
Past Life Conqueror

Nero Dekrauf, the man who conquered the whole world was killed by the woman he trusted the most in the end. "If I was capable of love, I would've loved you with all my heart!" Those were the last words that he failed to choke out in his last moments. When he closed his eyes, Nero thought he would wake up in heaven if he were to wake up at all. Although contrary to his expectations he would up alive, in a body that wasn't his own and in a world that he didn't recognize. A world of sword and magic. A new world for him to conquer!

BrimRock · Urban
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15 Chs

13. Minerva

Kale had the worst dinner he had in both his lives that night, it's not that the dinner was bad in general, only 'his' dinner was bad on intention.

And it's not the first time, as far as Kale could remember from his memories, since his childhood, whenever he was invited to eat with in the dinning hall, his dinner was intentionally served bad everytime.

As soon as the quietest dinner Kale ever had was over and desert was about to be served, a loud scream was heard from outside the hall's gate

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" screamed a maid before entering the hall's gate

Everyone had their attention on her before Emperor spoke "What's with the commotion Denice!?"

"Your majesty the Emperor, outside t-there are t-two d-dead bodies of guards" said the maid while stuttering in shock.

"What nonsense? who would dare to kill our guards" said Mira standing up while slamming the table with her hands.

"Who?? ...I did, I dare kill them, why? were they important by any chance?" said Kale nonchalantly before standing up to face Mira

"Y-You?" asked Mira in shock.

"Nonsense you couldn't even hurt a fly even if you try" commented Sia in disbelief.

"Besides even if you did it, that's a crime, a punishable offence even for a royal to kill their guard without any reason" said Arthur also not believing a word Kale said.

"Oh... then he did it" said Kale after a moment of thinking before pointing towards Adel.

"Nonsense, I don''t even know them" said Adel in denial.

"Earlier you said that you asked them to not open the gate for me right?" said Kale

'"So what? what does that prove?" asked Adel shrugging his shoulders.

"So that means you have their blood on your hand" said Kale while walking towards the exit before equipping the be rapier he used to kill the guards with.

He then dropped the rapier on the marble floor before adding "The first guard made fun of me, a royal whose honour he swore to protect, so I pierced his throat."

"The second guard went even further and tried to pull his sword on me, a Prince born from Emperor's direct blood whom he swore to dedicate his heart to, so I pierced his heart. Both offence were punishable by death hence I brought them to justice, although the real reason they can't ever return to their families, wife, kids and friends is because you thought it would be funny for them to block my way" said Kale while gazing Adel fiercely.

"You dare talk to him this way!!?" said Mira covered in red flames however before she could do anything a laugh resounded in the dining hall.

"Hahaha" laughed Arthur, which was quite a surprise to everyone, because seeing Arthur laugh is rare, once in a scarlet moon rare.

After a minute of his full, he spoke again "You may go Kale, whether this offence is punishable or not will be decided after looking further into the matter".

"But my love-" is all Mira culd say before being subdued Arthur's cold gaze

"Fine, do look into it" said Kale before exiting, leaving his blooded rapier on the floor.

'I-It's not really my fault... right?' is all Adel could think while looking at his hand after what Kale just said to him, 'It's not like I killed them'.

That dinner made an impact on Adel, but the incident also made a statement, statement to all the princes and princesses that Kale has truly changed, for the worse of course.


As soon as Kale entered his room, he was met by a sight of a beautiful blonde girl sitting on his queen sized bed.

"Minerva, so you do value your life" said Kale be before taking a seat on his couch.

"So kind of you to not only remember by name but also my disguise" said Minerva in a melodious voice with a distant smile, totally not ignoring Kale's remark about her life.

"So do you have what I asked for?" Kale asked with a serious expression while leaning forward.

"Yes, there's nothing ordinary about the Archduke Grent Victorian or his family on the outside, but actually Jason Dè Flazer, Emperor's left hand and his blood brother had an affair with Brella Victorian, the wife of Duke Victorian"

"And let me guess, the result of the said affair was Angus, Angus Victorian" said Kale with one hand on his chin

"Y-Yes" said Minerva praising Kale's quick wittedness in her mind, before continuing "Anyway, under normal circumstances the bastards of the royal family are to be housed in the outer mansion of the royal castle, but that is only when the child inherits the golden eyes of royalty"

"And Angus doesn't have that" said Kale cutting Minerva off

"And Agnus doesn't have that, so not only he was born out of an affair between a royal and a noble, he doesn't have any birthright to claim, not only that, although awakened as a mage, he doesn't have a very strong affinity for mana, at the time he's just a mid level E even after two years, thus he bears the title of 'Trash', not many people knows of this affair so the information was hard to dug out" said Minerva in a rather prideful tone.

"Yeah you did good Minerva, anything else?" asked Kale

"No, besides the fact that Duke favours his second born more than his firstborn who actually isn't even his blood, and that despite belonging to one of the strongest mage bloodline Angus have low affinity for cultivating mana, nothing is suspicious on the outside, this is all for my report" said Minerva before bowing.

"Very well, you may go... but before that let me remind you that---" before Kale could finish his sentence he was cut short by Minerva

"That this should remain between us, don't worry royal highness, I do treasure my life as you said earlier, and if you have any work for me, just tear this card and I'll come to your location" said Minerva before dropping a golden card on the ground and disappearing into thin air right after

"Show off" said Kale while picking up the card and putting it inside his pocket "How did she pass the security anyway?".


While Kale was still wondering about such mundane things, there was a battle happening between two men on a battlefield. Although the battlefield was originally white, now it was all red, drenched with the blood of countless soldiers laying lifelessly on the ground while.

Upon closer inspection one could see that a planet very similar to Earth was visible in the back ground.

"Your legacy will die with you Luna" said a man with golden hair and golden eyes with sharp features

"Is that so Sol, how are you so sure about that?" mocked Luna

"Because I will make sure you will end tonight" said Sol before picking up his axe from the ground while Luna materialised a silver sword.

""HAAAAAAGHHH!!"" the men screamed their battle cry before rushing towards one another, hell bent to claim the life of the other one.