
Past Life Conqueror

Nero Dekrauf, the man who conquered the whole world was killed by the woman he trusted the most in the end. "If I was capable of love, I would've loved you with all my heart!" Those were the last words that he failed to choke out in his last moments. When he closed his eyes, Nero thought he would wake up in heaven if he were to wake up at all. Although contrary to his expectations he would up alive, in a body that wasn't his own and in a world that he didn't recognize. A world of sword and magic. A new world for him to conquer!

BrimRock · Urban
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15 Chs

15. When The Moon Fell

-10 minutes before, On Moon

A shining sun emitting dazzling light was descending towards the moon at an abnormal speed.

'About 20 kilometre huh, that damn Sol was still holding back... well the Moon is done for, I wished to show him the Silver City in all it's might but, this will have to do for now' thought Luna with a bitter smile after using the last bit of his mana in hopes of dealing a fatal blow to the Sun God.

"『Pausae』" chanted Luna while making a hand sign.

Suddenly it seemed like time stopped, anything that was before moving was now suspended in space.

"Come forth [Chandra]" soon as he said that a dark beam traveled through space, from Midlands that resembled Earth, to Moon, which was apparently this planet's only satellite, much like Earth.

The beam was pure darkness, pitch black without any trace of light. As the beam landed on Moon's surface, before Luna, it transformed into Kale, or rather a Kale made of Ethereal, the very same colour his guardian was.

-5 minutes ago, On Midlands

"Show off" Kale said while picking up the card that was left by Minerva.

Soon after a bright light took Kale's attention, the light was coming from the Moon.

Although the Moon here was brighter than the Moon back on Earth, as it's said that Moon has it's own source of light.

"Just what the" Kale exclaimed in shock as he saw the Moon wasn't the source of that extra dazzling light, it was a star. A star that was about to crash on the Moon.

"Luna" Kale's mind went to the man in white after beholding this majestic sight.

Soon after he was darkness enveloped him, even with his eyes open he couldn't see anything, however when the light returned he found that he wasn't on Midlands anymore.

Dead bodies scattered on the ground like flower petals in autumn.

In front of him was a man he was familiar with.

"Luna!?" exclaimed Kale in shock.

Dressed majestic silver armour that was broken in many places showing how much it protected it's wearer, Luna was lying in a reclining position using a big long sword that was sticking into the ground behind him as his back rest.

"What happened to you" with wide eyes Kale asked, after seeing the man who was bleeding from almost everywhere, the wounds on his were uncountable and the light in his eyes was starting to fade.

"Life happened kid, life haha" laughing at his own ridiculous joke that wasn't even funny, the man continued "Now listen I don't habe much time, I will tell you two things and answer you two questions ready?" to which Kale could only nod his head.

"Okay I'll go first, first thing I want to clear up is, you are not the only reincarnatee that was born in this world, there could be few a more like you, the reason being when I pulled your soul from the neither, few other souls got pulled out to, which may or may not have been reincarnated here" the white hair man said while desperately trying to keep his voice from breaking.

Although this greatly shocked Kale, he knew there's not much time and Luna is desperately trying to fight his current condition, so he didn't break Luna's explanation and let him continue.

"Second thing is, when the Moon will be destroyed, a blue cube will be emerged from it's core, now listen here Kale, you will have to protect that cube from Sun God.

"That cube is called [Mana Drive], it holds the purest mana from the time of the creation of the universe, the mana inside it is seemingly infinite, in simple words it's the artefact that can turn a man into a God.

"That is the reason I and all the Moon Gods before me could wield dark element without being corrupted by [Maisma] or [Dark Mana].

"Now just imagine something like that falling into the hands of someone who is already considered a God... well you're smart so I'll leave it at that. Now ask if you have any questions Kale, answering 2 questions is all the time I have though" gestured Luna for Kale to asks his questions

"Okay... so I don't believe in morals but, are you good, why are you described as evil god, are you?" asked Kale in a curious tone.

"Hah would you look at that, you've changed Kale... or rather Nero, in your previous life you would've never asked such mundane questions and would just have thought of power" said Luna with smirk "If I wasn't dying I would've teased you a bit more haha"

"I'm just curious Luna..." commented Kale with a helpless sigh on Luna's remark.

