nothing but read books about magic and fantasy with mostly fantasy, even his knowledge about Battle spirit is common, so much so that a magic geek like him knows it so I can't rely on his memories... my memories.

Anyway the second is of course magic, the infamous mana is real here and it can be used to control or create elements. It can also be used in the same manner as Battle spirit, to create or strengthen weapons but it's rather weak compared to it.

Mana is natural and stored in m human's heart or abdomen, heart mana core pump mana the faster so it can travel faster while mana in the abdomen is absorbed in the body first before reaching out so it's slow, although the abdomen has much more capacity.

This capacity could further be increased by mana core compression, a process of repeatedly compressing mana core by surrounding new mana from outside.

While mana core in the abdomen could be compressed in 100 cycles of 100 times, meaning a total of 10 ranks.

Each level has a difference between earth and heavens in terms of both power and mana reserves.

The heart's mana core couldn't be compressed so only people who use a heart as a mana core are either disabled or those who had their abdomen mana core destroyed.

The 6 levels or tiers for mana ranking are

[F, E, D, C, B, A]

then there are 6 more which are High Mage classes with titles:

[Hero(S), Legend (SS), Sage(SS+), King(SSS), Monarch(X), Saint(O)].

Although after Sun God gained World's touch the ranking added two more stages [Immortal(I)] and [God(R)]. No mortal ever known has ascended to God's level or even immortal without a blessing.

The blessing of Solar Gods let it be Sun or Moon, the blessing is like a premium membership that unlocks all the features of using mana... but then what is the price?.'

Kale questioned while summarising his memories of mana and battle spirit all the while walking towards the banquet hall in an extravagant outfit of black leather boots, Navy blue trousers, and a black royal tunic which was decorated with golden lacing, embroidery, and other elements. He also wore a white fur cloak with golden lace buttoning it.

He didn't wear a brooch, as a brooch is something men can wear only if it's gifted by their mother, their lover, or any lady in general.

Although a brooch signifies eternal love so it's not something any lady would give to just anyone.

Still, the very air itself around him was that of royalty, which made her maid who was walking beside him, uncomfortable as she has never seen Kale act so ... royal.

Usually, he would never wear his clothes properly despite him owning the most clothes and accessories out of all the prince and princess, and would walk with a hump, without any confidence at all... but this, this was a sight to behold.

"Why exactly are you blushing" Kale snapped Haze out of her daze.

"I-I am certainly not blushing" Haze denied while looking another way.

"How shameful, to see your master this way, on top of that, the master is the boy you bullied for years haha"

"Th-that's not it master," Haze said with a tint of fear visible in her eyes, unintentionally her hand went to her index finger.

"Yeah whatever, I'm gonna be bored at this banquet, you could at least entertain me a little before that... you could still do that you know? your crying face is hilarious, you wouldn't mind if I break a finger or two of yours, would you now." Kale had a look of madness in his eyes for a moment that made Haze tremble in pure fear, 'Death' is the only thing she could think of.

Although it lasted only a moment it felt like hours to Haze before Kale spoke again before reaching in front of the hall.

"Ha I'm just joking Haze, do you think I would do something to my 'big sister'? do something about your lack of humor, will ya?" However, before Haze could say anything a gentle voice greeted Kale.

"Hello brother," said a girl who looked no more than 13, with silver hair tied in a ponytail and little golden eyes set rooted within their sockets, her soft smooth pale skin seductively compliments her hair, this was the face of Kale's half-sister and the first in line for the throne, the first princess Ambrosia 'Sia' Dè Flazer.

Although the voice was gentle and sweet the face of her's was full of disdain, which immediately made Kale think 'Bitch alert'.

Dressed in a silver velvet gown decorated in golden embroidery and which matched her golden necklace that had white diamonds engraved on it, the most special however were her earrings, which were a gift from the emperor himself, these earrings were made from Pheonix feather which will grant the wearer a second life if they were to die an untimely death, although this would only work if the wearer is not inside a water body.

"Hello dear sister, you look... Not at all gross today"

"Oh my, brother have you finally grown some balls to talk to me like that? deciding to man up after all the years of humiliation" said Sia with a twitching eyebrow

"My my, you're starting to show your true self here sister, I mean I don't have a problem with your dual face personality but you could make at least one of them pretty," Kale said while barely holding his laughter.

Sia calmed herself down before she said "That's rich coming from a thief, say, brother, I heard you went to Silent forest, did you perhaps stash your other stolen items there haha", in a mocking tone.

Those words worked the way Sia wanted, a feeling of rage quelled up inside Kale which even surprised him as he was rarely the one to rage up and all.

The whole reason Kale went to the Silent forest was that her other half-sister the youngest child of the emperor Aisha accused Kale of stealing a brooch from her that she made for Adel, Kale's twin brother.

Sia supported Aisha's accusation all the while knowing he was innocent.

Kale then went to Haze, as she was the only one who could prove where he was at the time of theft.

Although she bullied him for more than 4 years Kale was sure Haze would take her aside and tell them all the truth because he still remembered the time Haze used to be caring and kind like an older sister, but Haze didn't.

She lied about his whereabouts and falsely confessed to seeing the brooch in Kale's room.

Upon inspection, the brooch was indeed found in his room. No one, not even his mother believed him, which led him to run away from the castle to seek solitude but he was brutally killed there.

His punishment would also be announced after the banquet and the emperor is the one to be announcing it.

Remembering all that made Kale boil in rage, but he controlled his emotions for a split second before saying "Yeah you're right sister, I shouldn't have said those words, I'm sorry"

Hearing this shocked Sia not only because Kale didn't lose his composure, but rather his eyes were cold and distant, but above all, they were hostile, almost cruel.

Which was an odd look for the kind-hearted dumb boy Sia was used to.

After all, Sia and Kale used to be so close, but somewhere along the line she took him for granted and started treating him like everyone else, but never in her wildest dreams did she think Kale would show so much contempt towards her.

However, before Sia could muster up any words Kale gestured for Haze to push the banquet hall's door.

Haze who has seen those eyes before knew they were a bad omen so she immediately went to open the door before Sia could say anything else to provoke the already unstable Kale.

Kale immediately followed stepping in through the hall not wanting to spend another second looking at either Haze or Sia's face.

Kale's face was met with the banquet hall's bright lights and as soon as he entered, he heard the voice of yet another 'bitch' "Welcome brother, aren't you a bit too late".