
Past Life Conqueror

Nero Dekrauf, the man who conquered the whole world was killed by the woman he trusted the most in the end. "If I was capable of love, I would've loved you with all my heart!" Those were the last words that he failed to choke out in his last moments. When he closed his eyes, Nero thought he would wake up in heaven if he were to wake up at all. Although contrary to his expectations he would up alive, in a body that wasn't his own and in a world that he didn't recognize. A world of sword and magic. A new world for him to conquer!

BrimRock · Urban
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15 Chs

10. I Was Right!

'I was right!' shouted Kale in his mind. No matter how much he searched about the guardian that Luna bestowed on him.

He searched in the royal library and in the Empire records in the last few hours he came back to the castle.

He could not find a single line mentioning anything about Ethereal guardians, all he could find was a book called "Aether".

Kale searched that book for a clue and all he could find was that 'Aether' is 'Ether' is some higher form of magic and old people used to practice that magic instead of mana.

That's how they developed technology like [Dimensional ring] and [Portal gales].

Their magic is now being called Arcane magic and not many people know how to use it now. Those who do, however, never reveal themselves out in public.

Although, all that was not his concern but Kale was now sure that the Ethereal guardian bestowed on him by Moon God Luna is an abnormality in this world.

There could also be the reason that his case was special and only he had one of those, but Kale highly doubted it.

That's because Kale had deducted that Haze could see the guardian making it clear that the mages could not only see it, but the way she acted, made it very obvious that she either saw something like that somewhere else or at the very least knew something about it.

Also when now when he's pushed to the ground by a red Ethereal hand very similar to Kale's guardian, Sia and Aisha weren't surprised because they can't see it.

That means he was right, people without mana can't see guardians. That's the reason Mark was shocked while Braun was hesitant because Braun can use mana even though not as good as mages but he was awakened.

'Now I have to kill my first human in this world' Kale clicked his tongue while pinned down on the ground.

Why Kale did do what he did? because Kale had a theory and he acted on his speculation.

He speculated that either the guardian is a spell or that it can only be inherited by someone, for example eating the one who possesses it... yes that was his theory, one of the genius minds of his century.

Then of course it could also be just a wrong guess as there were many things Kale didn't know about this world but Kale likes to gamble.

So Kale played his gamble and angered the Emperor in hopes that he would use his guardian, that is if he had one.

He thought that because if in the whole kingdom someone can possess such powerful skill then it can only be him.

Anyone else will be beheaded before they could mature that power.

Every month at least one child loses their life, their crime you ask? possessing a gift that could threaten the stability of the Empire or in short, be a threat to Emperor in the future.

He knew Arthur wouldn't use excessive bloodlust to make him kneel as that will result in a massacre of all the nobles present here.

Kale also knew he wouldn't use force as that would be beneath him.

He guessed all this from the memories he had of his 'father'.

His gamble was that either Arthur will use a spell to make him kneel to show his dominance or the guardian if he had one.

Kale, however, was right, the Emperor indeed had a guardian making it crystal clear that the guardian he had is a rarity, the proof is not mentioning it in Empire records.

In Empire records spells and gifts of every Emperor and Kings are recorded, although it does leave out some rare spells or gifts that only Emperor possess.

It is recorded in Kingdom records that Arthur is a triple elemental mage, he had mastered mana utilization till [Monarch] tier and martial arts till [Saint] tier, but he also had a gift that only some knew about which is called [Mana revoke].

Some people possess gifts in this world, and [mana revoke] is a gift that can nullify mana and manga-based attacks.

That means in Arthur's presence mighty mages are just normal humans. Making Emperor Arthur one of the strongest beings in this world.

But nothing was recorded in Kingdom records about him being able to manifest a red Ethereal arm, which means Ethereal Guardians are rare.

Although right now when Kale's goal of investigating whether the emperor has a guardian or not was met he instantly started acting and apologizing.

"Your imperial majesty I'm sorry, I am a fool for I dare challenge your authority, please forgive me, forgive your blood" saying things like that left a bad taste in Kale's mouth but that was the only thing he could do, he wasn't stupid enough to show his guardian when he didn't know the first thing about it.

Besides no matter what he does, Kale knew from his experience the man in front of him is a mountain peak he could not reach just yet.

*tsk* Arthur clicked his tongue lightly feeling disappointed in both Kale and himself for judging him incorrectly, he thought Kale has finally manned up but how wrong he was.

Without bothering to say anything Arthur retracted his guardian's arm along with the bloodlust and continued walking towards the stage like nothing happened, with both princesses following him behind.

All the nobles tried their best to stop their laughter, they thought the prince had gone insane while actually, he was just acting tough, although Haze knew better, being as quick-witted as she is.

She already understood what Kale did. Kale made Emperor reveal his weapon without anyone noticing, the way he manipulated Arthur himself and risked his life made Haze quiver in fear.

Every passing second made her realize maybe this wasn't the innocent boy she knew for years.

From the way he acted to the way he carried himself, everything about him was different, but the way he talked about the past, and the anger she felt in his eyes were genuine.

"Rise," said the Emperor in an authoritative voice.

Everyone including Kale got up and waited for Emperor to speak again.

"This banquet is held for my son and your prince, as he will turn 10 tonight at 12', so I ask you all to rejoice and welcome, the 3rd prince of the Flazeret, one of the Light bringers, Adel Dé Flazer." as soon as the Emperor finished his rather short speech the royal guard announced another royal entry.

"His imperial highness, the 3rd prince Adel Dé Flazer along with 2nd prince Charles Dé Flazer and 1st prince Louis Dé Flazer are making his appearance"

As soon as the guard finished this announcement a group of three boys no older than 10 years old appeared through the giant golden door.

The boy in front was Adel Dé Flazer, dressed in a white tunic, blue trousers, and blue fur coat, adorned with golden jewels that matched his golden crystal eyes, the most noticeable jewels, [Pheonix feather] were used in making two brooches that he wore though.

One was from his mother, 2nd wife of the emperor, Mira 'Firewitch' Dé Flazer, and another was from her half-sister the 5th princess Aisha Dé Flazer.

Behind him on his left was a chubby boy Charles Dé Flazer blood brother of Sia. Age 12, not awakened yet.

And Louis Dé Flazer of age 12, awakened 5 months ago.

Dressed in royal outfits befitting princes, these twin brothers had the air of nobility around them.

Although as noble and royal as these two looked, they were just the side characters making the third prince look special right now.

People present there applauded for the prince's royal appearance, as the Emperor took his place on his throne situated at the top end of the stage he gestured to Adel to make his speech.

"Thank you all for accepting our invitation, my people mean the most to me and I am so glad that the night before receiving the blessing of the Sun God I will be celebrating my birthday with the people I care for".

The speech was obviously prepared ahead of time and by someone else but the nobles present there applauded again upon hearing those sweet words.

"That's our Prince!!!"

"I will die at your command"

"Live long prince Adel"

Cheers like that resounded through the banquet hall before Adel said "Let the banquet begin!"