
Passing Love

Death would kill anyone or anything he touched almost instantly. while he sat in that patch of dead grass near a tree he noticed something. she shined bright and she was gorgeous. What ever she touched flourished. Death was in love with Life. What would happen if death were to touch her would they ever be together?

Kira_Yuki_56 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Kiss of Death

Life leaned in and wrapped her arms around me. Our lips touched. Her's soft and warm. I kissed her back it was the best 3 seconds of my life. I wrapped my arms around her and in that moment she was gone.

Nothing but a pile of ashes left. I stared at it as I felt a tear roll down my face and onto the ashes. I covered my face and fell to my knees. I cried for the first time in my life, I cried.

I felt something touch my shoulder it was warm but it was like it wasn't there. I looked up to see a white silhouette of Life. A wave of guilt, happiness, and confusion washed over me.

"its okay Death, i'm okay" She smiled through her tears. I wiped away a tear from her face and stood up. I kissed her she seemed a little suprised at first but wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. It was warm I felt my heart beating as a sensation pulsed through me. I had never been as happy as I am now.

There was a way. I was wrong. There was a way for us to be together. She never left me she may be a spirit now but she was still there with me she never left.