"Yeah yeah, you may call me evil, because in any religion the one who does not comply with the beliefs of God is just evil, the religion of Sun God is supreme and it is compulsory to submit to Sun God's will in his religion.

"But the fools who follow him doesn't even know what is the will of their God that they worship" said Luna with a look of disdain.

"You do know that Sun God tried to bring his dead wife back right?" Kale nodded to Luna's questions "So you also know that he had failed once right?... but what you don't know is that there is still a chance to bring his wife back from the dead" said Luna

"What... how??" Kale questioned

"If he possess the [Mana Drive] of the Moon with addition to the [Mana Drive] of the Sun, he could bring them back... but there is a price to revive the dead... and the price in this case is the life of 19 billion people living on Midlands" said Luna

After Kale let everything sink in he asked his last question "But if he can defeat you then how can I who can't even feel mana--" before however he could finish Luna interrupted

"You can't feel mana yet!!??... wait it's my fault, your soul is so strong, almost as strong as a 30 year old man so you will need an immense ammount of mana to feel the presence..." said Luna hitting his forehead as he forgot such an obvious thing.

"So will I never feel mana?" asked Kale with concern.

He knew that this world is ruled by mana so not feeling it's presence is similar to being disabled.

"You're my descendant, of course you will feel mana, I'll help you... but before that let me answer your question.

"It's true that you can't defeat Sun God right now, so I will give you the time of 15 years. While that Sun was descending upon me, I've used the last bit of my energy to deal a fatal attack on Sun God, it will take about 15 years for him to recover from the wound that would be inflected upon him" said Luna while pointing his finger up, towards the Sun which was suspended in space and the golden hair man who seemed frozen in time.

"Is this your spell... can you control time??" asked Kale looking up for the first time after he was brought here.

"No, Sol or Sun God can control time, I can control space, what I did here is suspend the space itself" said Luna with a little pride in his tone.

"If you can do this, why can't you just avoid the attack all together?" asked Kale.

"Yeah you're right I can do that...YOU DUMMY!!... I would if I could" Luna said while bursting out before going back to normal.

"The time it would take me to dodge the attack of this calibre is way too much for me to maintain this suspended space although if I was able to use my angel..." Luna muttered something before changing the point.

"Anyway listen, 15 years from now, three days after you turn 25, Sun God will came back from recovering, he will emerge from the Sun to take the [Mana Drive] of Moon, you have to stop him then once and for all" said Luna in a serious tone

"Now as to how you will do it, you will inherit my power to control darkness without affecting by Maisma and the [Dark Angel] that you've already inherited, that will put you on par with Sun God"

"Dark Angel?" Kale tilted his head

"Let me explain, every element is said to have a spirit, that spirit is the manifestation of their respective element, you'll know about them in future of and--" before Luna could finish however he coughed blood

*Cough* *Cough* "M-Maybe this is my limit" said Luna before looking at Kale, understanding the gaze Kale widened his eyes

"No no no, I still have many questions, and besides you can teleport me here so why can't you just do--" Luna interrupted Kale

"I didn't teleported you here, you may have not noticed it but you look like a ghost... it's you soul *COUGH* *COUGH* t-that I teleported here" said Luna while holding from coughing more blood.

Upon hearing Luna's comment, Kale looked at himself, he was see through and really did resembled a ghost.

"Now go, and take this" said Luna before taking out a ring from his ring finger and throwing it on Kale.

The ring was immediately absorbed by Kale's body ... or rather his soul.

"So long Kale, although I wish to meet you again in this cycle of death and rebirth, but the concept of rebirth doesn't apply to the people who wield the power of Gods... so I can only wish you best for your life" said Luna with a bittersweet smile that somehow made Kale emotional, even he doesn't understand why.

"Now go" Luna gestured and made hand sign and immediately Kale was turned inthe familiar ray of darkness which travelled to Midlands in a matter if second.

*COUGH* now that Kale was gone, Luna started coughing blood that he was trying to hold back in front of his successor, "Hah... it's finally over for me"

"Go on Kale, live and find your destiny among the stars and once you do that much, take a hold of my legacy and become a legend... wield the power of Gods"

Soon as he said that the light in his eyes faded completely. The space went back to normal and everything started moving again.